“hooded” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “hooded”:

– On 7th January, 2015 the Kouachi brothers, hooded and armed with Kalashnikovs, burst into the editorial meeting of the magazine Charlie Hebdo, shooting at the assembled people.

– It is a major breeding ground of harp seal and hooded seal.

– The hooded seal can live to about age 30 to 35.

– On October 17 1829, a hooded man tried to kill Hauser with a large knife but managed only to wound his forehead.

– Other marine mammals include ringed seal, bearded seal, harp seal and hooded seal as well as narwhal and Beluga whale.

– She kills many of them and is later rescued by a hooded woman.

– The hooded pitohui gets its poison from part of its diet, the “Choresine” beetles of the Melyridae family.

– He had served under Daniel Alexander, a Trinity House architect, whose influence can be seen on parts of the design including the heavy weathered string-course near the base and the blocked and hooded directional-light window.

hooded in sentences?
hooded in sentences?

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