“helpless” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “helpless”:

– But few of the bits are working, and a baby is completely helpless on its own.

– The structure of the pelvis in the Multituberculata suggests that they gave birth to tiny helpless young, similar to modern marsupials.

– A seemingly helpless woman is found sitting alone in the station by the last passenger of a late night train, entering the small town of Bandap.

– They hatch from the egg helpless and naked in most cases.

– Crimes committed against a helpless peasantry by members of the nobility often went unpunished.

– Altars of Madonna and ChildThe Virgin Mary and Christ Child were made to remind Christians that God came to Earth as Jesus, in the form of an ordinary helpless little baby, to grow up among people.

helpless - some sentence examples
helpless – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “helpless”:

– However, in their second game of the final, Lasker reduced Capablanca to a helpless position and Capablanca was so shaken by this that he blundered away his next game to Tarrasch.

– In this case, the orcas turn themselves upside down before attacking, trap the stingrays in their mouths, then quickly right themselves, in turn flipping the stingray over, inducing the tonic immobility, rendering the fish helpless and an easy meal.

– Allotheres also had a narrow pelvis, indicating that they gave birth to tiny, helpless young as marsupials do.

– On the balcony, Belle assures the Beast he will live but they both know she is helpless to save him.

– He is brave and compassionate, as he will not back down against any foe and give them all he has got, but his compassionate nature makes it so he always tries to “defends the weakerist”, as he cannot stand seeing the weak and helpless get abused.

– Since China had cut itself off from the world over the previous few centuries, by the Qing Dynasty, it had fallen behind other countries in technology, and was helpless to stop this from happening.

– However, some of these parasitoids use their long, hardened egg-laying tube to bore into the gall and lay an egg on the helpless gall maker.

- However, in their second game of the final, Lasker reduced Capablanca to a helpless position and Capablanca was so shaken by this that he blundered away his next game to Tarrasch.

- In this case, the orcas turn themselves upside down before attacking, trap the stingrays in their mouths, then quickly right themselves, in turn flipping the stingray over, inducing the tonic immobility, rendering the fish helpless and an easy meal.

– In a controversial sequence, the video then shifts into its next scene, which shows a helpless Beyoncé struggling inside a car.

– The Ustashas committed their deeds in a bestial manner not only against males of conscript age, but especially against helpless old people, women and children.

– Some Satyrs who stole gold from helpless people are in a bar so Xena and Gabrielle come to beat them up and take the money back.

– The husband is helpless in housekeeping tasks, such as doing the laundry, cooking, cleaning, and child rearing”.

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