“how” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “how”:

+ Economists study nature’s services to see how hard it would be to replace what nature does for humans.

+ Themes in the stories are: feelings about what is alien or other, uses of language, careers, Family relationships, sexual politics, how society creates gender, political freedom and equality.

+ Scientists do not yet know how to combine gravity with the Standard Model.

+ More information about what is causing the error and how to fix it may be found on the documentation page of whichever infobox is transcluded in the article.

+ He imagines what is going to happen to him when he dies: how he will meet God who will judge whether he has been good enough to go to heaven.

+ For template editors we have some recommendations on how to make templates that are mobile-friendly and also further documentation on our work so far.

+ The things and “Vasa” have been very good for historians, because they helps them understand how it was in Sweden in the 1600s.

+ Prisms, pyramids and other shapes can also be named according to how many faces they have.

how how to use?
how how to use?

Example sentences of “how”:

+ In this stage, children can come up with rules about how things can happen without needing concrete items.

+ The study of RNA and proteins must include a study of their 3-dimensional structure, which is varied, and influences how they work.

+ This puts back warm water, and so raises the temperature and decreases how much oxygen is in the water.

+ A scenario of an eruption of Mount Cayley shows how western Canada is vulnerable to an eruption.

+ While anxiously waiting, Homer begins to tell Bart, Lisa, and Maggie the story of how he and Marge got married and how Bart was born.

+ These words sometimes describe how the system is built: some systems are completely below or above ground, while others may have both below-ground and above-ground sections.

+ I don’t have a dash button on my keyboard, I don’t know how many do.

+ Hwayoung used the opportunity to state how hard it was for her, and her only support was her sister.

+ He was very famous and young composers came from all over Europe to study with him and learn how to be a composer.

+ Heuristics can be used to estimate an answer which is then made more clear by performing an exact solution at a very small scale, perhaps to save time, money or labor on a project – for example a heuristic guess as to how much weight a bridge is expected to carry can be used to determine whether the bridge should be made of wood, stone or steel, and appropriate quantities of the needed material can be purchased while the exact design of the bridge is being completed.

+ Comecon was how the Eastern Bloc responded to the Marshall Plan.

+ Socialism is an economic and political system where the government regulates how a business is run and spreads the wealth evenly where capitalism is regulated by the owners of the business.

+ In his time this mountain was in very bad shape, and everybody knew how it looked.

+ In this stage, children can come up with rules about how things can happen without needing concrete items.

+ The study of RNA and proteins must include a study of their 3-dimensional structure, which is varied, and influences how they work.
+ This puts back warm water, and so raises the temperature and decreases how much oxygen is in the water.

More in-sentence examples of “how”:

+ He knew how to capture the character of the people he painted.

+ Depending on how much thickener is added, the resulting viscosity may range between syrupy liquid and thick rubbery gel.

+ His widow hardly had any money, but King George V gave her a pension of GB£100, which shows how popular Coleridge-Taylor had been as a composer.

+ This getting bigger accounts for how Earth-bound people can see the light from a galaxy 30 billion light-years away, even if that light has traveled for only 13 billion years; the very space between them has expanded.

+ Just before this, Thile formed the How to Grow a Band.

+ Scarlett hurries home to find Rhett and tell him how much she loves him, but he tells her he wants a divorce because he feels like she never loved him.

+ To understand singularities, you have to think about infinite density, like how the original Big Bang started.

+ After grocery shopping, the girls meet with Sam Saboura, a top celebrity stylist to learn how to spend on a budget.

+ If we cannot inspect all schools annually, how can we expect to monitor individual families? Woodhead, Chris 2002.

+ The second is the delivery system – how the biological agent is going to get to and expose the people it is supposed to infect.

+ It is a show to teach kid under the age of 11 how to count.

+ Scientists figured out how to make and use digital computers in the 1930s to 1940s.

+ He gradually realizes how he has been tricked and feels unbearable sadness.

