How to use in-sentence of “astronomer”

How to use in-sentence of “astronomer”:

+ As Astronomer Royal he receives a stipend of £100 a year and is a member of the Royal Household, under the general authority of the Lord Chamberlain.

+ After the separation of the two offices the position of Astronomer Royal has been largely honorary, though he remains available to advise the Sovereign on astronomical and related scientific matters, and the office is of great prestige.

+ It was originally built for the Astronomer Royal.

+ He worked as an astronomer at least from 147 BC to 127 BC.

+ Named after the astronomer Edwin Hubble, the Hubble Space Telescope can observe 24 hours a day.

How to use in-sentence of astronomer
How to use in-sentence of astronomer

Example sentences of “astronomer”:

+ The NetherlandsDutch astronomer Jan Hendrik Oort published the Oort cloud idea in 1950.

+ The first person to discover and prove true binary stars was the Anglo-German astronomer William Herschel.

+ Tycho Brahe was an astronomer from Denmark.

+ Mimas was discovered by the English astronomer William Herschel on September 17, 1789.

+ Aquila was one of the 48 constellations described by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy.

+ The only other astronomer of antiquity who is known by name and who is known to have supported Aristarchus’ heliocentric model was Seleucus, a Hellenistic astronomer who lived a century after Aristarchus.

+ An astronomer could calculate the distance to this newly-discovered star by comparing its brightness as seen from Earth against the brightness for a certain color on the main sequence.

+ In 1892, astronomer E.E Barnard found a new moon using his observatory in California.

+ He was an accomplished engineer, meteorologist, geologist, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer and writer.

+ A more compact site of star formation is the opaque clouds of dense gas and dust known as Bok globules; so named after the astronomer Bart Bok.

+ The NetherlandsDutch astronomer Jan Hendrik Oort published the Oort cloud idea in 1950.

+ The first person to discover and prove true binary stars was the Anglo-German astronomer William Herschel.
+ Tycho Brahe was an astronomer from Denmark.

+ His interest in astronomy grew stronger after 1773 and he made the acquaintance of the English peopleEnglish Astronomer Royal Nevil Maskelyne.

+ Helium was discovered in 1868 by French astronomer Pierre Janssen, who discovery of the chemical elementsfirst detected the substance as an unknown yellow spectral line signature in light from a solar eclipse.

+ An amateur astronomer and post office employee, Hencke was looking for 4 Vesta when he stumbled on Astraea.

+ In the sky, a spectrometer can see the signs of metals and show the astronomer the metals in a star.

+ It was identified by first time in the 1930s by the astronomer Fritz Zwicky.

+ In 1840, astronomer William Parsons gave it the name it has today.

+ In February 1906 a GermanyGerman astronomer named Max Wolf saw a Trojan asteroid and named it 588 Achilles.

More in-sentence examples of “astronomer”:

+ The list was compiled by English astronomer Patrick Moore as a complement to the Messier catalogue.

+ Charles Messier was a FranceFrench astronomer who is remembered for publishing a list of famous objects in space that came to be called the 103 “Messier objects”.

+ Titan was discovered on 25 March 1655 by Christiaan Huygens, an astronomer from the Netherlands.

+ Dendrochronology was developed during the first half of the 20th century originally by the astronomer A.E.

+ Edmond Halley Royal SocietyFRS was an English astronomer, the second Astronomer Royal.

+ He is considered an important astronomer and mathematician of the Islamic Golden Age.

+ The astronomer named Ptolemy listed Argo Navis when he made a list of 666 constellations.

+ Helium was discovered by the French astronomer Jules Janssenpierre Janssen on August 18, 1868, as a bright yellow line in the spectrum of the chromosphere of the Sun.

+ Greco-Roman writer and astronomer Ptolemy catalogued this object in his “Almagest”.

+ At this time the king also created the position of Astronomer Royal, for John Flamsteed, to serve as the director of the observatory.

+ In 1751 he started working for Joseph Nicolas Delisle, the astronomer of the French Navy, who told him to write down everything he saw.

+ Some of his jobs were chief astronomer of the Imperial Chancellery for Astronomical and Calendrical Science, and chief minister under the rule of Moana.

+ In 1974, Antony Hewish became the first astronomer to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

+ He sent his calculations to Sir George Airy, the Astronomer Royal, who asked Adams for an explanation.

