How to use in-sentence of “bulk”

How to use in-sentence of “bulk”:

– Its apparently high bulk density suggests a very solid body entirely without internal porosity or traces of water.

– Since their introduction, rail freight has primarily moved to fixed-rate bulk freight traffic and intermodal freight operations which reduce or remove the need for shunting, therefore only a few class 08 locomotives remain in service today.

– Paulo Rodrigues Bulk is a former Brazilian football player.

– Oroville is a city in the northern bulk of the Okanagan Highlands in north-central Washington Washington, United States.

– Other less central research areas include the mathematical description of bulk chemistry in various phases.

– If one accepts the claim, the Ross Dependency comprises the bulk of the territory of New Zealand, far larger than the North Island and the South Island combined.

– Conditioned by the clientele, the bulk of his production is made up of works of a religious nature destined for Sevillian churches and convents, but unlike other great Spanish masters of his time, he also cultivated genre painting on a continuous and independent basis.

– The bulk of the population is from the general caste, 8% from the Scheduled caste and scheduled tribes.

How to use in-sentence of bulk
How to use in-sentence of bulk

Example sentences of “bulk”:

– Although these six elements make up nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids and thus the bulk of living matter, it is possible in theory that some other elements in the periodic table might serve the same functions.

– Aware that his force was being outflanked, Leonidas dismissed the bulk of the Greek army, and remained to guard the rear with 300 Spartans, 700 Thespians, 400 Thebans and perhaps a few hundred others.

– Polymers describe the bulk property.

– If so, they could not compete by sheer bulk as mammals are often able to do.

– The reason for requesting a move to Sharia was: Per WP:COMMONNAME, as the standard term used by the bulk of RSs on the subject.

– Diamonds have the highest hardness of any bulk material.

– Before 1913, the bulk of federal revenues came from indirect taxes on goods.

– The layer of metallic hydrogen makes up the bulk of each planet, and is referred to as “metallic” because the very high pressure turns hydrogen into an electrical conductor.

– The bulk of the infobox is generated by blocks of numbered parameters:.

– On 20 May 1988, the bulk carrier “Korean Star” ran aground in bad weather near Cape Cuvier, within the port limits of Carnarvon.

- Although these six elements make up nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids and thus the bulk of living matter, it is possible in theory that some other elements in the periodic table might serve the same functions.

- Aware that his force was being outflanked, Leonidas dismissed the bulk of the Greek army, and remained to guard the rear with 300 Spartans, 700 Thespians, 400 Thebans and perhaps a few hundred others.
- Polymers describe the bulk property.

– An oil tanker, also known as a petroleum tanker, is a ship made for the bulk transport of oil.

– Often the presence, absence or variation of minute quantities of secondary elements and compounds in a bulk material will have a great impact on the final properties of the materials produced, for instance, steels are classified based on 1/10 and 1/100 weight percentages of the carbon and other alloying elements they contain.

– As a result, ballet companies either buy shoes in bulk or give shoe allowances for their dancers.

– The Moon has a bulk composition closely resembling the Earth’s mantle and crust together, without the Earth’s core.

– The second is his neutral theory, the idea that the bulk of molecular evolutionary changes are driven by mutation and random chance, rather than by natural selection.

– In 1940, the Germans with the bulk of their armoured force in Panzer Group von Kleist achieved a breakthrough at Sedan with air support.

– Brenner chose this 1 millimeter-long soil roundworm mainly because it is simple, is easy to grow in bulk populations, and turned out to be convenient for genetic analysis.

– Burlap is often sewn into large sacks for packing and shipping bulk foods such as dried beans and grains.

More in-sentence examples of “bulk”:

– After legal battles which lasted until her death, the bulk of her inheritance was eventually recovered.

– It is the thick bulk between enamel and pulp.

– Tourism related activities are extensive and make the bulk of Algarve’s economy during summer time.

– At Cornell her thesis studied evidence of bulk rotation in the universe.

– Losses of muscle bulk and muscle twitches may be seen.

– It was probably a very weak swimmer, unable to move its bulk against a swift current, and probably avoided smaller streams.

– The majority of physical chemistry concepts relate to bulk properties rather than to molecular/atomic structure alone.

