“hollow” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “hollow”:

+ From the south the territory of Kalmykia is limited by Kumo-Manychskoj a hollow and the rivers Manych and Kuma, in a southeast part is washed by Caspian sea, in the northeast on an insignificant plot the republic border approaches to the river Volga, and in the northwest the Ergeninsky height is possessed.

+ She then went and haunted valleys and mountainous areas where echoes are able to be heard in all hollow places of the earth.

+ They were hollow cylindrical objects with an audio recording engraved on the outside surface.

+ The club in the beginning played at Park Hollow at Nottingham Castle.

+ The bones in amphibians are hollow and do not weigh much.

hollow use in sentences
hollow use in sentences

Example sentences of “hollow”:

+ It is used to describe the pressure inside hollow organs.

+ Woodpeckers drum on hollow trees as a territory marker.

+ The fangs are grooved rather than hollow fangs, the poison is hard to place into a bite on a human, in this way, is only given in small amount.

+ It translates into English as “St Mary’s Church in the hollow of the white hazel near to the rapid whirlpool of Llantysilio of the Red Cave”.

+ Inside the whole is a hollow column containing the stairs.

+ Sellier Bellot hollow point boat tail; “Czech silver tip”, mild steel core, light ball; Hungarian silver/yellow-tip, mild steel core, heavy ball; Wolf Ammunition Gold soft-point; USSR 1986 steel core light ball, Factory 60.

+ The development of an embryo passes through various stages: the blastula, a hollow ball of cells; the gastrula, migration of cells; morphogenesis; Tissue tissue differentiation, and so on.

+ They also can be found in hollow trees and in termite mounds.

+ These cells form on the surface of the skin, on the lining of hollow organs in the body, and on the lining of the respiratory tractrespiratory and digestive tracts.

+ Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center is a large wind farm with 735.5 megawatt capacity.

+ It is suitable as a bird home because it is similar to a natural bird home, such as a hollow tree, and birds often make nests inside birdboxes.

+ The vibraslap is made of a cowbell-shaped hollow box and a wooden ball connected by a steel rod.

+ The Hollow Earth is a concept proposing that the planet Earth is entirely hollow or contains a substantial inner space.

+ It is used to describe the pressure inside hollow organs.

+ Woodpeckers drum on hollow trees as a territory marker.
+ The fangs are grooved rather than hollow fangs, the poison is hard to place into a bite on a human, in this way, is only given in small amount.

More in-sentence examples of “hollow”:

+ A tree hollow or tree hole is a cavity in a tree.

+ The spines are are hollow and covered by cuticle.

+ A tree hollow or tree hole is a cavity in a tree.

+ The spines are are hollow and covered by cuticle.

+ The principle types of electrodes are: 1 simple solid Electrical conductorconductors, such as discs and needles hollow tubes filled with an electrolyte, such as glass pippettes.

+ In 1849, a FranceFrench army officer, Claude-Étienne Minié, invented a bullet with a hollow base named for him called the Minié ball.

+ The Roscoe Wind Farm is the largest onshore wind farm in the world, producing 781.5 MegawattMW of power, followed by the Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center.

+ They were hollow inside.

+ An HCL takes advantage of the hollow cathode effect, which causes conduction at a lower voltage and with more current than a cold cathode lamp that does not have a hollow cathode.

+ He also has been a presenter for series such as “Live Kicking and, the Hollow Earth trilogy”.

+ To reduce stress, a building’s ground floor can be supported by extremely rigid, hollow columns, while the rest of the building is supported by flexible columns inside the hollow columns.

+ However, in a pistol bullet, the hollow point can be much larger.

+ The wheat plant has long, slender leaves, stems that are hollow in most types of wheat plants, and heads that have many kinds of flowers, from 20 to 100.

+ The inner core is white with a dark brown skin, the size of a golf ball, and it is hollow inside.

+ Because of the haphazard interest in subjects, some famous book, such as “Gone with the Wind”, might go 7 years with only a hollow article about the book, while a particular comic book might be described in numerous articles, detailing each volume/issue published in the set of comics.

+ For example, there are hollow point pistol bullets that also spread out a lot when they hit a target.

+ Powell’s kites came with a long, hollow polyethylene tail that was inflated by the wind.

+ Visitors can take the ‘Tower Tour’ where the interior of the hollow spire, with its ancient wood scaffolding, can be seen.

+ Their burrows and nests are in hollow logs, rock piles, and under barns.

+ Uncyclopedia’s logo is a hollow potato named Sophia.

+ The Apiaceae or Umbelliferae is a family of mostly aromatic plants with hollow stems.

+ The walls had “niches” which is a hollow that a statue can stand in.

+ The calculated values for the polar second moment of area are most often used describe a solid or hollow cylindrical shaft’s resistance to torsion, as in a vehicle’s axle or drive shaft.

+ There are many hollow tubes, including the xylem vessel and schlerenchyma fibres.

+ The jacketed hollow point tends to be accurate and is sturdy.

+ The proboscis is made up of two hollow tubes.

+ He posited that the nervous system was made up of hollow tubes which filled with “animal spirits” any time an action were to take place in that part of the body.

+ The hollow temple can still be seen in Pompeii today.

+ Almost 1,000 people were living in Hollow Rock as of 2000.

+ In some hollow point rifle bullets, the front may spread out to two times as wide as the bullet was when it started.

+ They either make their burrows in the ground like rabbits, in between the roots of trees, or in hidden sheltered places such as hollow logs.

+ All vipers have a pair of long hollow fangs which are used to inject venom from glands found in the back of the upper jaws.

+ Almost all species of bamboo have hollow stems divided into nodes or joints.

+ A busbar is usually a flat or hollow piece of copper, brass or aluminium.

+ The scientists who invented BATS say it is different from other systems because it is lighter, uses less power and can track animals even inside caves or hollow trees.

+ It penetrates the prey, and the hollow thread comes with it.

+ It is made out of a microscopemicroscopic micro-lattice of hollow tubes – a criss-cross diagonal pattern with open spaces between the tubes.

+ The ventricles are hollow spaces in the human brain.

+ The eggs are laid in a hollow part of a tree.

+ The microtubules are rigid tubes like microscopic straws which are hollow inside.

+ Sometimes, only a hollow fruit or inflorescence detaches.

+ The first phase of the Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center consisted of 213 MW and was completed in late 2005; phase two consisted of 223.5 MW and was completed in the second quarter of 2006; phase three which consisted of 299 MW, was completed by the end of 2006.

+ It weighs about 380-500 grams While the bill seems large and weighty, it is in fact a spongy, hollow bone covered in keratin, a very light and hard protein.

+ The woodblock is hollow inside so that it makes a big, resonating sound.

+ They are hollow tubes whose walls consist of 13 columns of tubulin molecules.

+ All of Issler’s records were recorded on fragile hollow cylinders made of a waxy blend of materials that usually became brown-colored during the making of the blank cylinders, so they are called “brown wax cylinders” because of their shape and usual color.

+ They do not need to have a hollow body.

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