“heraldic” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “heraldic”:

– The coat of arms was designed by the designer and heraldic Heinz Kippnick, and was granted on July 1, 1996.

– They do not have any heraldic standards or have painted them over with black paint.

– The heraldic badge is probably the oldest form of logo in the world.

– Note that heraldic emblems may also be displayed on fabric; either as embroidered arms or as a tabard.

– On the lintel of this old doorway is carved a bear, the heraldic emblem of the great house of Orsini – carved, no doubt, by George’s own hand, over this door through which he must have passed so often.” Giorgio’s and Elizabetta’s daughter Flavia married another Dalmatian painter, Giorgio Culinovich in the year of 1463.

– This template is used to display an infobox on a coat of arms or heraldic achievement horizontally across the page, as opposed to the vertical template in.

– A heraldic badge is not a part of an armiger’s achievement of arms, but it is granted by the same body.

– The College of Arms, in London is one of the few remaining government heraldic authorities in Europe.

heraldic how to use?
heraldic how to use?

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