“hms” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “hms”:

+ One of the most famous expeditions was the voyage of Lieutenant James Cook in the HMS “Endeavour”.

+ On the morning of 22 September James Livingston, the colonel in charge of the outpost at Verplanck’s Point, fired on HMS “Vulture”, the ship that was intended to carry André back to New York.

+ Born in Wyre Piddle, son of Harry Madeline, near Pershore, Worcestershire, Choules joined the Royal Navy as a young man in 1916, and served aboard the Naval Training Ship HMS Circe at Plymouth.

+ Adams was arrested in March 1972 and interned HMS Maidstone, but was set free in June to take part in secret talks in London.

+ In October 2004 the Royal Navy officially recognised its first registered Satanist, twenty-four year old Chris Cranmer, as a technician on the HMS Cumberland.

+ Darwin first heard about Malthus in letters from his sister Fanny, while he was voyaging on HMS “Beagle”.

hms some ways to use
hms some ways to use

Example sentences of “hms”:

+ It was once part of a set of three, HMS Invincible has been scrapped and HMS Ark Royal was decommissioned.

+ She was intended to be a support ship for HMS “Sirius”.

+ It was used by Argentina against the Royal Navy’s HMS “Sheffield”.

+ The HMS “Bounty” was a small, three masted, mast =wooden poles to hold up the sails fully rigged, sailing ship.

+ European maps continued to show this unknown land until Captain James Cook’s ships, HMS “Resolution” and “Adventure”, crossed the Antarctic Circle on 17 January 1773, in December 1773.

+ Argentina used it in the Falklands War, destroying the British destroyer HMS “Sheffield”.

+ On August 19, 1812, the Constitution and HMS Guerriere fought a battle about 400 miles southeast of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

+ When HMS “Sirius” was wrecked in 1790, the “Supply” was the new settlement’s only ship.

+ Remembrance is a drama about Royal Navy ratings of HMS “Raleigh”.

+ In 1906 the new HMS Dreadnought made all older battleships obsolete.

+ The voyages of HMS BeagleHMS “Beagle” and HMS “Erebus” HMS “Terror” coincided at several points; for example, they both visited the Falkland Isles, Australia, and New Zealand.

+ Some of its most famous ships that people can still see are HMS Victory and the HMS Warrior.

+ His expeditions aboard the HMS Beagle from 1831-1836 to collect marine organisms.

+ The title refers to the second survey expedition of the ship HMS “Beagle”.

+ Kitchener was drowningdrowned in 1916 when the HMS Hampshire sunk near the mine.

+ These people were descendants of the mutineers from HMS Bounty.

+ The expedition consisted of two ships, HMS “Erebus” and HMS “Terror”; it was the last major voyage of exploration made entirely under sail.

+ On 8 June they were joined by 56 officers and men from the HMS “Sulphur”.

+ They were named by Ross after his ships HMS “Erebus” and HMS “Terror”.

+ It was once part of a set of three, HMS Invincible has been scrapped and HMS Ark Royal was decommissioned.

+ She was intended to be a support ship for HMS "Sirius".
+ It was used by Argentina against the Royal Navy's HMS "Sheffield".

More in-sentence examples of “hms”:

+ HMS Bulwark is the rotating flagship of the Royal Navy with HMS Albion.

+ The Italian Navy’s most successful attack, however, was when human torpedo divers planted mines on British battleships in Alexandria, and the HMS “Queen Elizabeth” and HMS “Valiant” were sunk.

+ The ridge was discovered during the expedition of HMS “Challenger” in 1872.

+ Gough Island was formally claimed in 1938 for Britain, during a visit by HMS “Milford” of the Royal Navy.

+ She was critical of the HMs needed to play the game and the perceived imbalance that favored Water-type Pokémon.

+ He became the ship’s cat of HMS “Ark Royal”.

+ The series was about life on board a Royal Navy warship, the fictional HMS Hero.

+ In 1917, he joined the battleship HMS Revenge HMS “Revenge”, which was the First Battle Squadron.

+ He returned to Sydney in February 1795 on HMS “Reliance”.

+ In 1796, he was press-ganged into the Royal Navy and served on HMS “Venerable” under Admiral Duncan, the Royal Navy Commander-in-Chief of the North Seas.

