“hittite” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “hittite”:

+ At its peak, the Hittite Empire covered most of modern Turkey and Syria.

+ The entire Levant was at that time contested between the Ancient EgyptEgyptian and Hittite empires.

+ Hattusa, the Hittite capital, was burned and abandoned, and never reoccupied.

+ The greatest achievement of Seti I’s foreign policy was the capture of the Syrian town of Kadesh and neighboring territory of Amurru from the Hittite Empire.

+ At the Battle of Qadesh he led the Egyptian armies in battle against the Hittite king Muwatalli II.

+ Old Hittite and Mycenaean Greek are both Indo-European languages.

+ The Luwians were related to the Hittites and were the dominant group in the Late Hittite culture.

hittite use in-sentences
hittite use in-sentences

Example sentences of “hittite”:

+ Arawanna took part in the coalition of states that rebelled against the Hittite king Tudhaliya III and were supported by the king of Mitanni Shuttarna II.

+ Ramesses married Hattusili’s daughter, and years later he married another Hittite princess.

+ Some Hittite and Egyptian texts also talk about the war.

+ Ugarit had close connections to the Hittite Empire.

+ These prisoners brought with them a plague which ravaged the Hittite Kingdom continuing well into Mursili’s reign and may have killed Suppiluliuma himself.

+ Suppiluliuma II, the son of Tudhaliya IV, was the last known king of the New Kingdom of the Hittite Empire, ruling 1207 BCE – c.1178 BCE, contemporary with Tukulti-Ninurta I of Assyira.

+ Although the majority of the text is identical, the Hittite version claims that the Egyptians came suing for peace, while the Egyptian version claims the reverse.

+ Hattusili led the Hittite forces in the Battle of Kadesh against Egypt in 1274 BC.

+ The earliest recorded peace treaty was between the Hittite and Egyptian empires.

+ Later in his reign Mursili II campaigned against the Kaska once again retaking the Hittite holy city of Niniveh.

+ The oldest known picture of a guitar-like instrument is a 3300 year old stone carving of a Hittite bard.

+ The oldest Hittite texts are slightly earlier than the earliest Mycenaean texts, but Greek is the oldest surviving Indo-European language.

+ They were an obscure mountain tribe who came to power in Babylon after the collapse of the First Dynasty of Babylon in 1595 following a Hittite sack of the city, and became rulers of northern Babylonia.

+ A Hittite army under crown prince Arnuwanda invaded Egyptian territory from Syria, pillaging and taking many prisoners.

+ The Hittite Mursili III fled to Egypt, after he failed to take his uncle’s throne.

+ New order emerges with GreeceGreek control of the Aegean and the rise of the Hittite Empire.

+ Apparently, it was based upon previous Hittite models.

+ After the Hittite destruction, Babylon was ruled by Kassites for 576 years.

+ Seti I was successful in defeating a Hittite army that tried to defend the town.

+ Early in his life, Ramesses went on campaigns to get land back from Nubian and Hittite hands, and to secure Egypt’s borders.

+ Arawanna took part in the coalition of states that rebelled against the Hittite king Tudhaliya III and were supported by the king of Mitanni Shuttarna II.

+ Ramesses married Hattusili's daughter, and years later he married another Hittite princess.
+ Some Hittite and Egyptian texts also talk about the war.

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