– In contrast, “bound current” arises in the context of bulk materials that can be magnetized and/or polarized.

– Specifically, it is the bulk transfer of electrical power from the power plant to substations near populated areas.

– Shovels and spades are used to clear away bulk debris.

– The bulk of the work is done.

– Conch shells are occasionally used as a building material, either in place of bricks or as bulk for landfill.

– The microstructure and bulk rheology of human cervicovaginal mucus are remarkably resistant to changes in pH.

– In 1982, his district was eliminated in redistricting, and the bulk of its territory was merged with the Staten Island-based district of freshman Republican Guy Molinari, who defeated him in the general election that year.

– In particular, it can be used to calculate the thermodynamic properties of bulk materials from the spectroscopic data of individual molecules.

– But Hull is still a major port sending bulk goods and commercial road traffic by RORO ferry to and from the NetherlandsDutch ports of Rotterdam and Zeebrugge and on to Europe.

– Cosmic bulk flow and the local motion from Cosmicflows-2.

– Baade and Zwicky suggested that the release of the gravitational binding energy of the neutron stars powers the supernova: “In the supernova process, mass in bulk is annihilated”.

– Although the bulk of his playing career was as the third baseman and second baseman of the Cincinnati Reds, he also played for the Chicago Cubs and with the Chicago White Sox.

– The enormous bulk of Klump the Kremling landed on top of Diddy, knocking him senseless.

– Its bulk density and mass are not known but assuming that it mean density is like that of Amalthea kg.

– This construction equipment is used for levelling the soil layer, digging trenches, as well as for transporting bulk cargo.

– It involves designing equipment to handle dry materials in their bulk form.

– Barges carrying bulk and heavy cargoes continue to be viable.

– If these spins all align then the solid becomes magnetic at the bulk everyday level.

– About 15 hours after she left, her yacht, “Ella’s Pink Lady”, collided with a bulk carrier near Stradbroke Island.

– The bulk of TWC programming consisted of a local forecast segment 8-12 times hourly.

– The centre provides of floor space across two merged buildings – 33 Canada Square, and houses the bulk of Citi’s UK employee base.

– The southeastern part of New York State, eastern Pennsylvania, and all of New Jersey combine to form the bulk of the “moral region” of the Metropolis, according to socio-political geographers James Patterson and Peter Kim, co-authors of the 1991 book “The Day America Told The Truth”.

– The bulk of the profile is about local films and not notable national ones.

– Parenchyma forms the bulk of plant ground tissue, where they may be specialised to function in photosynthesis, storage, or transport.

– The flying boats were designed to resist rust and water damage so were very useful for transporting bulk salt, which would have rusted the other planes.

– Land has been purchased north east of Tumby Bay for the purposes of developing a bulk commodities export port.

– The main street running north to south is Fort Street/Bank Street, which is home to the bulk of the island’s main shops and banks.

– Most cargo ships that do not carry bulk goods are container ships.

– The port can handle of dry bulk and general cargo.

– In the bulk of the liquid, each molecule is pulled equally in every direction by neighboring liquid molecules, resulting in a net force of zero.

– While the bulk of eggshell is made of calcium carbonate, it is now thought that the protein matrix has an important role to play in eggshell strength.

– Furthermore, the bulk of the article is a long quote from another source.

– Other hand tools used in bulk cleanup work are hoes, rakes, forks, and the wheelbarrow to cart it away.

– It provides a framework for relating the microscopic properties of individual atoms and molecules to the macroscopic or bulk properties of materials that can be observed in everyday life, therefore explaining thermodynamics as a natural result of statistics and mechanics at the microscopic level.

– The bulk of federal revenue was from tariffs that all Americans had to pay when they bought imported products.

– Great Britain succeeded in the contested overseas territories, gaining the bulk of New France, Spanish Florida, some Caribbean islands, Senegal and superiority over the French outposts on the Indian subcontinent.

– The proletariat is the laboring bulk of society that does most of the useful, necessary work, and pays most of the taxes.

– The port of Amsterdam is mostly used for bulk cargo.

- After legal battles which lasted until her death, the bulk of her inheritance was eventually recovered.

- It is the thick bulk between enamel and pulp.
- Tourism related activities are extensive and make the bulk of Algarve's economy during summer time.

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