How to use in sentence of “cameraman”

How to use in-sentence of “cameraman”:

+ Dutton, Ryan’s delegation included relatives of Temple members, Don Harris Don Harris, an NBC network news reporter, an NBC cameraman and reporters for various newspapers.

+ In one incident, a person enticed to steal an expensive car which was then filled with foam spotted the cameraman filming and stabbed him in the leg with a screwdriver.

+ Eduard Admetlla i Lázaro was a Spanish scuba diver, underwater cameraman and photographer.

+ Then, the director tells the actors what to do and a cameraman takes motion pictures of them with a motion picture camera.

+ A cameraman or camera operator, is the person who takes motion pictures of the actors in a movie with a motion picture camera.

+ The first flight from Mascot was on 19 November 1919 when Love took movie cameraman Billy Marshall up in an Avro.

How to use in sentence of cameraman
How to use in sentence of cameraman

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