“hind” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “hind”:

+ This is because a cat mostly moves its hind legs and does not use much angular momentum to set itself up for landing.

+ The legs were fairly long, with the front legs longer than the hind legs.

+ The male platypus has spurs on the heels of its hind feet.

+ On the ground, they walk on their hind feet and knuckles.

+ A biped, “Procompsognathus” had long hind legs, short arms, large clawed hands, a long slender snout with many small teeth, and a stiff tail.

+ The fore wing and hind wing have a row of submarginal black spots and black median lines running across the wings.

+ The hind wing has two rows of spots.

+ The hind wing has a white streak on the top edge.

hind in sentences?
hind in sentences?

Example sentences of “hind”:

+ As hoppers get more crowded, the close physical contact causes the insects' hind legs to bump against one another.

+ Some species have tails on their hind wings which may be long and swordlike.

+ As hoppers get more crowded, the close physical contact causes the insects’ hind legs to bump against one another.

+ Some species have tails on their hind wings which may be long and swordlike.

+ A lion “coward” carries its tail between its hind legs.

+ It can be distinguished from other members of the genus by the number of claws on the fore and hind feet.

+ Then, the cells are brought to specific places on the creature’s hind body.

+ The hind limbs were long and powerful, with a long foot and short, strong toes terminating in hooflike claws.

+ There is a band made up of square shaped spots in the center of the hind wing.Bob Stewart, Priscilla Brodkin and Hank Brodkin.

+ It has a black band across the hind wing.

+ The Muslim Accounts refer that “Bong”, a son of Hind colonized the area for the first time.

+ It is standing on its hind legs and facing left.

+ The hind feet had four functional toes, the first digit being much reduced in size but possessing a roughened pad similar to that of possums.

+ It was a small animal with five toes on the front feet and four on the hind feet.

+ They are between the Tarsalstarsal bones of the hind and mid-foot and the phalanges of the toes.

+ In external characters, they are distinguished from the Felidae by the hind foot being five-toed and typically by the longer muzzle and shorter limbs.

+ The leathery front wings are green with many yellow spots; the legs are blue, with a yellow serrated pattern on the hind legs.

+ The hind wing has black veins.

+ They have strong hind legs and large ears.

+ The male has small pale spots near the tip of the fore wing and a few red spots on the hind wing.

+ It was a small carnivore, with a large, sickle-shaped claw on the second toe of each hind foot.

More in-sentence examples of “hind”:

+ Although only a few bones are known from the hind limb, they indicate that "Dromaeosaurus" was a powerfully built animal.

+ This refers to the large, sickle-shaped claw bone on the second toe of each hind foot.
+ The pelvic and hind limb anatomy of the stem-sauropodomorph "Saturnalia tupiniquim".

+ Although only a few bones are known from the hind limb, they indicate that “Dromaeosaurus” was a powerfully built animal.

+ This refers to the large, sickle-shaped claw bone on the second toe of each hind foot.

+ The pelvic and hind limb anatomy of the stem-sauropodomorph “Saturnalia tupiniquim”.

+ The three-toed hind limbs were long and thick, supporting the body in a bipedal posture.

+ It has more webbing on its hind feet than on its front feet, and it has discs on its front toes.

+ The stars theta Leonis and rho Leonis form the right hind leg, with rho Leonis being the foot.

+ Both sexes have 3-4 black spots or blotches on their hind wings.

+ There is a little webbing on the front legs and more webbing on the hind legs.

+ They have some webbing on their front feet and more webbing on their hind feet.

+ It has black and grey waterproof fur and webbed hind feet.

+ It has five claws on its fore and hind feet.

+ The hind wing has a row of red crescents like the ones on the upper side.Jeffrey Glassberg.

+ Some say Herakles used a net to capture the hind or captured her when she was asleep under a tree.

+ The hind wings would also have helped control the gliding flight.

+ A few beetles have large hind legs, similar to those of grasshoppers, which help the beetle to jump.

+ After the war, Azad Hind was disbanded, and with it, the Indian National Army.

+ Its front feet are not webbed, but its hind feet are.

+ He was also recognised as the person who founded the Azad Hind Army or Indian National Army with the help of Japan in 1942.

+ It would defend itself against predators on its hind legs, using its strong front arms and dagger-like thumbs as weapons.

+ With regard to the number of toenails: the African bush elephant normally has 4 toenails on the front foot and 3 on the hind foot, the African forest elephant normally has 5 toenails on the front foot and 4 on the hind foot.

+ They have webbed hind legs, waterproof fur, a flattened head, a long blunt nose, many whiskers and small ears and eyes.

+ Slow walking would be done on all fours, and faster running on the hind legs.

+ It was a large animal with a horizontal vertebral column otherwise supported mostly by the hind legs and hips.

+ Fully covers body, good furnishing on hind legs.

+ As in other early birds, such as “Microraptor”, “Anchiornis” had large wings, made up of flight feathers attached to the arm and hand as well as flight feathers on the hind legs, forming an arrangement of fore and hind wings.

+ The Variegated Fritillary has more black on the upper side of the hind wing.

+ They were able to tell that these ancient crocodiles walked on their hind legs with their front legs and tails off the ground.

+ The shanks of the legs were grey other than the long hind wing feathers, and the feet and toes were black.

+ When they jump, they use their hind legs.

+ When the peddler goes to the garden area to try and sell some more jewelry, he is confronted by Hulda and runs back to go hind underground however he is stopped by Hulda, demanding her mothers ring back.

+ The 17th century highwayman James Hind was hanged, drawn and quartered.

+ There are some small red and blue markings on the hind wings.

+ It may have reared up on its hind legs to browse on foliage from trees, but its forefeet were as large as its hind feet, indicating a mostly quadrupedal posture.

+ Tardar Sauce was small for her breed and had hind legs that “were a bit different”.

+ Bears will stand on their hind legs, raise their front legs, and show their teeth while growling.

+ It has some webbing on its front feet and more webbing on its hind feet.

+ Although some oviraptorosaurs such as “Caudipteryx” and “Incisivosaurus” are thought to have been mostly herbivorous, “Gigantoraptor” had long hind legs with proportions that allowed for fast movement, and large claws, a combination that is not usually found in herbivores of this size.

+ The goat’s hind foot consists of stars ψ Cap and ω Cap.

+ On the underside of the hind wing, there is a row of pale, square-shaped spots.

+ In February 2016, her daughter Hind bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-ThaniHind bint Hamad Al Thani, the sister of the current Emir of Qatar, is appointed CEO of the foundation.

+ These frogs have some webbing on their front feet and more webbing on their hind feet.

+ This species had long feathers on its hind limbs as well as fore limbs, and could glide, but probably not fly.

+ It ate standing on its hind legs and using its huge hands to pull the vegetation into its mouth.

+ Halteres are small knobbed structures modified from the hind wings in flies.

+ Males can be easily distinguished from females due to the presence of a yellow fold at the bottom of the hind legs.

+ The danger in this Labor lay in pursuing the hind through wild lands from which no hunter ever returned.

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