How to use in sentence of “biology”

How to use in-sentence of “biology”:

– At the same time, he was Professor of Medical Biology at the University of Melbourne.

– The American Society for Cell Biology annually awards the E.B.

– A person studying biology at university has many courses about biology and fewer courses in other fields such as languages or history.

– Trophallaxis in biology refers the sharing of food by members of a community.

– Humans and all of biology are all a coding construct of intelligent nature that have developed over a plethora of trials and errors.

– He studied biology at Utrecht University.

How to use in sentence of biology
How to use in sentence of biology

Example sentences of “biology”:

– But not all biology articles follow that rule.

– Zootaxa is indexed by BIOSIS, Zoological Record and the Current Contents Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences.

– Theodosius Dobzhansky, a well-known evolutionary biologist, has said: “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution”.

– Williams was a professor emeritus of biology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

– The Human Genome Project produced a reference sequence which is used worldwide in biology and medicine.

– Before he moved to Vermont in August 2002, he was director of the University of Maryland, College Park Institute for Ecological Economics, and a professor in the Center for Environmental Science, at Solomons, and in the Biology Department at College Park.

– The complex extracellular biology of Streptomyces.

– Scott Ian named the band after the disease after he saw it in a biology textbook, as he thought it sounded “sufficiently evil”.

– AmphibiaWeb: Information on amphibian biology and conservation.

– As you mentioned – for a Catholic School Teacher, it would probably be “NSFW” to look up evolution, however, in a biology lab, it would be totally fine.

– Edward Arnold, Institute of Biology Series #66.

- But not all biology articles follow that rule.

- Zootaxa is indexed by BIOSIS, Zoological Record and the Current Contents Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences.
- Theodosius Dobzhansky, a well-known evolutionary biologist, has said: "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution".

– Institute of Biology‘s Studies in Biology #29, p21.

– He was known for his works in the biology and treatment of breast cancer.

– Jean-Marie Pelt was a French peopleFrench biologist, botanist and pharmacist with degrees in both Biology and Pharmacy.

– She is now the director of the Hillblom Center for the Biology of Aging at UCSF.

– All aspects of biology have been affected by evolution.

– In biology and physiology negative feedback is known as homeostasis.

– In Berlin, he helped Otto Warburg at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology until 1930.

– Walter Gilbert is an United StatesAmerican physicist, biochemist, molecular biology pioneer, and Nobel laureate.

More in-sentence examples of “biology”:

- On the reproductive biology of the dwarf palm, Chamaerops humilis, in southern Spain.

- It is for training wildlife professionals in conservation biology and to propagating rare species through natural means and assisted reproduction.
- Adduction is a form of movement in animal biology which brings a part of the anatomy closer to the sagittal plane of the body.

– On the reproductive biology of the dwarf palm, Chamaerops humilis, in southern Spain.

– It is for training wildlife professionals in conservation biology and to propagating rare species through natural means and assisted reproduction.

– Adduction is a form of movement in animal biology which brings a part of the anatomy closer to the sagittal plane of the body.

– Researchers in molecular biology use specific techniques that are typical for molecular biology, but they combine these with techniques and ideas from genetics and biochemistry.

– Delbrück was one of the most influential people in the movement of physical scientists into biology during the 20th century.

– This term is used in biology to describe the way a genetically unified population develops into clearly distinct forms.

– Also, ecology means that it is the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms.

– In the latter years of his life, Gould also taught biology and evolution at New York University near his home in SoHo.

– Social darwinism theories try to use these ideas from biology for human society.

– Segmentation in biology means the division of some animal and plant bodies into a series of repeat sections or parts.

– Overall, his work is concerned with the biology of cognition.

– There are not exact boundaries between human biology and regular medical research.

– This terminology is also employed in molecular biology and therefore referring to the atomic position of molecules in a given compound.

– He attended South Trafford College for two years beginning in 2002 and studied GCE Advanced LevelA-level English, and an access course including psychology, biology and history though he did not progress onto higher education.

– Scientists from Hyderabad’s Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology discovered the frog in 2017.

– Symmetry in biology is about the overall shape of the body and its parts.

– These found their ways into many biology textbooks, and into popular knowledge, even though they were wrong.

– Her work played a key role in the growth of scientific biology in the early 19th century.

– She originally studied English, but switched her major to biology in January 1928.

– He was professor Emeritus of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he was department chair between 1985 and 1989.

– After moving to Kyiv at the invitation of Academician Oleksandr Bogomolets, from 1940, for 25 years, Vasyl Pavlovych headed the endocrinology laboratory of the Institute of Experimental Biology and Pathology, which was later reorganized into the Bogomolets Institute of Physiology Bogomolets under the USSR Academy of Sciences.

– This set off an intensive study of the molecular biology of aging.

– Before Darwin, most biology was natural history, done by dedicated amateurs.

– Since Freud, the emphasis has been on the biology of dreaming.

– It was the book which gave the modern evolutionary synthesis its name, and was one of the most important books on biology in the mid-twentieth century.

– Bioinorganic chemistry studies the implications for biology of electron-transfer proteins, substrate substrate bindings and activation, atom and group chemistry as well as metal properties.

– She is Professor and Director of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Johns Hopkins University.

– It is a combination of biology and cognitive psychology.

– The biology of scrub typhus is even more complex.

– She specializes in plant systematics and plant evolutionary biology of Polygonaceae.

– It is for work in the areas of biology in which Charles Darwin worked.

– Notes on the biology and song of the red-legged seriema “Journal of Field Ornithology”, 57, 261–269.

– Costi studied BS in Biology from the American University of Beirut.

– The school laboratories include physics lab, chemistry lab, biology lab, maths lab and audio–visual hall.

– Animal colour has been a topic of interest and research in biology for a long time.

– Dissection is a standard laboratory technique in biology and pathology.

– Now many people guess that biology and environment play a complex part as a cause.

– It was about aquatic life, to increase public interest in fish biology and in what the Bureau of Fisheries did.

– It is important in the elucidation of molecular events involved in circadian rhythms, epigenetics and gene silencing, cell polarity, cell fusion, development, as well as many aspects of cell biology and biochemistry.

– Ecology is the branch of biology that studies the biota, the environment, and their interactions.

– Between 1995 and 2006, when the remaining captive toads were moved from the Thorne Williams Unit to the Red Buttes Environmental Biology Laboratory south of Laramie, nearly 46,000 offspring had been produced at the Thorne Williams Unit and released back into the wild.

– Arrhenius was one of several leading Swedish scientists who helped create The State Institute for Racial Biology in 1922.

– Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.

– An eyespot is a simple organ in biology used to detect light.

– A DNA construct is often used in molecular biology to analyze macromolecules such as proteins or RNA in more detail.

– It has been an attempt to incorporate the minimum components of population biology needed for an ecologically and evolutionarily realistic theory of coevolution and evolving interactions in general.

– The word “niche” was first used in biology by naturalist Roswell Johnson, Johnson R.H.

– Barlow was an elected member of European Molecular Biology Organization, an honorary professor of genetics at the University of Vienna and received the Erwin Schrödinger Prize of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in 2014.

– This is because a lot of molecular biology techniques rely on DNA sequencing, so whenever the results of an experiment are published, the genetic information of the subject used is also put on full display.

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