+ At 05:45 24th of May, German lookouts spotted smoke in the distance which turned out to be from two of the Royal Navy’s ships called HMS Hood and HMS Prince of Wales.

+ Later, he surrendered and the HMS Guerriere sank.

+ It is in Portsmouth, England with the HMS VictoryHMS “Victory” and the remains of the “Mary Rose”, a ship belonging to Henry VIII of England.

+ Endeavour was named after Captain James Cooks’s ship, HMS Endeavour.

+ They were HMS Phoebe, HMS Dido, HMS Hermione and HMS Jupiter.

+ He arrived in Sydney in New South Wales on HMS “Reliance” on 7 September 1795.

+ All the crews of these warships were given HMS Hero cap tallies for filming purposes.

+ In May 1840, Major Thomas Bunbury arrived on a ship, the HMS Herald, to collect signatures from the Ngāi Tahu chiefs for the Treaty of Waitangi.

+ October 21st was actually named HMS Queen Elizabeth 2 Day by the Americans.

+ In one incident, the cutter “Eagle” was run aground during a battle with a British brig, the HMS “Dispatch” and a British sloop that was with her.

+ His book strongly influenced the young Charles Darwin, who took the first volume with him on the HMS BeagleHMS “Beagle”, and had the second volume sent ahead to Rio de Janeiro.

+ Oscar was picked up by the destroyer HMS “Cossack”.

+ HMS Albion is the rotating flagship of the Royal Navy with HMS Bulwark.

+ The first ship, HMS Supply HMS “Supply”, reached Botany Bay on 18 January 1788.

+ In 2012 for the first time a female officer, Commander Sarah West commanded a major warship, HMS Portland.

+ It was mainly filmed aboard the Leander class frigateLeander-class HMS Phoebe.

+ It was called the HMS “Owen Glendower”.

+ Darwin spent almost five years on board a Royal Navy exploring ship, the HMS “Beagle”.

+ It had formerly belonged to the Royal Navy as the HMS “Totem”.

+ After the setting up of the penal colony at Port Jackson, HMS “Supply” made ten trips to Norfolk Island.

+ The crew of HMS Ocean regularly visit the city.

+ It also displays the stern of HMS Royal Charles HMS “Royal Charles” which was captured in the Raid on the Medway, and the Hartog plate.

+ Four Leander class frigates played the role of HMS Hero.

+ Blackie was HMS “Prince of Waless ship’s cat.

+ According to a Russian documentary, the United Kingdom deployed a carrier battle group led by the aircraft carrier HMS “Eagle” to the Bay.

+ After six days the Irish were exhausted and were being shot at by huge artillery pieces mounted onto a British ship called HMS Helga.

+ He was the captain of HMS Beagle in the voyage of the English naturalist Charles Darwin.

+ It is in Portsmouth, England with the HMS Warrior HMS “Warrior” and the remains of the “Mary Rose”, a ship belonging to Henry VIII of England.

+ She has been loaned for three years whilst HMS Endurance is fixed.

+ The HMS “Challenger” expedition found radiolaria in the two dredged samples taken when the Challenger Deep was first discovered.

+ Fremantle was captain of HMS “Challenger”, which brought the first settlers to Western Australia.

+ The remains of the “Mary Rose” are currently in Portsmouth, England with the HMS “Victory” and HMS “Warrior”.

+ In 1944 he was a Staff Officer and in March 1945 he was appointed Captain of the brand new Frigate HMS ‘Cardigan Bay’.

+ Lord Howe Island is a small island about The island was first discovered in 1788 by Lieutenant Henry Lidgbird Ball, who was captain of the HMS Supply.

+ The HMS Guerriere was also severely burned and damaged.

+ It was believed for centuries that HMS “Victory” was wrecked in 1744 on the Casquets, the lightkeeper of Alderney even being court-martialled for failure to keep the light on at the time of the ship’s loss.

+ She also picked up eight male convicts from HMS Guardian HMS “Guardian” which had been wrecked after hitting an iceberg.

+ During World War IIWW2 the Royal Navy ship HMS “Bamborough Castle” was named after it.

+ HMS Bulwark is the rotating flagship of the Royal Navy with HMS Albion.

+ The Italian Navy's most successful attack, however, was when human torpedo divers planted mines on British battleships in Alexandria, and the HMS "Queen Elizabeth" and HMS "Valiant" were sunk.

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