+ Comet 81P/Wild, also known as Wild 2, is a comet named after Swiss astronomer Paul Wild, who discovered it in 1978.

+ Sir George Biddell Airy was an EnglandEnglish mathematician and astronomer, Astronomer Royal from 1835 to 1881.

+ Nicolas Camille Flammarion was a FranceFrench astronomer and writer.

+ Sir William Huggins, Order of the BathKCB, OM, FRS, was an English astronomer best known for his work in astronomical spectroscopy.

+ Edward Peter Jacobus is a Dutch peopleDutch astronomer and emeritus professor at the Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek of the University of Amsterdam.

+ He was a Babylonian astronomer a century after Aristarchus.

+ The astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard compiled a list of dark nebulae known as the “Barnard Catalogue of Dark Markings in the Sky”, or the “Barnard Catalogue” for short.

+ An early contributor to thematic mapping in England was the English astronomer Edmond Halley.Thrower, Norman J.W.

+ The main plot line is that a radio astronomer gets a series of impulses from the direction of the Andromeda galaxy.

+ The astronomer named Ptolemy listed Taurus when he made a list of 48 constellations.

+ Kavelaars, an astronomer at McMaster University, suggested this name to help astronomical nomenclature to get out of its Greco-Romano-Renaissance rut.

+ The Metonic cycle is named for the astronomer Meton of Athens, who used the cycle in the calendar of Classical AthensAttica in the 5th century BCE.

+ The planet Neptune was discovered in this constellation by German astronomer Johann Galle, near Deneb Algedi on September 23, 1846, which is reasonable as Capricornus can be seen best at 4:00am in September.

+ His many achievements include work on planetary orbits, measuring the mean density of the Earth, a method of solution of two-dimensional problems in solid mechanics and, in his role as Astronomer Royal, establishing Greenwich at the location of the prime meridian.

+ The French astronomer had made an astronomical expedition to record objects in the southern sky.

+ Lepus was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy.

+ In 1772 the French mathematician and astronomer Joseph-Louis Lagrange identified two spots in a planet’s orbit which were gravitationally stable.

+ Ptolemy was a Greek astronomer who was from Alexandria.

+ The astronomer named Ptolemy included it in Ursa Major when he made a list of 48 constellations in the 2nd century.

+ It was discovered in 1781 by the French astronomer Charles Messier, who catalogued it as a nebulous feature.

+ Capricornus is one of the 88 modern constellations, and was also one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy.

+ It is named after Umberto Dall’Olmo, who was an amateur astronomer with college degrees in both law and physics, who spent most of his time observing Jupiter and studying flare stars.

+ They are called this because they were discovered by the ItalyItalian astronomer Galileo Galilei.

+ It was discovered in 1826 by ScotlandScottish astronomer James Dunlop at his home in New South Wales, Australia.

+ The Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos was the first person to propose a heliocentric model of the universe.

+ It got its name from the Indian astronomer of the same name.

+ August Kopff was a GermanyGerman astronomer who found many comets and asteroids.

+ For instance, Carl Sagan, an astronomer was the host of “Cosmos: A Personal Voyage”, a television series that dealt understanding the universe.

+ It was discovered on 7 August 1915 by the Soviet astronomer Grigory Nikolaevich Neujmin at Simeis, Ukraine.I, but was renamed “916 America” on 24 February 1923 after the Council of Astronomers at Pulkovo Observatory decided to pay tribute to “the friendly relations of the astronomical observatories and astronomers”.

+ Michael Francis A’Hearn was an American astronomer and astronomy professor at the University of Maryland College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences.

+ It was one of the 48 constellations listed by an astronomer known as Ptolemy around the year 150 CE.

+ August Ferdinand Möbius was a GermanyGerman astronomer and mathematician, who taught at the University of Leipzig.

+ Clyde William Tombaugh was an American astronomer known for discovering Pluto in 1930.

+ Cannon was a great astronomer and gave us new information about the stars.

+ Ejnar Hertzsprung was a Danish chemist and astronomer born in Copenhagen.

+ The list was compiled by English astronomer Patrick Moore as a complement to the Messier catalogue.

+ Charles Messier was a FranceFrench astronomer who is remembered for publishing a list of famous objects in space that came to be called the 103 "Messier objects".

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