How to use in-sentence of “cantonment”

How to use in-sentence of “cantonment”:

+ Among them Sukkur city and new Sukkur are urban centre while Pano Akil is famous for having one of largest military cantonment of the country.

+ Govt of the Punjab, 1884, p 211 When the Hazara region was annexed to British India in 1849, the then District Commissioner Major James Abbott decided to build a cantonment town which was founded in 1853 as Abbottabad; Gazetteer, p.35 and at that time, a smaller military station or tented garrison was set up close to Kakul.

+ The hospital was established in 1821, when the first General Hospital was located in the cantonment for British militaryBritish troops near the Singapore River.

+ Khaled Hossain studied at Adamjee Cantonment Public School College.

+ This is considering it was the site of the first cantonment of the British East India Company.

How to use in-sentence of cantonment
How to use in-sentence of cantonment

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