How to use in sentence of “brick”

How to use in-sentence of “brick”:

– Builders switched to brick masonry with clay tiled roofs, to reduce the fire hazard.

– These rattlesnakes usually weigh about 1.8 to 2.7kg.They are usually gray-brown in color, but some are pinkish brown, or brick red.

– Boas have a color pattern that is brownish, and becomes brick red around the tail.

– The Chrysler Building is still the tallest brick building in the world.

– Johnson is often said to have been one of the first people to begin rioting against the police, some going as far to say she “threw the first brick at Stonewall”.

– A traditional brick factory is a factory for the manufacturing of bricks from mud by humans.

How to use in sentence of brick
How to use in sentence of brick

Example sentences of “brick”:

– A brick lining and an iron stairway have been added to the lighthouse.

– For example, a person walking by a brick building that has been heated by the sun will feel heat from the building without having to touch it.

– On the west side of Main Campus are three red brick buildings that were original to Armour Institute, built between 1891 and 1901.

– The town council quickly addressed the building codes and the tents and shantyshanties were replaced by brick, brick veneer, and stone buildings.

– By the early eighteenth century brick making had been extended and four shops and one or two drinking houses were established on the common.

– The red brick building there is the former post office.

– Traditional brick ovens are baking all over Iran, but the largest organizations manually brick kilns in the past two hundred years has always been around Tehran.

– Persian’s most famous ancient brick arch of Anushirvan or Al-Mada’in currently in Iraq.

– The Tay Bridge long Including a brick viaduct that spans the Firth of Tay in Scotland, between the city of Dundee and Wormit, Fife.

- A brick lining and an iron stairway have been added to the lighthouse.

- For example, a person walking by a brick building that has been heated by the sun will feel heat from the building without having to touch it.

– Some churches have very rough brick “facades” because the marble was never put on.

– They include office, condominium and apartment buildings and hotels that are of concrete or steel frame construction, multi-story concrete parking garages, and residences that are made of either lots of brick or concrete/cement block and have roofs with slopes of no less than 35degrees from a horizontal angle and no overhangs of any kind, and if the windows are either made of hurricane-resistant safety glass or covered with shutters.

– When the Ustaše first started cremating people in January 1942, they used brick factory ovens.

– Many of them came from the 1950s onwards to work at the brickworks of the London Brick Company.

Brick Lane gets its name from former brick and tile manufacture, using the local brick earth deposits, that began in the 15th century.

– By the 1820s there was a fine brick house for the Governor.

– In 1902, Woods built a house of brick and wood on the corner of Lismore and Lancaster Streets.

More in-sentence examples of “brick”:

– It can be solid, constructed from brick or stone.

– Emma Elizabeth Smith was viciously assaulted and robbed in Osborn Street, the part of Brick Lane that meets Whitechapel High Street, in the early hours of 3 April 1888.

– The King family later moved to a large yellow brick house three blocks away.

– Meju is a brick of fermented soybeansoybeans in Korean cuisine.

– The house was said to be the third brick house built on Bayou Teche.

– During the New Kingdom, some private underground tombs had a small brick pyramid built on top of them.

– The castle had 14 towers, but today only one remains, the Clock Tower and a doorway from the 14th century, joined by brick walls.

– Many famous places like Spitalfields, Brick Lane and Shoreditch are in East London.

– In 1951, Mosier Valley School moved into a new, brick building.

– The cement of limestone for the brick joints was free of gypsum to prevent expansion and erosion thus guaranteeing a long life span.

– In October 1961, the final remaining brick sections of the track were paved over with asphalt, with the exception of a distinct three-foot-wide line of bricks at the start/finish line.

– Stone, brick and other similar materials are strong in compression.

– It is a spin-off based on the popular brick building toy, Lego.

– The walls were brick or wood.

– This makes it the biggest brick building in the world.

– In 1851, the first large brick building was erected on the square — the building of the Noble Assembly.

– It can be made of brick or stone.

– A red brick university was one of the nine civic universityuniversities founded in the major cities of England.

– Near Rani Tal, a lake in the park, a brick girdle is still there.

– The bell is housed in a brick building near the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

– The facade was made stronger with triangular brick wedges in 1807 and 1827.

– They were careful brick builders.

– She sets off on the Yellow Brick Road wearing the witch’s ruby slippers.

– In the 1800s, bungalows were nearly always built of wood, but from the 1920s it became fashionable to build them of brick as well.

– The long brick building outside the right field area was part of that rail yard.

– An 1822 law in Singapore said that all houses made of brick or tiles should be similar in the front.

– There was once a brick kitchen behind the house.

– It was built in 1870 and it is the tallest brick lighthouse in the United States.

– Architecturally, the two story brick building is similar to its neighbors, all of which are part of a historic district added to the U.S.

– It is also a place with a large diversity of nationalities, such as Italians and Polish, stemming from the Brick works that used to stand in…

– He added pebbles and powdered brick to the cement.

– Josh Lyman said in the days prior to the election “Bartlet was punching brick walls” as the result seemed too close to call, before the result broke his way.

– Construction commenced on a two-storey red brick house the following year, for it to be the home of the Duke and Duchess of York and was completed in 1990.

– On 26 May he stole food from a brick making gang at Brickfield Hill and was nearly caught.

– In between the ribs were sloping surfaces of stone or brick that could be much thinner and lighter than the ribs.

– In operation, new green bricks, along with roofing bricks, are stacked at one end of the brick pile.

– The color of a brick depends on the clay from which it was made.

– The five story dark red brick building used pink tinted mortar and utilized steel frame construction.

– He was given a brick hut on what became known as Bennelong Point where the Sydney Opera House now stands.

– In recent years, they have opened 54 brick and mortar stores to combat the strategies of other low-cost competitors in Chinese markets.

– Things like temperature, pressure, and density are intensive because two of the same brick still has the same temperature as one brick alone.

– Clay Court is primarily made with stone, brick and crushed shale.

– Several of the brick walls still have artillery projectiles stuck in the masonry.

– These settlers helped shape Bangladeshi migration to Britain; families from Jagannathpur and Bishwanath tend to dominate in the Brick Lane area today.

– The floor was set on top of many brick piles, leaving room for the hot air and steam produced by a furnace to pass underneath the floor.

– The prisoners were kept busy ship with jobs including building the prison, shoemaking, smithing, timber and brick making.

– After work as brick layer he started as architect.

– Notable works by Taupin and John include the songs “Rocket Man Rocket Man”, “Levon”, “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road”, “Daniel”, “Sacrifice”, “The One”, “Simple Life”, “The Last Song”, “Believe”.

– A brick is a man-made building material used to make walls and make places to walk.

– He is signed to 1017 Brick Squad Records.

- It can be solid, constructed from brick or stone.

- Emma Elizabeth Smith was viciously assaulted and robbed in Osborn Street, the part of Brick Lane that meets Whitechapel High Street, in the early hours of 3 April 1888.
- The King family later moved to a large yellow brick house three blocks away.

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