+ Various Christian groups have somewhat different views about how salvation happens.

+ Hammerscale is used to tell what some iron was used for, how it was used, and who made it.

+ The different atoms and the shape and length of the chains change how the plastic looks and works.

+ The fight of one step teaches how to direct attention, but the fight of three steps teaches him how to move forward and to move backward, as well as how to use a distance.

+ I would just like to know how my editing has been and where I should improve in my areas of editing.

+ The cells of the epidermis can vary in the way they are made and how they work.

+ Earlier in the season, he again showed how much he likied for the tough BelgiumBelgian Classic races.

+ I don’t see how I could have caused this.

+ It also decides where and how the name can be used.

+ After the end of the Egyptian civilization in 30 BCE, people no longer knew how to read the hieroglyphs.

+ Before the idea was made dogma, at the First Council of Nicaea, there were also other ideas on how to solve the problem.

+ While investigating how a culture of “E.

+ Mary asked the angel how she could be pregnant, since she was a virgin.

+ He knew how to capture the character of the people he painted.

+ Depending on how much thickener is added, the resulting viscosity may range between syrupy liquid and thick rubbery gel.

+ By making measurements over a long period of time, it may be possible to calculate the mass of the visible star and how long its orbit takes.

+ You can click the “Show preview” button to see how it looks, at any time before you save it.

+ Depending on how the computer has been programmed, the computer could behave incorrectly or even stop running.

+ To better understand how the economy works, it can be discussed in three sections.

+ In other words, weight is how hard gravity pulls on an object.

+ I want to make sure people know how grateful I am so here is my message about my withdraw I hope its okay that I post this here.

+ The flashbacks also reveal how Leo McGarry persuaded Bartlet, who was then governor of New Hampshire, to run for president and how Bartlet ultimately selected John Hoynes as his choice as running mate.

+ It is not known how long Verus’ journey east took; he might not have arrived in Antioch until after 162.

+ Do we have any guidelines for how to name articles when there are books, movies, plays, and whatever else with the same name? Should the unqualified title always be for the thing that came first, or for the article that was created here first? How about when we only have an article about one of them? I’m asking because an editor pointed out that our article The Hunger Games is about the movie.

+ Even though you never even entered the discussion, some users will predict your opinions just to let others see how wrong you are about something you never said.

+ For example, if a reviewer awards something a rating of “4” on a scale of 5, you should simply write it as “4” or “4/5” in your article, depending on how it is presented by the source.

+ Gray is best known for her 1999 single, “I Try”, which came off of her first album, “On How Life Is”.

+ It is unknown what the spines were made of and how much ‘protection’ they offered.

+ Just as how in the real world, Cloudclouds hide parts of the IT-related actions are provided “as a service”, allowing users to access these services through the Internet.

+ The Schrödinger equation is a differential equation that forms the basis of quantum mechanics, one of the most accurate theories of how subatomic particles behave.

+ When asked how he knew to get out, the fireman thought it was ESP.

+ I don’t mean to attack anybody at all, but could we all look past the present and think of the future? Could we all get over our fears of change and approve requests based on how it will better the community? An example of this is the Wikicup.

+ Visitors can look over here how people lived and what traditions they had.

+ That’s how people live.

+ When he was studying in Saint Augustine’s Minor Seminary, his family would oftern travel from British Honduras to Mississippi in the United States where that Junior college was located so see Price and check on him and how he was going along with his education in Saint Augustine’s Minor Seminary.

+ Karl Popper distinguished between two different forms of government, “Those where it is possible to change the government without bloodshed, in a popular vote, and those where it isn’t.” He said that this was the key difference, and not how the forms of government are named.

+ It is difficult to know exactly how many people were killed in this mass murder, because the IJA burnt many bodies, buried others in mass graves, and dumped others in the Yangtze River.

+ Impulse is a measurement of how much force a rocket motor makes and for how long.

+ There is no real information of when the Goblin shark matures, when and how it mates, and how long the gestation period lasts.

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