“high voltage” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “high voltage”:

+ Birds can land on high voltage lines such as 12kV and 16kV without dying, because the current does not flow through the bird.

+ The electricity comes from the power station at high voltage and is delivered at medium to low voltage levels.

+ It also starts the lamp with a high voltage for a split second when it is switched on.

+ The transformers in your neighborhood, on electricity poles, or the ones connected to underground wires, usually transform high voltage of 7,200 volts to 220-240 volts of electricity to power lights and appliances such as refrigerators in homes and businesses.

+ When a high voltage is applied, higher currents arise.

+ Inside were metallic electrodes across which a high voltage could be placed.

+ An ordinary battery cannot give such a high voltage or give it so fast, so a photo flash capacitor is used.

high voltage - sentence examples
high voltage – sentence examples

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