How to use in sentence of “chicken”

How to use in-sentence of “chicken”:

– Since Janice ate a chicken sandwich, a meal that has meat in it, Janice is therefore not a vegetarian.

– Once, Chicken was enticed by Fox for his eating.

– Popeyes Louisiana Chicken, known simply as Popeyes, is a fried chicken fast food franchise.

– Another good example of his methods comes from the “Generation of Animals” in which Aristotle describes breaking open fertilized chicken eggs at intervals to observe when visible organs were generated.

– Other ingredients may also be added, such as pork, Chicken chicken, beef, shrimp, and tofu.

– They also eat fried chicken with deep-fried basil leaves.

Chickenpox, also known as chicken pox, is a disease.

– In some cultures and religions turkey or chicken instead.

How to use in sentence of chicken
How to use in sentence of chicken

Example sentences of “chicken”:

– In the United States, tandoori chicken started appearing on menus by the 1960s.

– It is made with chicken breast meat in a fryfried coating made from bread crumbs.

– Sometimes, tendon, tripe, meatballs, chicken leg, chicken breast, or other organs are also available.

– Meat pies with fillings such as steak and cheese, steak and kidney piesteak and kidney, minced beef or chicken and mushroom are popular in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand as take-away snacks.

– This is because KFC bought their soy they use for chicken food from Cargill.

– It is a plate of chicken served with rice cooked in chicken oil.

Chicken Tikka Masala is a curry that is made up of roasted marinated chicken in a curry sauce full of spices.

– Sometimes chicken and fish are used for some styles.

– The chicken eggshell is 95-97% calcium carbonate crystals, which are held together by a protein matrix.

– It is prepared by roasting chicken marinated in yogurt and spices.

– Other combinations up to and including a whole chicken are also available.

– It is similar to the greater prairie chicken but is slightly smaller and paler in color.

– His most famous recipe is Chicken Curry in brandy.

– Wendy’s menu is mostly hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, French fries and beverages.

– A male chicken is called a rooster or a cockerel.

– Church’s is the 4th largest fried chicken franchise in the United States, the largest being Kentucky Fried Chicken.

– A female chicken is called a hen; a young chicken is called a chick.

- In the United States, tandoori chicken started appearing on menus by the 1960s.

- It is made with chicken breast meat in a fryfried coating made from bread crumbs.

More in-sentence examples of “chicken”:

- Other tests have been developed which can replace the Draize test for many applications: First there is a test that uses chicken eggs.

- A Doner can be made from lamb, chicken or beef.
- However, you can catch chicken pox through direct contact with someone who has shingles, by touching the area of the rash.

– Other tests have been developed which can replace the Draize test for many applications: First there is a test that uses chicken eggs.

– A Doner can be made from lamb, chicken or beef.

– However, you can catch chicken pox through direct contact with someone who has shingles, by touching the area of the rash.

– First, Cow and Chicken have gone to a farm, and after eating too many potatoes, their parents suggest that they have some protein.

– Cole won an Emmy Award for her role as Chicken George’s wife, Matilda in the 1977 miniseries “Roots Roots”.

– It is very common for big decorations to look like the animal for the new year, so that 2017 had Rooster and Chicken pictures and statues and 2018 will have Dogs.

– In the Northeastern United States or the Midwest, chicken strips are often made by way of Egg egg batter and have smooth texture.

– But Chicken ran away luckily.

– In February 2012, T-ara became models for the chicken franchise Brilliant Chicken.

Chicken tikka is made up of boneless pieces of chicken marinated in spices and yogurt, then roasted in an oven.

– NASA is testing biodiesel made from chicken fat to fuel their airplanes.

– Cruel, MaNgadi is told to kill a chicken and cook it and feed it to Kayise’s father so that he can kill Kayise, while Nkosana is busy dealing with drugs.

– Larry Rohter in his July 9, 2010 review in “The New York Times” describes Twain as a Colonel Sanders without the chicken who told stories, whose books “Huck Finn” and “Tom Sawyer” he had to read in high school.

– In 2016, KFC began serving hot chicken in its restaurants across the United States.

– They are raiding the chicken coop.

– It goes with fish, duck, and chicken dishes, as well as with fried eggplant.

– Typical Singaporean food includes: Satay, Nasi lemak, Chilli crab, and Hainanese chicken rice.

– One popular noodle soup, “Guay Teow” is made from rice noodles or egg noodles with beef, pork, and chicken stock.

– Sometimes they are combined with some form of chicken or pork.

– Sally might trade some of her chicken eggs for the wool.

– The movie also shows the fourth Aqua Teen, a chicken nuggett named Chicken Bittle, voiced by Bruce Campbell.

– Most usually it is the chicken and its Egg eggs, but people often also eat geese, turkeys and ducks.

– Physical remains of chicken bones have also been found along with burn marks.

– Because of the low cost, chicken meat is one of the most used kinds of meat in the world.

– He ate fruits, vegetables, wholemeal bread, chicken broth, cheese and yogurt.

– Tandoori chicken started in the Punjab as a dish.

– Domino’s menu has pizza, pasta, oven-baked sandwiches, chicken wings, boneless chicken, salads, breadsticks, cheesesticks, and a variety of desserts.

– Pasteur’s later work on diseases included work on chicken cholera.

– Most of the chicken eggs sold for human consumption are unfertilized.

– Century eggs can also be made from quail or chicken eggs.

– In 1942, Levi-Montalcini experimented on chicken embryos to study how cells were made.

– After that hang a spear above your bed, and let free all the chicken from their roosts.

– The movie ends with all watching the chicken race crying a single tear, all except for Allison and Cry-Baby, who has finally let go of the past, enabling him to cry from both eyes.

– In 2014, McDonald’s in Europe used chicken meat which was produced by using genetically modified animal feed, which it had not done since 2001.

– It is also found in many high-protein food products such as Chicken chicken, turkey, fish, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, peanuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, soy products, lima beans, avocados, bananas and eggs.

– In an effort to get their hair back, men have tried “cures” like applying strange lotions or even having their heads packed in chicken manure.

– Some “light” salami might add turkey or chicken to reduce both fat and calories.

– Both kinds are often filled with minced pork and bok choy and served in chicken soup, but restaurants sometimes have as many as 50 different fillings.

– Shingles is a viral disease produced by the varicella zoster virus, the same virus that causes chicken pox.

– Some of my favorite foods include Jollof rice, Mandazi and fried chicken as well as fries.

– The franchise, which used to be called Popeyes Chicken Biscuits, consists of over 2,600 restaurants in over 40 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and over 30 other countries worldwide.

– They are like a chicken but much bigger.

– The Shanghainese kind of white cut chicken prefers “triple yellow” chickens with yellow beaks, skin, and feet.

– For this reason, persons with shingles are advised to limit contact with those who are not immune to chicken pox, those with increased risk are young children and pregnant women.

– Chuckie catches the chicken pox, which spreads to the other Rugrats, and they worry about turning into chickens.

– Also, McDonald’s menu has now become a semi-icon as in a menu that has like a chicken burger.

– It is made of chicken and vegetables.

– Then Bear seeked Chicken and called Bees to chase Fox.

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