How to use in-sentence of “capitalize”

How to use in-sentence of “capitalize”:

+ Use title case, in which every important word is capitalized, to capitalize the title of a major work such as a book, volume, journal, or newspaper.

+ One of the reasons they gave was that Gambia could be confused with Zambia, which was a new name to the international community at the time.” However, in running text the present Gambian government generally does not capitalize the “the”, and in captions it drops the “the” altogether.

+ Next, to capitalize on the social drinking of upperclass Boston, Kennedy purchased a third bar in an upscale East Boston hotel, the Maverick House.

+ The homonym capitalize is a different word, and means “to fully fund as an investment”.

+ In order to capitalize on the growing popularity of comic books—especially those starring superheroes—Goodman created Timely Comics.

How to use in-sentence of capitalize
How to use in-sentence of capitalize

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