How to use in sentence of “bulb”

How to use in-sentence of “bulb”:

– A hydrometer is usually made of glass and consists of a cylindrical stem and a bulb weighted with mercury or lead shot to make it float upright.

– The silver color in the bulb normally indicates the presence of mercury.

– A projector shines light from a light bulb through a kind of transparent picture.

– The incandescent light bulb turns electricity into light by sending the electric current through a thin wire called a filament.

– A fluorescent bulb is a glass tube usually filled with argon gas and a little bit of mercury.

– Toshiba Corporation was started in 1939, by two companies, a telegraph manufacturer and a light bulb maker.

– McLuhan states that “a light bulb creates an environment by its mere presence”.

How to use in sentence of bulb
How to use in sentence of bulb

Example sentences of “bulb”:

- For example, the wire can be cut in half, and a light bulb can be connected in between the two halves.

- A bulb is the part of some plants, mostly under the Soildirt, that stores food while the plant is resting from growing.
- It can also be known as a bulb pipette or a belly pipette.

– For example, the wire can be cut in half, and a light bulb can be connected in between the two halves.

– A bulb is the part of some plants, mostly under the Soildirt, that stores food while the plant is resting from growing.

– It can also be known as a bulb pipette or a belly pipette.

– It was the first light bulb that could be used in houses – it did not cost too much, and it worked well.

– The filament is the part of the light bulb that produces light.

– It is a bulb containing Mercury attached to a glass tube of narrow diameter.

– The olfactory bulb has one source of sensory input.

– If a single bulb breaks, it is not usually a problem.

– A laboratory thermometer is recognizable by its long stem with a silver bulb at the end.

– When electricity was discovered and the light bulb was invented, David Misell, a British man working in Hubert’s New York shop in 1898, came up with the idea of a light bulb that you could take with you, anywhere you wanted to go.

– A green tint usually indicates an older bulb, although it doesn’t necessarily mean that the bulb is about to burn out.

– Magnetic ballasts have mostly fallen out of use, as they are less efficient than electronic ballasts, they cause the bulb to flicker, and they do not start instantly.

– An automatic jackhammer is used to force the metal into position, so giving a bulb on the inside face away from the pounding.

More in-sentence examples of “bulb”:

– The power of a light bulb is measured in watts.

– On a surface that is not flat, but bent one way or the other, the bulb of air will not be in the middle.

– For example, a light bulb does not only convert electric power into light; it also makes some heat.

– The filament needs to be protected from the air, so it is inside the bulb, and the air in the bulb is either removed or more often, replaced with a noble gas that doesn’t affect anything, like neon or argon.

– For example, a flashlight bulb that has a current of one ampere will pass one coulomb of charge every second.

– The olfactory bulb is a part of the vertebrate forebrain.

– Clusius also noticed the harm done to the bulb by the virus, but did not know that a virus was causing it.

– This bulb indicates if a surface is flat.

– In all forms, the virus harms the bulb and makes it more difficult for the plant to sprout again year after year.

– For example, an incandescent light bulb uses heat.

– Underneath the reflector is the lightbulblight bulb or LED, which is attached to an aluminum tube.

– On a flat surface, the bulb will be in the middle position.

– McLuhan pointed to the light bulb as an example.

– Halogen bulbs with a halogen capsule inside a standard incandescent bulb housing contain no mercury.

– The average rated life of a fluorescent light bulb is 8 to 15 times longer that of incandescent light bulbs.

– She experimented by transferring parts of an infected bulb to a non-infected bulb and seeing if it remained a solid color, or became “broken” in color.

– A light bulb that produces more light and less heat is more efficient.

– The information is given to the olfactory bulb in the front of the forebrain.

– A light bulb does not have content in the way that a newspaper has articles or a television has programs, but it is a medium that has a social effect.

– Today, the 1000 watt bulb can be seen for.

– If the ballast is in the bulb, the bulb is called a self-ballasted lamp.

– If a single bulb breaks, it is not usually a cause for concern.

– However, the olfactory bulb also gets “top-down” information from brain areas like the amygdala, neocortex, hippocampus, locus coeruleus, and substantia nigra.

– A streetlight is a light bulb on a pole used for lighting streets.

– The light-emitting diode may eventually replace the light bulb as developing technology makes it brighter and cheaper.

– Just as a light bulb is measured in watts, the Sun can also be measured in watts.

– After a period of time, the water on the bulb evaporates and at that time, the temperature is measured on each bulb.

– The light bulb lets people do things at nighttime which would be impossible in darkness.

– The small bulb on the tip of the stinging hairs break off and penetrating the skin, injecting the toxin.

– The Townsend mole of the Pacific Northwest often is a nuisance to bulb growers because of its fondness for the bulbs of many kinds of plants.

– He describes the light bulb as a medium without any content.

– The temperature is then that of the bulb with the lowest temperature, floating above.

– In everyday use, the kelvin is most commonly used to measure very low or very high temperatures, such as the temperature of liquid nitrogen or the temperature of a light bulb filament.

– An incandescent light bulb has a small thin wire with two bigger wires holding it up.

– This type of light bulb worked poorly and was little used until Joseph Swan and Thomas Edison improved it in the 1870s.

– Eventually, the bulb is unable to flower again, which is why rare color broken bulbs from the past are no longer in existence.

– To make the bulb produce more light, the filament is usually made of coils of fine wire, also known as the coiled coil.

– Only about 3% of the energy that goes into an incandescent light bulb actually makes light, the rest makes heat.

– A bulb is an onionlike structure, filled with food.

– Inside the glass bulb there was a small metal wire and a large metal plate.

– A neon lamp is a light bulb that can make many colors when Noble gasses are inside of the bulb.

– There are many types of keels, including full keels, long keels, fin keels, winged keels, bulb keels, and twin keels among other designs.

– This happens so fast that a light bulb does not stop glowing.

– The light bulb lets people do things at nightime which would be impossible in darkness.

– Sometimes it is used for lighting, when it is convenient to have the light bulb someplace other than where the light needs to be.

- The power of a light bulb is measured in watts.

- On a surface that is not flat, but bent one way or the other, the bulb of air will not be in the middle.
- For example, a light bulb does not only convert electric power into light; it also makes some heat.

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