“hold” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “hold”:

– As a result, plans for more nuclear plants were put on hold and the Soviet government, who were not very open with its data, had to make public more of its data.

– To summon Kingdom Hearts, Heartless must be killed with a Keyblade, which will release the hearts they hold and let them return to Kingdom Hearts.

– This helps to hold onto rocks.

– Nick decides to hold his judgment.

– One of the project space edits was also to make sure that he extended his hold on the tools for a further year – being about three months from losing them due to inactivity.

– An electrical enclosure is a cabinet used to hold electrical equipment.

hold - example sentences
hold – example sentences

Example sentences of “hold”:

- The wrestler can hold the opponent's head up before performing the lariat with the other arm.

- He displays a rustling of tail quills which hold up the fanned back plumes as he stamps and turns.

– The wrestler can hold the opponent’s head up before performing the lariat with the other arm.

– He displays a rustling of tail quills which hold up the fanned back plumes as he stamps and turns.

– Richard finds out that the boxes of Orden hold the power of life and death.

– Media centers have not seen widespread popularity but are starting to take hold in the UK and the United States.

– Women and hairdressers would use small pillows inside the hair to hold it up.

– I remember back to the old days of enWP and man did we have teething pains over there! But, it has to be remembered that enWP has thousands upon thousands of editors, and into the seven digit figures of registered users and I think that in our own way we hold our own for relevance and quality.

– In 1971 South Africa was told their hold on the country was illegal.

– Some of these men would later hold important offices in the new government.

– Under the lease terms, the Aṉangu always hold a majority on the management board.

– The city then hold about 10,000 people.

– Unlike the regular Veyron, with 300 produced, there are only 20 supersport versions, which used to hold the record for world’s fastest car at 267mph.

– A suspension bridge has tall towers that hold long cables, and the cables hold up or “suspend” the bridge.

– The Spanish dollar had already taken hold in the Straits Settlements by the time the British arrived in the nineteenth century, however, the East India Company tried to introduce the rupee in its place.

– As they learned to build them better, sometimes people would build larger igloos that would last longer and hold more people, even for dancing.

More in-sentence examples of “hold”:

– Players may take three steps with the ball and can hold the ball for at most three seconds.

– The Allies planned to do a major attack on a German-held port on the French coast and to hold it for two tides.

– In Germany, Walpurgisnacht, the night from April 30 to May 1, is the night when allegedly the witches hold a large celebration on the Blocksberg and await the arrival of Spring.

– The stadium can hold of 35,000 people.

– If the equality does hold for many values of “a”, then we can say that “n” is probably prime, or a pseudoprime.

– It can hold 155,000 people to watch a race.

– There were hardly any guns at that time in India and Babur had managed to get hold of some in Kabul.

– The Scottish and Welsh Federations hold their own championships every year as they did before.

– In the future it will hold data like the number of inhabitants of a country, the date of birth of a famous person or the length of a river.

– Because of this, a digital camera can hold many more pictures than a traditional film camera.

– However, a person can measure how much gasoline there is or count how many containers are used to hold gasoline.

– The following properties hold if a, b, and c are real vectors and “r” is a scalar.

– She was the first woman to hold a position in any presidential cabinet in Latin American history.

– He was the first non-communist to hold office.

– Hitler wanted the car to hold four people.

– This is a tracking category for CS1 citations that use the parameter to hold a citation title that uses non-Latin characters and contains the language prefix.

– Williams got hold of the book from his children, and when he brought it to DreamWorks, it caught Jeffrey Katzenberg’s attention and the studio decided to make it into a movie.

– Controllers of BBC Radio Scotland hold the title “Head of Radio, BBC Scotland” on account of BBC Scotland’s radio productions for other BBC networks.

– It needs something to hold the sample, and a photomultiplier tube.

– In 1993, the Russian Parliament tried to remove Yeltsin from power after he tried to hold early elections.

– In 2002 planning for recording an album of new material was put on hold after John Entwistle’s death at the age of 57.

– They have leaf springs and arms to hold the axles.

– However, not all countries hold the feast on this day.

– A bedroom mainly has a bed and drawers to hold clothes in.

– A standard Oyster card is a blue credit card-sized stored value card which can hold a variety of single tickets, period tickets and travel permits which must be added to the card prior to travel.

- Players may take three steps with the ball and can hold the ball for at most three seconds.

- The Allies planned to do a major attack on a German-held port on the French coast and to hold it for two tides.
- In Germany, Walpurgisnacht, the night from April 30 to May 1, is the night when allegedly the witches hold a large celebration on the Blocksberg and await the arrival of Spring.

– The two men who created the agreement, Akhil Reed Amar and Vikram Amar, hold this position.

– In 1980, he was re-appointed as Northern Ireland manager, his final position, and a post he would hold for the next thirteen years.

– They can have any name and may also hold data.

– The prison, which could only hold about 50 prisoners, was not as bad most of the prisons in Paris.

– Han was elected Mayor of Kaohsiung in November 2018, and became the first Kuomintang politician since Wu in 1998 to hold the office.

– If no-one has an absolute majority on the first and second ballot, then they hold a third ballot, and the winner is the person who has the highest number of votes.

– She is the first woman to hold this office.

– The stadium can hold 5,327 fans.

– The General then attacks the warren in the night as the Watership Rabbits head to their deepest burrows, blocking off the tunnels in an attempt to hold off the Efrafans.

– The movie gained negative reviews from critics and hold a 23% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

– Also, Jinder Mahal beat Randy Orton so he would still hold the WWE Championship and Carmella cheated to win the first Money in the Bank ladder match for women.

– It can hold up to 900 megabytes of data.

– In 28 May 1941, Smuts became a Field marshalField Marshal of the British Army, becoming the first South African to hold that rank.

– She was the first woman and the first Jew to hold that office.

– The size of the dam was enlarged in 1911 to hold about 2 million gallons.

– The “tippling cane” contained a flask usually to hold a small amount of liquor.

– It is like an extra pocket worn to hold something where it can quickly be taken out for use.

– For a time the marauders seemed to hold aloof from the city itself, but as they kept on their course of pillage their appetite for plunder was whetted, and they looked with avaricious eyes at the city on the hill.

– A bobby pin is a clip that goes in one’s hair to hold individual strands of hair in place.

– She was ordered to hold Midway and do as much damage to the enemy as possible.

– Cosplay communities often hold events such as parties and conventions.

– Millard Fillmore, who became president after Taylor’s death, was the last Whig to hold the nation’s highest office.

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