“heredity” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “heredity”:

– The twin effects of delayed heredity and buildup of damage is what makes us age.

– They carry the same genes, they may be used to investigate how much heredity contributes to individual people.

– Although it was called a republic, its Stadtholders became a heredity dynasty.

– DNA’s role in heredity was confirmed in 1952, when Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase in the Hershey–Chase experiment showed that DNA is the genetic material of the T2 bacteriophage.

– Pearson met Charles Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton, who was interested in heredity and eugenics.

– We do not know when heredity was first appreciated as a scientific problem.

– His research into heredity led to his rediscovery of Gregor Mendel’s earlier work.

– His primary research interests were in biochemistry, especially enzyme chemistry, deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis and studying the nucleic acids which control heredity in animals, plants, bacteria and viruses.

heredity how to use?
heredity how to use?

Example sentences of “heredity”:

– Anne refined her theory on Heredity and Environment and wrote a paper to the American psychological association to talk about how genes and environment effect psychological testing and what future actions should be taken.

– The rediscovery of the scientific work of Gregor Mendel in 1900 led to modern genetics, and an understanding of how heredity worked.

– The features of an individual are influenced by two things, heredity and environment.

– There were biologists who did not see how evolution by natural selection could happen with heredity as they understood it.

– This was proposed by Wilhelm Johannsen in 1911 to make clear the difference between an organism’s heredity and what that heredity produces.

– Studies of bacteria led the way to studying heredity through genetics and biochemistry.

– Mendel himself experimented on peas, and found that many characteristics of the pea plants, such as their colour or their height, could be turned on and off through heredity like a switch.

– Because they start out with the same genes, they can be used to investigate how much heredity contributes to individual people.

– Weight is a continuous rather than discrete because weight is influenced by both heredity and environment.

- Anne refined her theory on Heredity and Environment and wrote a paper to the American psychological association to talk about how genes and environment effect psychological testing and what future actions should be taken.

- The rediscovery of the scientific work of Gregor Mendel in 1900 led to modern genetics, and an understanding of how heredity worked.
- The features of an individual are influenced by two things, heredity and environment.

– DNA is the basis of heredity for almost all forms of life today.

– Darwin could not say more because he did no know what the mechanism of heredity was.

– Genetic counselling exists, where parents can get information about their heredity and even prevent the birth of a child if it has a risk of hereditary illness.

– Techniques developed for population genetics help to decide what contribution heredity and environment make in developmental biology.

– There are some kinds of heredity which happen outside the cell nucleus.

– All heredity is controlled by genes.

– A princess may become a ruler by heredity or by marriage.

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