How to use in sentence of “bring down”

How to use in-sentence of “bring down”:

+ It may also have hunted in packs to bring down other dinosaurs.

+ The theropod manages to bring down one of the “Camptosaurus”, only to be chased off its kill by a “Saurophaganax”.

+ Customs Service agent Monica Fuentes to bring down drug lord Carter Verone.

+ He at once tried to bring down Arnold of Brescia, the leader of the anti-papal faction in Rome.

+ In 1931 Lang’s supporters voted with the United Australia Party Opposition in the House of Representatives to bring down the Scullin government.

How to use in sentence of bring down
How to use in sentence of bring down

Example sentences of “bring down”:

+ Their goal is to bring down society so that they can help make a new society.

+ Eventually, supporters of the Banu Hisham and the supporters of the lineage of Ali united to bring down the Umayyads in 750.

+ The episode returns to the “Daspletosaurus”, who chase and bring down the “Chasmosaurus”.

+ Chrétien also promised that they would negotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement a second time, and to bring down Canada’s deficit.

+ Great river systems like the Amazon bring down to the delta immense amounts of mud which ends up in the sea outside the fan of the river mouth.

+ In this ending, Henry helps the Government to bring down the Toppats, and Henry is pardoned for his previous crimes.

+ One of them says that he could bring down the rains with Raga Megh Malhar.

+ From time to time rivers bring down a load of sediment from nearby mountains, covering the swamp.

+ The Iranians, hoping to bring down Saddam’s non-religious government and start a Shi’ite rebellion in Iraq, refused a cease-fire until 1988.

+ In 2014 prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused her and Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid of trying to bring down his cabinet.

+ However, the coyote cannot bring down large animals.

+ Their goal is to bring down society so that they can help make a new society.

+ Eventually, supporters of the Banu Hisham and the supporters of the lineage of Ali united to bring down the Umayyads in 750.

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