How to use in-sentence of “administration”

How to use in-sentence of “administration”:

+ This is supported by the archives of the ecclesiastical administration of the Jebzundamba Hutuhtu, which recorded a decline in the number of livestock from a million in 1861 to around 12,000 in 1909.

+ Carroll has been involved in the administration of Ernabella Arts for several years.

+ She got a degree in business administration and textile engineering from the private academy Fachakademie für Textil Schuhe in Nagold, and has worked during her schooling for several textile companies.

+ He graduated from Anadolu University Economics and Bilgi University Business Administration Department.

+ Lewis was the White House Communications Director in the Clinton administration from 1997 to 1999.

+ She was the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, serving under the Trump Administration from 2017 to 2021.

How to use in-sentence of administration
How to use in-sentence of administration

Example sentences of “administration”:

+ However, after falling into administration in 2002 the council purchased the main Oakwell Stadium.

+ Metronet went into Administration administration in 2007 and Transport for London took over responsibilities in the end.

+ He went on to become the Minister of Culture in the first post-Soviet administration of the Republic of Armenia.

+ The Bartlet administration experiences a scandal during the second and third seasons that has been compared to the Monica Lewinsky affair.

+ During president Suharto’s New Order administration in the 1960s–1970s, Buru was a prison for thousands of political prisoners.

+ Foreign policy consumes 8%, administration 6%, research 5%.

+ She enrolled at Ecole nationale d’administration for a Master of Public Administration and thereafter completed a program in the Foundations of American Law and Legal Education from the Georgetown University.

+ No medications have been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration to treat POTS.

+ Those decisions were seen as a setback to the Trump administration efforts for helping authorities police illegal immigrants.

+ However, after falling into administration in 2002 the council purchased the main Oakwell Stadium.

+ Metronet went into Administration administration in 2007 and Transport for London took over responsibilities in the end.

+ The faint dividing lines between collective and state farms were obliterated almost totally in the late 1960s, when Khrushchev’s administration authorized a guaranteed wage to kolkhoz members, similarly to sovkhoz employees.

+ Plasma concentrations of a drug after administration of identical doses either by intravenous injection or orally.

+ In the letter, Crozier said that the ship was too cramped to allow for sick sailors to do what the Centers for Disease Control and the Navy’s own administration said people with COVID-19 should do: Keep away from other people for 14 days.

+ The lighthouse is managed by the Customs Administration of the Ministry of Finance.

+ It is under the Executive administration of Wuhu city.

+ The areas of ecclesiastical administration always coincided with those of the Roman civil administration.

More in-sentence examples of “administration”:

+ The Weather Channel originally gathered its national and regional forecasts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and its local forecasts were sourced from the various National Weather Service Weather Forecast Offices around the country.

+ She has been a high-profile member of Governor of MinnesotaGovernor Mark Dayton's administration and a key participant in legislative negotiations.
+ The China Earthquake Administration put up a Level I reaction.

+ The Weather Channel originally gathered its national and regional forecasts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and its local forecasts were sourced from the various National Weather Service Weather Forecast Offices around the country.

+ She has been a high-profile member of Governor of MinnesotaGovernor Mark Dayton’s administration and a key participant in legislative negotiations.

+ The China Earthquake Administration put up a Level I reaction.

+ The Republic of Korea Meteorological Administration downgraded Danas to a tropical depression at 11 am and stopped issuing announcements.

+ All four areas were part of Portuguese India and came under Indian administration in the mid 20th century.

+ This should serve to keep administration of images to a bare minimum.

+ During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Kennedy administration secretly agreed to remove the Jupiter missiles from Turkey in exchange for the withdrawal of all Russian nuclear weapons from Cuba.

+ Kosmo was Minister of Defence from 1993 to 1997 and Minister of Labour and Government Administration from 2000 to 2001.

+ The Mughal period was a period of unremarkable provincial administration from Delhi.

+ It was during this administration that Holland was first split in two, with the department of “Amstelland” to the north and that of “Maasland” to the south.

+ Bishop Dominic Mary Hồ Ngọc Cẩn built an additional four primary schools in Huế, he assigned the administration and teaching to the monks of the Order of the Sacred Heart.

+ Before that, he served as the Deputy National Security Advisor for the Clinton Administration from January 20, 1993 until March 14, 1997.

