“homogeneous” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “homogeneous”:

– Artificial crystallization is a technique to get solid crystals from a homogeneous solution.

– The homogeneous nature of these celebrations was a low point for the Olympic Movement.

– The homogeneous binary relations are studied for properties like reflexiveness, symmetry, and transitivity, which determine different kinds of orderings on the set.

– Tracking is the method of placing students according to their ability level in homogeneous classes or learning experiences.

– The second source of opposition is the concept that while Indians are not one nation, neither are the Muslims or Hindus of the subcontinent, and it is instead the relatively homogeneous provincial units of the subcontinent which are true nations and deserving of sovereignty across the subcontinent.

– Around 1990, she proved a group of major theorems concerning unipotent flows on homogeneous spaces, known as Ratner’s theorems.

– Unlike more famous cities such as Seoul or Busan, there is a single, homogeneous dominant culture in Daegu – Right-wing orthodox South Korean ultra-conservatives.

– For distances beyond that, measures depend upon physical assumptions, that is, the assertion that one recognizes the object in question, and the class of objects is homogeneous enough that its members can be used for meaningful estimation of distance.

homogeneous example in sentences
homogeneous example in sentences

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