How to use in-sentence of “cane”

How to use in-sentence of “cane”:

+ Andouille makers smoke the sausages over pecan wood and sugar cane for a maximum of seven or eight hours, at about 175 degrees Fahrenheit.

+ On April 12, 1945, Sherman was shot in the knee, forcing him to walk with a cane for the rest of his life.

+ Hidden by trees, the Magnolia Plantation Magnolia Plantation is located in the Cane River Creole National Historical Park.

+ The main economic activity of the province is farming; the main products are Cacao treecacao, African oil palm around El Valle, and sugar cane south of Hato Mayor.

+ Nearly 80 years ago, a group of 102 cane toads were sent to Queensland to catch sugar beetles.

+ In this way, many kinds of useful plants can be easily reproduced without any seeds, for example: apple, avocado, banana, cacao, hemp, Orange orange/lemon, date, fig, grape, almond, pineapple, potato, strawberry, sugar cane and tea.

+ The economy is largely based on agriculture, its main exports are sugar cane and manioc.

+ Sugar cane is also grown here.

How to use in-sentence of cane
How to use in-sentence of cane

Example sentences of “cane”:

+ Hitting children with a cane or a stick was a common punishment if the child did something wrong.

+ The confluence of rivers and other water sources make the region a natural output of crops such as sugar cane and animal breeding.

+ The Caribs did not allowed Europeans to settle in Saint Vincent until 1719 when some French people came from Martinique and began to grow coffee, tobacco, indigo, cotton and sugar cane with the help of African slaves.

+ The colihue cane was used by the Mapuches Indians to make instruments and as lances during the War of Arauco.

+ Quolls are threatened by eating toxic cane toadcane toads, but a University of Sydney project is teaching them not to eat them.

+ But the factory closed and sugar cane is not grown any more.

+ The brown huntsman spider, also known as the giant crab spider or the cane spider, is a species of spider.

+ The main economic activity of the province is agriculture; the main products are coffee in the mountains and plantain and sugar cane in the valley of the river Yaque del Sur.

+ Haitian Voodoo is obviously from the Fon people of Benin, when they came in large numbers as slaves to work in plantations as maids, farmers, and sugar cane cutters have kept their traditions strong and alive till this day after 300 years away from their original home.

+ Plants used in this manner include citrus fruits, vines of the genera “Piper, dumb cane and custard apple.

+ Hitting children with a cane or a stick was a common punishment if the child did something wrong.

+ The confluence of rivers and other water sources make the region a natural output of crops such as sugar cane and animal breeding.

+ In the United States where processed sugarcane syrup is used as a sweetener in food and beverage manufacturing, the Food and Drug Administration considers “evaporated cane juice” to be a misleading term for “sugar” on product labels.

+ In the last years of the 19th century, during the war of independence in Cuba, many Cuban and United StatesAmerican companies came to the Dominican Republic to grow sugar cane and to produce sugar.

+ At the age of 14, Pierre started a protest by sugar cane workers.

+ Many towns in New England still carry on the “Boston Post” cane tradition with the original canes they were awarded in 1909.

+ Sio became a father in 2019, and on 30th May, he published his first videogame “Super Cane Magic ZERO – Legend of the Cane Cane“.

+ Sugar cane or starch.

+ A sword cane was a long thin steel blade encased in a sheath.

More in-sentence examples of “cane”:

+ The cotton, tobacco, and sugar cane harvested by slaves became important exports for the United States and the Caribbean countries.

+ The "Boston Post" Cane was an award given by many New England towns to their oldest citizen.
+ The Cane Corso is highly intelligent, very trainable, and has a stable temperament.

+ The cotton, tobacco, and sugar cane harvested by slaves became important exports for the United States and the Caribbean countries.

+ The “Boston Post” Cane was an award given by many New England towns to their oldest citizen.

+ The Cane Corso is highly intelligent, very trainable, and has a stable temperament.

+ Maceió originated from a sugar cane engine where initially a village increased around it.

+ The local Tower Hill Sugar Factory handles all of the country’s sugar cane output.

