“hibernate” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “hibernate”:

– The language has been inspired by the native Hibernate Query Language HQL.

– They hibernate from the end of autumn to the start of winter.

– In winter, the hazel dormouse will hibernate in nests beneath the leaf litter on the forest floor.

– Raccoons do not hibernate in the winter.

– This is a giant crocodilian which can hibernate during the dry season.

– Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals and they hibernate between November and March.

– Many birds migrationmigrate and some mammals hibernate in response to natural signs like these.

hibernate use in-sentences
hibernate use in-sentences

Example sentences of “hibernate”:

– In the winters they hibernate in caves and burrows with other snake species.

– Many small animals hibernate or aestivate, in other words, slow down their metabolism and sleep or stay in their burrows.

– They eat small invertebrates, and hibernate through the winter.

– Eastern hognose snakes hibernate by themselves in either burrows made by themselves or abandoned mammal burrows.

– Bullfrogs in northern US states hibernate during the winter time.

– She will find a place to hibernate – in the hollows of trees, under bark, or in the walls of buildings.

– Some slug species hibernate underground during the winter in places with cold winters, but in other species, the adults die in the autumn.

– Some animals hibernate during this season.

– If the weather outside is cold, they will hibernate for a few days.

– They hibernate which means they spend winter in a deep sleep.

– They can tolerate cold temperatures, and hibernate during the winter in very cold regions.

– Atropos” will sometimes hibernate as a caterpillar.

– They said the meat of the giant tortoise was “succulent meat and the oil from their bodies as pure as butter, but best of all, the giants could hibernate in a ship’s damp for a year or more”.

– In the colder climates many mammals hibernate or aestivate.

– Most bats rest, sleep and hibernate in an upside-down position.

– Others find places to hibernate during the winter months.

– They are believed to hibernate during cold weather.

– In the spring and Autumnfall the Black-tailed rattlesnake are diurnal, in the summer they are nocturnal so they can avoid the heat, and in the winter they hibernate in other animals dens.

– Dormice can hibernate six months out of the year, or even longer if the weather remains cold enough.

– The Black Swallowtail will hibernate as a chrysalis.

- In the winters they hibernate in caves and burrows with other snake species.

- Many small animals hibernate or aestivate, in other words, slow down their metabolism and sleep or stay in their burrows.
- They eat small invertebrates, and hibernate through the winter.

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