How to use in-sentence of “beaten”

How to use in-sentence of “beaten”:

– With a chance to take a series lead in Game 5, the Jazz were beaten by a heroic performance by Michael Jordan playing with the flu like ailment 90-88.

– An omelette is prepared from beaten eggs cooked with butter or oil in a frying pan.

– It is said that one of his friend’s bullock cart driver was beaten harshly by some English officials as the sign the outside the office of the officials read – ‘Indians are not allowed’.

– A prisoner was beaten with whips, and made to carry their own cross.

– The Dutch tried to break the siege again in October, but were beaten back by Koxinga’s army.

– For these reasons, contractors had very little Prisoners could be beaten or whipped if their bosses did not think they were working hard enough.

How to use in-sentence of beaten
How to use in-sentence of beaten

Example sentences of “beaten”:

– The Lancastrian army was beaten at the Battle of Towton on 29 March 1461 by the son of the late Duke of York, the future Edward IV of England, who deposed King Henry and proclaimed himself king.

– In February 2021, Katsyaryna Andreeva and Darya Chultsova of “Belsat” were sentenced to two years in prison by a court in Minsk for informing on anti-government protests held around the house where Raman Bandarenka was beaten to death in November 2020.

– Patton’s 3rd Army had beaten the German 7th Army and the German 1st Army.

– Joubert is one of two men who has beaten Evgeni Plushenko between the 2002 Olympics and the 2006 Olympics.

– In 1992, there was no bronze medal play off match, both beaten semi-final players received bronze medals.

– Many of the Nashville students were attacked and abused by groups of white people; arrested; and even beaten by police.

– Ten years later, Williams auditioned for “The Monkees”, and was again beaten out for a role by Dolenz.

– When they collapsed or passed out, they would be beaten until they re-assumed the position.

- The Lancastrian army was beaten at the Battle of Towton on 29 March 1461 by the son of the late Duke of York, the future Edward IV of England, who deposed King Henry and proclaimed himself king.

- In February 2021, Katsyaryna Andreeva and Darya Chultsova of "Belsat" were sentenced to two years in prison by a court in Minsk for informing on anti-government protests held around the house where Raman Bandarenka was beaten to death in November 2020.

– However, they were beaten by Terengganu FA in the quarter-finals.

– People with German names were beaten up, and shops with German names had their windows broken.

– They had also beaten Lazio, Borussia Dortmund, and Real Sociedad.

– The town was founded by soldiers of Marshal Dubourg who in 1709 had beaten the Austrians under Count Claude Florimond de Mercy in the War of the Spanish Succession.

– For this Fusilier KINNE was beaten senseless with belts and bayonets, stripped of his clothes, and thrown into a dank rat-infested hole until the 19th September.

– It was beaten by Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Wilma, and Hurricane Ike.

More in-sentence examples of “beaten”:

- By 1921, the IRA had beaten the Royal Irish Constabulary and Ireland had no police forces.

- At Extreme Rules he was beaten by Batista for the title.

– By 1921, the IRA had beaten the Royal Irish Constabulary and Ireland had no police forces.

– At Extreme Rules he was beaten by Batista for the title.

– On December 29, 2020, Gudeta was beaten to death with a hammer and raped in her apartment in Frassilongo, Italy at the age of 42.

– He then shouted to the crowd: “Gutenberg, your printing press has been violated by this evil book.” On more than one occasion Kellner was beaten by the Nazis for expressing his views.

– Gavrilo Princip was arrested and beaten up for this rebellious act.

– Many storms have beaten the record since, Frederic has fallen to about the seventeenth costliest U.S.

– By 1943 the Axis in North Africa had been beaten and in September 1943 Italy was invaded and forced to surrender.

– When he or she has beaten all five levels in a set, a remix appears, which is a level that has the five levels in the set remixed into one, using a different song.

– However, they were beaten in the quarter-finals.

– The group is later found by King Morgant and his men, who have captured Ellidyr and beaten him.

– In some cases, the victims are beaten to unconsciousness, or even killed.

