How to use in sentence of “believe in”

How to use in-sentence of “believe in”:

– People who believe in Trotsky’s ideas are called Trotskyists and follow “Trotskyism”.

– Carver was a Separatist who did not believe in the teachings of the Church of England.A genealogical profile of John Carver

– They also believe in resurrection for all people after they die.

– Sometimes those who believe in neoclassical economics and also in the mechanistic paradigm say they “seek to unify physics and economics” as if people and particles behaved as two examples of the same kind of thing.

– Not all religions believe in the devil.

How to use in sentence of believe in
How to use in sentence of believe in

Example sentences of “believe in”:

- They also have to live near their Synagogue because they don't believe in taking transportation on Shabbat.

- Furthermore, the Catholic Church does not believe in a difference between murder and manslaughter the way the law does.
- Many believe that Jews do not believe in Hell, but Jews really do believe.

– They also have to live near their Synagogue because they don’t believe in taking transportation on Shabbat.

– Furthermore, the Catholic Church does not believe in a difference between murder and manslaughter the way the law does.

– Many believe that Jews do not believe in Hell, but Jews really do believe.

– The tribes of north-west North America continue to believe in reincarnation despite negative attitudes towards it on the part of Christian missionaries and churches.

– Irreligious theism is the belief that there is a higher being, but doesn’t follow organized religion, this belief can be often confused for Deism, however irreligious theists often believe that god can still interfere in the world, also Irreligious theists believe in supernatural events like miracles, while Deists don’t believe in that.

– In Christianity, Hell is the place the souls of people go who did not believe in God.

– Muslims believe in other prophets other than those mentioned by name in the Qur’an as there are many verses in the Qur’an which speak about it.

– Some people believe in them even so, that they become true by magic.

– People who believe in the Báb are called Bábís, and they believe that the Báb was a prophet.

– Some religions believe in reincarnation.

– The Founding Fathers of the United States started to believe in an idea they called republicanism.

– Even though these types of satanists are atheists, meaning they do not believe in a higher being, they do practice magic.

– Mistystar struggles to cope with the knowledge that her medicine cat doesn’t believe in StarClan.

– They believe in god and hell, life after death and karma.

– There are also other religions that believe in stories of Samael.

– Buddhists believe in transmigration, or rebirth in samsara or other planes of existence, based on how they understand kamma for Enlightened ones.

– Today, most people who believe in Bon are ethnic Tibetans, but a small number of non-Tibetans have started to believe in Bon too.

– The Sontarans are a group of aliens, bred in clone batches, that believe in war over anything else.

More in-sentence examples of “believe in”:

- While everyone decorates and writes letters to Santa, Squidward refuses to believe in Santa and all the Christmas cheer.

- Then, for the movie "Now You See It..." her sister and she started a band and created a music video called "Do You Believe In Magic?".

– While everyone decorates and writes letters to Santa, Squidward refuses to believe in Santa and all the Christmas cheer.

– Then, for the movie “Now You See It…” her sister and she started a band and created a music video called “Do You Believe In Magic?”.

– Another writer, Massimo Introvigne, said that Opus Dei is now being attacked by people who do not believe in God and people who think that God should not be present in the world of human beings.

– He did not follow some of the Church rules and told others that he did not believe in the teachings of the Church.

– They believe in the many miracles he is said to have performed, like raising the dead to life and giving sight to the blind.

– Bentley said that he changed to believe in Jesus and be a Christian, and when he did that he did not have problems with drugs or drinking alcohol anymore.

– They are going to change things.” She tried to change the society by supporting these young people to believe in themselves.

– Different denominations and traditions of Christianity believe in forms divine grace.

– Of course, we usually follow the BE1500, but I believe in this case it can probably be ignored.

– The Yazidis believe in a single god who created the world.

– Reuter did not believe in war.

– They do not worship or believe in Satan and they do not believe in God.

– The name was used in songs, such as “I Believe in Father Christmas” by Emerson, Lake Palmer.

– Liberals in the United States still believe in supporting democracy and freedom, but many liberals also support other ideas.

– He recorded three comedy CDs: “Strategic Grill Locations”, “Mitch All Together”, and “Do You Believe in Gosh?”.

– Dmitry calls him “silent as the deathgrave.” He cannot believe in God, or thinks that if God is real, he must be a very mean God who doesn’t care about humans.

– Others believe in a permanent Hell but a temporary Purgatory.

– Most Wiccans believe in a horned male god and a moon goddess.

– At the reunion show, she said that she does not believe in domestic violence.

– Jews do not try to convince other people to believe in Judaism.

– The small number of party members were quick to believe in Hitler’s ideas.

– Dodd wanted to win every game, but unlike some other coaches, he did not believe in risking his Sportspersonathletes’ health in order to win.

– They do not believe in the Trinity.

– Seventh-day Adventist believe in the 28 Fundamental Beliefs.

– They may or may not believe in a Supreme Being above the gods.

– They believe in “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance”, and they also believe that the Falun Gong exercises can make them healthy, and make them better people.

– Most people still believe in the traditional position: that drinking some wine is all right, just not too much.

– Vietnam is one of five remaining countries that believe in communism.

– How can the Holy Ghost be God when she is afraid a cat will kill her? And do you believe in these scarecrows?” and you believe in Him.

– They make their own decisions about what God is and how they worship God, if they even believe in God at all.

– It is very important for a credible encyclopedia to have a neutral style, so I believe in quickly removing anything that can be seen to have lack a neutral POV and/or makes critical and unsubstantiated claims about anyone.

– Atheists do not believe in the existence of deities, and some say that they are sure that no deity exists.

– He did not believe in Democritus’ theories about the atomic theory.

– Most Hindus, in their daily devotional practices, worship some form of a personal aspect of God, although they believe in the more abstract concept of a Supreme God as well.

– Because the ancient Greeks did not believe in opening up dead bodies to study them, Hippocrates was only able to describe and make drawings of tumors he saw from the outside of the body.

– Seventh-day Adventists believe in Protestantism.

– In post-Ice Age North America, the local Native Americans believe in the Great Spirits, who create life and are said to appear in the form of an aurora.

– They also believe in other gifts such as speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, supernatural knowledge, mainly about sickness or spiritual matters, and prophesy about future spiritual happenings.

– They believe in the values of democracy and socialist principles like social welfare to take care of the weaker members of the population.

– There are several things that define a Rastafarian: they do not drink alcohol, they do not cut their hair, they spiritualityspiritually smoke marijuana, they have a strict all-natural diet, and they believe in Jah and Zion.

– We believe in what we know of Karamat, the marvels of the awliya’ and in authentic stories about them from trustworthy sources.

– Some people believe in “guided evolution” or “theistic evolution”.

– The main difference between the beliefs of Arianism and other main Christian denominations is that the Arians did not believe in the Holy Trinity, which is a way that other Christian churches use to explain God.

– Many people outside of Haiti still do not believe what Davis wrote about, but in Haiti, lots of people believe in the “zombie drugs”.

– It was used by those who did not believe in evolution, such as Georges Cuvier, and by those who did, such as Thomas Henry Huxley.

– Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Jainism are religions that believe in this.

– More than 90 percent of Tanzanians believe in witchcraft, so witch doctors are important in traditional African life.

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