“heterosexual” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “heterosexual”:

+ LimonMatthew Limon to prison over a decade longer than a heterosexual would have received.

+ Heteronormative policies and institutions strengthen the belief that people are heterosexual and that there are only two genders and sexes by nature.

+ Such people experience both heterosexual and homosexual behavior.

+ Kinsey sees that much of population is not all heterosexual or all homosexual.

+ For example, a heterosexual male who prefers to socialize with men may be considered a homosocial heterosexual.

+ In the book she wrote about how heterosexual sex and pornography is oppressive to women.

+ They do offer some benefits for gay and lesbian couples, but they also suggest that these couples are not as important or valid as heterosexual couples.

+ In the same way, heterosexuality and homosexuality on separate scales would allow one to be both very heterosexual and very homosexual.

heterosexual use in sentences
heterosexual use in sentences

Example sentences of “heterosexual”:

+ It is also argues that second wave feminism catered too much to a small group of people, namely white, middle-class, heterosexual women.

+ It was made legal for men over 21 years' old in 1967, with some very serious restrictions, legal for men over 18 in 1994, and equalized with the heterosexual age of consent in 2002.
+ Although he is sometimes described as bisexualitybisexual, as opposed to homosexual, he described his heterosexual affairs during a radio show with Jonathan Ross as the result of adventurousness: "I was basically adventurous, I think I wanted to try everything".

+ It is also argues that second wave feminism catered too much to a small group of people, namely white, middle-class, heterosexual women.

+ It was made legal for men over 21 years’ old in 1967, with some very serious restrictions, legal for men over 18 in 1994, and equalized with the heterosexual age of consent in 2002.

+ Although he is sometimes described as bisexualitybisexual, as opposed to homosexual, he described his heterosexual affairs during a radio show with Jonathan Ross as the result of adventurousness: “I was basically adventurous, I think I wanted to try everything”.

+ In 2012, the Pan American Health Organization makes a statement that says not to get a service that claims to change people with a not heterosexual sexual orientation.

+ In 2006, it was reported that an Internet survey of 52,031 heterosexual men and women showed that men who thought that their penises were larger than the average size believed they were more good-looking.

+ Discussions on the incelosphere are mostly by heterosexual males.

+ A “dioning” is the same as heterosexual male.

+ In therapies like this one, homosexual individuals have tried to become heterosexual and have even claimed they were changed, but most people do not believe it is possible.

+ There are only some unconfirmed reports that certain nightclubs in the cities that are a reputation for both heterosexual and LGBT clientele.

+ Domestic violence can occur in heterosexual and same-sex relationships.

+ A heterosexual woman loves men.

+ According to some interviewed in this movie, the MPAA often treats homosexual issues in movies much harder than heterosexual content.

+ However, they still have relationships in the same way as heterosexual people.

+ Although it is easy to understand why heterosexuality exists, that does not explain how the brain develops to produce heterosexual people.

+ In the Catholic Church and many ChristianityChristian churches as well as in Islam and Judaism, a marriage can only be made in a heterosexual pair – man and woman.

+ A person’s sexual orientation can range from heterosexual to homosexual, but it can also fall somewhere in between.

+ Some people think that bisexual people are heterosexual or homosexual people who are confused.

+ Another is between how homosexualityhomosexual and heterosexual materials are treated in independent movies vs.

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