– Because he refused to sign this document, he and his son Samuel were tied to a cart loaded with stolen goods and driven with a gun pointed at them, while being beaten up.

– When Tubman was a child in Dorchester County, Maryland, she was whipped and beaten by many different masters.

– Despite his wounds and the continuing danger from exploding ammunition, he valiantly attempted to climb up onto the vehicle, but was beaten back by the combination of heat, smoke and exploding ammunition.

– The team occupied 10th spot in the championship for the majority of the season but they were beaten in the final race by Caterham.

– Virenque was beaten by Laurent Jalabert in the 2001 and 2002 Tour de France King of the Mountains competition.

– The Ashes were supposedly what remained of English cricket after the Australians had beaten them in the first test match played in England.

– Laozi says it is better to treat a beaten enemy with respect and that disrespect to the dead would cause his enemies to seek revenge.

– The egg whites are beaten to a soft peak meringue.

– It is made with egg yolks and beaten egg whites.

– Jane only agreed after her parents had beaten and whipped her.

– He has beaten a number of world records in multiple age brackets, but none of his times have been ratified as records.

– For example, enslaved people who were too depressed or sick to eat might be beaten or whipped.

– On the subway, still in his clown makeup, Arthur is beaten by three drunken Wayne Enterprises businessmen; he shoots two in self-defense and wounds the third before pursuing him off the train and executing him on the stairs.

– Austria reached the semifinals and was beaten by the later world champion Germany by 1:6.

– He died after 14 days in the asylum possibly being beaten by the staff and inmates.

– To write his essays, he braved gunfire in Sarajevo, he was jailed in Czechoslovakia, and in 2008, he was brutally beaten in Beirut, Lebanon.

– Having completely beaten the main Ottoman EmpireOttoman army under Grand Vizier Koca Yusuf Pasha in the Battle of Rymnik, he captured the greater part of Wallachia, including Bucharest, being welcomed by the population after the flight of Prince Nicholas Mavrogenes.

– In 1925, 1984 and 1990, Scotland were winners of the Five Nations’ Gran Slam, having beaten all four other teams – England, Wales, Ireland and France.

– Smyrna went on to be beaten 15-0 by a team from Denmark.

– I got beaten for that- like WHHAM! – It was horrible.

– Bad News Brown was found in an industrial area in Montreal where he was beaten and then shot.

– They speculated that “Judy was beaten up by life, embattled, and ultimately had to become more masculine.

– On 25 January 2020, Sinnott was found beaten in Retford, Nottinghamshire.

– Under a scoring system of 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a loss, McShane finished joint second with Anand, behind Carlsen, whom McShane had beaten in their individual game.

– O’Sullivan was beaten in the last 16 by Ding Junhui.

– Fox has beaten ABC and NBC in the ratings for its primetime programming.

– Frieza’s arrogance refuses to allow him to be beaten and saved by a Saiyan “monkey”, and he expends what little energy he has left to attack Goku.

– Mario can beat enemies by jumping on their head, but some cannot be beaten this way.

– They found that NorwayNorwegian explorer, Roald Amundsen and his team, had beaten them to be first to the Pole.

– Reichstein was the longest-lived Nobel laureate at the time of his death, but was beaten in 2008 by Rita Levi-Montalcini.

– The tournament was a success, but disappointing for Staunton personally; in the second round he was knocked out by Anderssen, who won the tournament convincingly; and in the play-off for third place Staunton was narrowly beaten by Elijah Williams.

– She was attacked by the mob in a narrow street and was beaten and left wounded.

– They had been sentenced to a number of 392 days in prison. Seven of arrested journalists were beaten by the police.

– The first race was the 7.5km sprint, where she reached a silver medal, beaten only by Anastasia Kuzmina from Slovakia.

– It was the first time that Vergeer had beaten her without losing a game.

– He reached the semi final only to be beaten by eventual winner Goran Ivanišević.

– They fought bravely, but were beaten by the Turks.

– His main opponent is Cloud, and gets beaten by him both in Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.

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