How to use in-sentence of “Civil law”

How to use in-sentence of “Civil law”:

– However, several European countrycountries with civil law have made changes to allow consumer organizations to bring claims on behalf of consumers.

– In some countries, someone violating copyright law will be sued only to the civil law courts but other countries they can also be charged by criminal courts.

– It influenced all other former French Colonycolonies which base their civil law systems on the Napoleonic Code.

– Punitive damages in most civil law countries are not awarded.

– Marriage by the civil law is presently available to same-sex couples at any place in some countries.

– Different laws are found in civil law countries such as France or Germany.

– It is older than the common and European civil law traditions.

– In the civil law civil law systems personal property is often called movable property or movables – any property that can be moved from one location to another.

How to use in-sentence of Civil law
How to use in-sentence of Civil law

Example sentences of “Civil law”:

– In civil law governments, judges do not generally have much power, and most of the laws and legal precedent are created by Members of Parliament.

– In civil law civil law the person who files the case against another person is called the petitioner or plaintiff.

– The origin of the civil law system of law is ancient Rome.

– In civil law countries a suspect may be questioned by police and the judiciary.

– After completing a Bachelor of Civil Law degree, he was made a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford in November 1743.

– He earned a doctorate at the University of Bologna in 1948 and a doctorate in canon and civil law at the Pontifical Lateran University.

– China, while a civil law country, has followed much of the US Federal Rules of Evidence in their ” Uniform Provisions of Evidence”.

– Please contact a local bar association, law society or similar association of jurists in your legal jurisdiction to obtain a referral to a competent legal professional if you do not have other means of contacting an attorney-at-law, lawyer, civil law notary, barrister or solicitor.

– He was the deputy dean of the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration, held the chair of Civil Law at the Catholic University of Lublin and a member of the Scientific Society of Lublin.

– The curriculum got bigger quickly, and by 1399 the institution had divided in two: a “Universitas Iuristarum” for Civil law civil law and Canon law, and a “Universitas Artistarum” which taught astronomy, dialectic, philosophy, grammar, medicine, and rhetoric.

– The rules and principles of civil law are found in codes which are available to both citizens and legal professionals.

– The right to a jury trial in Civil law civil cases is found in the United States but in very few other places.

- In civil law governments, judges do not generally have much power, and most of the laws and legal precedent are created by Members of Parliament.

- In civil law civil law the person who files the case against another person is called the petitioner or plaintiff.

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