+ Two issues that the Musa Administration failed to Address during his 10-year term.

+ Born and raised in Bismarck, North Dakota, Schafer graduated from the University of North Dakota in 1969 with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and earned an MBA from the University of Denver in 1970.

+ The Lincoln administration found itself tasked with guiding the country through its darkest days.

+ In 1995 the FIA decided to transfer Formula One’s commercial rights from FOCA to Formula One Administration for a 14-year period.

+ The Ronald ReaganReagan administration gave Saddam roughly $40 billion worth of arms in the 1980s to fight Iran, nearly all of it on credit.

+ He was known for resigning under the Nixon administration after he refused to carryout Nixon’s orders to fire key investigators of the Watergate Scandal.

+ Under his administration telegraphs, railways, an institute of sciences, several Colleges, and many new schools were added to the resources of Ecuador.

+ The county administration was in the city of Tønsberg.

+ The site of a county’s administration and courts is called the county seat.

+ The administration of Ovando in Hispaniola was one of great cruelty toward the Taíno Indians.

+ Later, the Universidad Maximo de San Ignacio was placed under secular administration and converted into a seminary and a liberal arts college.

+ His successor was Horemheb, a general in the Egyptian army, who had been a diplomat in the administration of Tutankhamun.

+ It still played a role in administration becauset was close to border of the competing Herakleopolis MagnaHeracleopolitan and Theban dynasties of the First Intermediate Period.

+ He worked in German-occupied France as a war administration officer in Dux.

+ But international federations retain their independence and autonomy in the administration of their own sports.

+ He also remained Minister for Finance of Griffith’s republican administration after de Valera stepped down.

+ After the Islamic Emirate of AfghanistanTaliban regime ended and the Karzai administration started, Danish was part of the 2002 loya jirga.

+ It was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in early 2010.

+ In totality, the administration pf the city is divided into 14 talukas which includes 556 villages, 1 corporation, 1 cantonment area, and 7 municipalities.

+ Calderón’s administration sought to maintain moderate positions on social policy and supported Mexican legislation guaranteeing abortion for rape victims, when pregnancy endangers a woman’s life or in cases of severe fetal deformity; has publicly advocated the legalization of small quantities of cocaine and other drugs for addicts who agree to undergo treatment; and has approved a right-to-die initiative for ill patients to refuse invasive treatment or extraordinary efforts to prolong their lives.

+ The administration of leucine into the rat brain has been shown to decrease food intake and body weight via activation of the mTOR pathway.

+ This was the result of an administration reform in Saxony.

+ Kaplan holds a Master of Public Administration from the École Nationale d’Administration, an MSc from ESCP Europe ESCP Business School, and a BSc from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

+ Meselson worked with Henry Kissinger under the Nixon administration to convince President Richard Nixon to renounce biological weapons, suspend chemical weapons production, and support an international treaty banning biological agents for hostile purposes.

+ It also says that some cabinet members in the early days of the administration discussed using the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution as a way to remove the president from power.

+ Then the new administration confirmed this association by creating a “commune which contained the territories of both villages, and the association of their names.

+ This template is used to generate an external link to the Federal Aviation Administration terminal procedures for a specific airport.

+ It is also believed that the first colonial administrators in Lagos abbreviated Ikorodu and Epe Joint Administration to Ikeja for easy administration.

+ After the collapse of the Soviet Union, from 1991 to 1993, he was the Head of Department of Justice of Chuy Region, and Head of the Presidential Administration Department.

+ This makes the city the first in Kansas to elect a city administration that has only women.”The Latest Kansas Innovation: A Municipal Government Composed of Women”.

+ Then he went on with a study in business administration at the University of Washington.

+ Suleiman obtained a Ph.D in Public Administration and Policy Analysis from the University of Abuja, He graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in 1990 and proceeded with Master’s Degree in Public Administration both from the University of Maiduguri.

+ Carranza was the 26th Administrator of the Small Business Administration from January 15, 2020 to January 20, 2021.

+ He was a research scientist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center.

+ House Committee on House AdministrationCommittee on House Administration from 1979 to 1981.

+ Metronet, one of the winners of the contract for PPP, subsequently went into administration in July 2007.

+ The Soviet Military Administration in Germany.

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