+ It is a pest species because it can destroy cane fields.

+ Some of the main crops include citrus, wheat, rice, and sugar cane which are exported to the other cities as well as internationally.

+ Sugar cane stems are a major source of sugar.

+ This can include using a wheelchair, a cane or walking stick, hearing aids, a teletypewriter and using specially designed software and hardware for the personal computer.

+ After Numbuh 5 defeats Stickybeard the mysterious person is revealed to be Numbuh 5’s older sister Cree, who while once used to be a KND operative now works for the Delightful Children From Down the Lane and Father, then after she traps Numbuh 5 under Stickybeard she takes his candy cane peg leg and leaves.

+ Grogue, or sugar cane liquor, is manufactured on the islands and is a popular drink, particularly among the men.

+ A candy cane is a hard cane-shaped candy stick.

+ In the 16th century, sugar cane was grown near the mouth of the river to produce sugar.

+ Tough and always moving into new areas, the cane toads started reproducing and expanding outwards every wet season.

+ In Brazil, ethanol fuel made from sugar cane provides 18 percent of the country’s fuel for cars.

+ After nearly being pinned, The Sheik hit Windham in the head with Blassie’s cane as the referee had his back turned.

+ The candy cane is a traditional candy of the Christmas holiday in the United States, but you can find them during the rest of the year.

+ The main works are: “plain old man”, “into the fiery struggle”, “to young citizens”, “Pengcheng Wanli”, “general trilogy”, “sugar cane forest – blue gauze”, “Kunlun line”.

+ The drink is sweetened with cane sugar.

+ Sugar cane and Cacao treecacao are the most important crops.

+ The Mossman Central Mill is the only sugar mill in the area; turns the cane into sugar.

+ This breed is closely related to the Cane Corso.

+ It was used as a sweetener before the arrival in Europe of cane sugar.

+ Already some Australian crows have learned strategies allowing them to feed on cane toads, such as using their beak to flip toads onto their back.

+ Yatsuhashi is made from rice flour, soybean flour, sesame, sugar cane and a lot of cinnamon.

+ Sugar cane is the largest cash crop grown in Cuba, and it brings in most of the money.

+ The Cane Corso has been used to hunt animals such as wild boar.

+ Stephen sent him “Way Down South, Where the Cane Grows”.

+ It is holding two stalks of sugar cane that are crossed to resemble St..

+ When a recipient dies, the cane passes to a successor who is the town’s next oldest living resident.

+ He wears a green suit with a big purple question mark on it and also a cane with a question mark on it.

+ A cane toad is one of the non-human characters in Dave Barry’s 1999 novel “Big Trouble” and in the 2002 movie based on the novel.

+ Brooks grabbed his cane and knocked Sumner onto the Senate floor.

+ Introduced fauna including the Bubalus bubalisWater Buffalo, wild pig and more recently, the Cane Toad have had major effects on habitat.

+ Sugar cane farming is a major crop around Mossman.

+ The insects were native to Australia, but bad for the valuable cane crops.

+ West of Giläzi, the Xızı road goes through semi-desert landscapes known as the Candy Cane Mountains.

+ It started in 1991 after cane toads came to Australia and caused problems there.

+ During this period cane the long struggle between Sparta and Athens, and the wars between the Greeks and the Persians.

+ Number of this forest marsupial have dropped because they have tried to eat the introduced poisonous cane toads.

+ Some crops are sugar cane and fruits like orange.

+ They include: hares, rats, ground squirrels and cane rats, lizards, snakes, and birds that build their nests on the ground, like francolins and bustards.

+ The county got its name for Civil War soldier Orloff Norton, who was killed at Cane Hill, Arkansas in 1864.

+ The cane toad is a species of toad.

+ This is because the Cane Corso breed is first and foremost highly protective of its owner.

+ In the 19th and 20th centuries, sugar cane was the most important crop grown close to the River Ozama.

+ The British established a sugar cane industry in the 1860s.

+ Sugar cane was grown around the city Esperanza where there was a sugar factory.

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