“homosexual” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “homosexual”:

+ A homosexual individual may be A5, B0.

+ Men who only like to have sex with other men, and women who only like to have sex with other women are homosexual or “gay”.

+ Hirschfeld put a homosexual man in one of four groups.

+ It is an alternative to the gender binary in homosexual and heterosexual.

+ However some places do not allow homosexual couples to adopt children, so many of them want to be able to adopt children.

+ Such people experience both heterosexual and homosexual behavior.

+ This makes Nico the first demigod acknowledged as homosexual in the series.

+ The pink triangle was first used in Nazi Germany to mark homosexual prisoners.

homosexual - example sentences
homosexual – example sentences

Example sentences of “homosexual”:

+ This makes determining the degree of heterosexual and homosexual in an individual easy.

+ Communist sympathies and homosexual tendencies were two of the connections considered most undesirable.

+ Some religous Fundamentalismfundamentalists have said that HIV/AIDS is a punishment from God against homosexual people.

+ Agents discovered that gay men sometimes referred to themselves as “friends of Dorothy.” Unaware of the historical meaning of the term, the NIS believed that a woman named Dorothy was at the center of a massive ring of homosexual military personnel.

+ In 2005, he said that he is homosexual during an interview with “Frontiers” magazine and that he was in a relationship with his partner of eighteen years, Brad Altman.

+ They find it hard to put an individual between the numbers 2 to 4 if the individual has a large amount of heterosexual and homosexual experiences.

+ In 1958 he started the Homosexual Reform Society with Bertrand Russell.

+ At that time, homosexual acts were illegal.

+ Some homosexual men were also sent to concentration camps, especially Jewish homosexuals.

+ Even though both society and law try to stop homosexual activities, there is a form of bisexuality within mainstream Afghan culture.

+ At the age of 47, after several homosexual love affairs, Sassoon married.

+ It is the first Homosexual couple in Rick’s books with the ship name ‘Solangelo’.

+ Pauley Perrette is an AmericansAmerican actress and homosexual rights advocate.

+ The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010 allowed homosexual men and women to serve openly in the armed forces.

+ This makes determining the degree of heterosexual and homosexual in an individual easy.

+ Communist sympathies and homosexual tendencies were two of the connections considered most undesirable.

More in-sentence examples of “homosexual”:

+ After World War II, homosexual men were still not treated well in Germany.

+ Some of her novels included homosexual themes or undertones.

+ In a place where men, young men, and boys were nude, homosexual interaction was common.

+ In “Angel”, the script hinted at a homosexual experience between Spike and Angel.

+ It is to be doubted if Pammenes actually organized military units along homosexual lines.

+ Prisoners who were Jewish and homosexual may not have been counted as homosexual.

+ Moon has spoken vehemently against homosexual activity.

+ In August 2009, a petition asking the British Government to apologise to Turing for punishing him for being a homosexual was started.

+ This scale was in “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female.” It was made to fight the idea that people can only be homosexual or heterosexual.

+ Some gay and lesbian people stay in the closet because of fear of what would happen or because they live in a place that is not safe for homosexual people.

+ Most of the time he had heterosexual and homosexual patients with sexual problems in therapy, but he also treated and counselled transvestites and pedophiles.

+ It probably references homosexual relations between older men and youths.

+ Many religions teach that homosexual Sexual intercoursesex is a sin.

+ Writing the music for “Swan Lake” was a way for Tchaikovsky to avoid the reality of being a homosexual in czarist Russia.

+ When homosexual people keep their sexual orientation a secret, they are said to be “in the closet”.

+ Pope Francis supports the Catholic teaching that homosexual acts are immoral.

+ Conversion therapy or reparative therapy aims to change people’s sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual.

+ It is because Bageminl thought it makes it simple to say a transsexual is a homosexual male looking to run from stigma.

+ Donovan uses “androphilia” to focus on masculinity in male homosexual desire.

+ Since 6th of October in 1860, it has been illegal to participate in homosexual acts.

+ The word “gay” can mean any homosexual person, but sometimes it’s used just for homosexual men.

+ This included hate crimehate crimes, criminalization of homosexual activity, and discrimination.

+ The homosexual activity could be just holding hands or kissing.

+ It is devotiondevoted to the cause of homosexual or gay rights while actively involving parents, family and friends of those individuals.

+ According to some interviewed in this movie, the MPAA often treats homosexual issues in movies much harder than heterosexual content.

+ After World War II, homosexual men were still not treated well in Germany.

+ Some of her novels included homosexual themes or undertones.
+ In a place where men, young men, and boys were nude, homosexual interaction was common.

+ In therapies like this one, homosexual individuals have tried to become heterosexual and have even claimed they were changed, but most people do not believe it is possible.

+ This made questions about whether or not SpongeBob, his best friend Patrick, and the rest of the series’ characters are homosexual characters.

+ It is usually homosexual sex between men.

+ The movie is about two bisexual pilots, Benito and Alex, and several homosexual stewards.

+ The techniques involved are abstinence, lessening of homosexual temptations and correcting distorted style of relations to the same or opposite gender.

+ These seven states kept laws that made sodomy between homosexual couples a misdemeanor.

+ The play is about King Edward II’s downfall and his homosexual passion for Piers Gaveston.

+ Most Greek males considered a homosexual relationship a positive palaestra experience.

+ After the independence of Azerbaijan in 1991, homosexual acts were legalized in 2000.

+ Every state law made sodomy between homosexual couples illegal.

+ Some people think that bisexual people are heterosexual or homosexual people who are confused.

+ Forster was a homosexual and wrote about homosexuality, social classclass division and gender.

+ The movement to give marriage rights and benefits to homosexual couples in the United States began in the 1970s.

+ Eustache fell into disgrace when it became known that he had participated in lavish parties that included Satanismblack masses, and possibly homosexual sex.

+ He was a promiscuous homosexual and lived with his manager-partner Dennis Heymer from 1955 until his death.

+ According to a poll conducted at IIT Delhi in 2015, 72% of respondents agreed that “being homosexual is normal as being heterosexual”.

+ Edit war over whether pictures of homosexual sex should be included on Homosexuality.

+ This response was, however, counterproductive in a legal sense as it only served to reinforce the charges of homosexual behaviour.

+ These rooms were often used for homosexual or pederastic trysts.

+ On the other end, at value 6, he or she has a purely homosexual orientation.

+ Citing queer ethical consumerism again, Juengling has taken the position that people should not donate to the Salvation Army based on their policies relating to homosexual people.

+ Between 15,000 and 600,000 homosexual men were sent to concentration camps.

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