How to use in-sentence of “ankle”

How to use in-sentence of “ankle”:

– Johns died from an ankle blood clot and cardiomyopathy on 1 August 2014 in Tustin, CaliforniaTustin, California.

– Lee was diagnosed with a broken right shinbone and a sprained right ankle one month before the Olympic game.

– On an ordinary day at work, RCMP officers instead wear a grey shirt, dark blue trousers, ankle boots and a peaked cap.

– At the 2015 World Cup, in the first match against Switzerland women’s national football teamSwitzerland, she got a penalty kick, but she fractured her left ankle at that moment.

– While waiting for results of hospital tests on the ankle he had injured in junior college, Robinson got on an Army bus with a fellow officer’s wife.

– The monophyly of crurotarsal archosaurs and the origin of bird and crocodile ankle joints.

– There he would develop into a scoring forward but suffered a broken ankle during the 1982–83 season.

– It connects the knee with the ankle bones and is parallel to the fibula.

How to use in-sentence of ankle
How to use in-sentence of ankle

Example sentences of “ankle”:

– EDICIONES ATENEO 1970 It is also a paratrooper tradition to lace jump boots in a ladder or cobweb style which increases ankle support during a parachute jump.

– Both main groups of Archosaurs are defined by features of their ankle joints.

– Shamrock pushed out of the pin count and quickly gained the advantage, delivering a belly to belly slam off an Irish whip and then securing his ankle lock in the centre of the ring, making The Rock tap.

– Angle would then gain control of the match, as he would apply the Ankle Lock on Michaels, forcing him to submit, thus Angle winning the match.

– The media was initially told Kubica had broken his leg, but it later proved that he had escaped with only a sprained ankle and concussion.

– On July 20, 2011, Yao announced that he was retiring from basketball after many foot and ankle injuries.

– Kurt Angle applied the ankle lock on Booker T, who tapped out, but no referee was there to witness it.

– They help support the foot and ankle with the use of materials like hard plastics.

– Eleanor sprains her ankle after falling from the zip line and Simon gets bitten by a spider.

– In 2000, after Jericho suffered a severe ankle injury and was unable to wrestle for four moths, he rejoined the band and became their front man.

– These are: unfused ankle bones, lack of labyrinthodont infolding of the dentine in teeth, a lack of an otic notch and a generally small skull.

– Modern combat boots are designed to provide a combination of grip, ankle stability, and foot protection suitable for a rugged environment.

– In his second year, he broke an ankle bone, and had to miss eight games.

– At the event, Lawler made Cole submit to the ankle lock, but the anonymous Raw General Manager reversed special guest referee Stone Cold Steve Austin’s decision, thus making Cole the winner via disqualification.

- EDICIONES ATENEO 1970 It is also a paratrooper tradition to lace jump boots in a ladder or cobweb style which increases ankle support during a parachute jump.

- Both main groups of Archosaurs are defined by features of their ankle joints.

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