“help” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “help”:

+ The NAACP is the “National Association for the Advancement of Colored People”, an organization that was begun in 1902 to help African-Americans, and is now one of the oldest civil rights organizations in America.

+ As time went on, Epstein felt more and more stress in his working and personal lives, and turned to sleeping pills, to help him cope.

+ The federal government and President of BrazilPresident Jair Bolsonaro claims that the data on the numbers are “fake” and refuses to help end the fires or allow other countries to help.

+ What do we do to enforce a no stubs policy? Block people, this will not help us in the long run.

+ Most microorganisms that help biodegradation need light, heat, water and oxygen.

+ Different types of sports help our body in different ways.

+ GameFAQs is a website with help and information for video games.

+ Calcification uses calcium to help make bones bigger and stronger.

help - example sentences
help – example sentences

Example sentences of “help”:

+ There are a number of Special Pages to help you view and manage files which have been uploaded.

+ Usually Scouts give a promise to live by certain rules, and to help others when they can.

+ In 2017, Lamp’l created the to be a one-stop online location for organic gardening videos, podcasts, and articles to help instill confidence in anyone who wants to be a new or better gardener.

+ On 28 December 1815, Simón Bolívar came to Les Cayes looking for help to fight against the Spanish government in South America.

+ He asks if the three of them will go help them find the stone and their children.

+ This template causes error messages to show only on main, template, category, help and file pages; the page that triggers the error is placed into a category.

+ He then remembers that some years later he went to help a young lady who had been forced to marry a cruel man.

+ Genograms help medics understand a person better.

+ There are a number of Special Pages to help you view and manage files which have been uploaded.

+ Usually Scouts give a promise to live by certain rules, and to help others when they can.

+ In some cases 150 soldiers would try to help the horses move one boat.

+ It is not a place to write articles, but a tool to help others in writing articles.

+ Because of disagreements between Democrats and Republicans in Congress, neither side was getting anything done and Obama resulted in using his Executive Order to help reform things like the immigration system.

+ It takes a lot of experience with vandals and sockpuppeteers to make CU really work for you and D’s activity level would help him in this regard.

+ Software and computer companies sometimes allow employees to play games during the workday, or take time off work to relax, because these companies believe that this will help the workers to think better.

More in-sentence examples of “help”:

+ I’d appreciate help in sorting this out.

+ Other Jews believe in a future time when justice and peace will come through the cooperation of all people and the help of God.

+ But this did not help the king with his money problem, so he realized that he would need to call another Parliament.

+ Once the learner can do the behavior on their own they will not need the help of the teacher.

+ Mobility aids are devices that are designed to help people walk or move better.

+ SPI provided excellent help during the 2007 elections.

+ Fursuiters often have a friend help them cross traffic or use stairs.

+ A wheel without one or more of its important parts would probably not help an organism very much.

+ In March 2019, Flores wrote an op-ed for “New York New York” magazine’s “The Cut” alleging then Vice President Joe Biden “inappropriately kissed and touched her after he offered to help her with her 2014 campaign” while the two were at a Las Vegas campaign rally.

+ So, if the technology can help us, we have to remember that it can be a source of trouble if we lost the control of it.

+ We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly.

+ The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, and Trinity House have tried to help the problem by providing perches on the lantern top and flood-lighting the tower, but this does not seem to have helped.

+ In plants, cuticles in the leaves help it from losing too much water by evaporation.

+ Gollum is angry and does not want to help Bilbo.

+ He thinks it will help change people’s mind about what people with disabilities can do.

+ Money earned by the event go to help musicians in need.

+ So many Europeans are working on laws to help manage the arrivals along their nations’ borders.

+ You can help to test it before it is enabled, to avoid disruption and breakage.

+ Murphy decided to help the rebels by using his plane to bomb the government-controlled town of Naco, Sonora.

+ Mao got angry about this, and he wanted Nikita Khrushchev to help him fight the imperialists.

+ In 1994 he proposed to link the salaries of ministers, judges, and top civil servants to the salaries of top professionals in the private sector, arguing that this would help recruit and retain talent to serve in the public sector.

+ He gets a Polish army to help him to fight Boris Godunov.

+ They may help people with pain when they are in hospital.

+ The Saxon army was the only large army to help Austria.

+ I'd appreciate help in sorting this out.

+ Other Jews believe in a future time when justice and peace will come through the cooperation of all people and the help of God.
+ But this did not help the king with his money problem, so he realized that he would need to call another Parliament.

+ Using the rows feature of the templates, very advanced tables can be created to help in situations with people who hold many posts, especially British Prime Ministers.

+ Radiation therapy may help cure several different types of cancer if they are limited to one area of the body.

+ Punctuation is there to help the reader make sense of what is written.

+ He is sought out by others for his help and he acts in a manner consistent with our top admins.

+ On 11 December 1936, Edward said in a radio broadcast, “I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility, and to discharge my duties as King as I would wish to do, without the help and support of the woman I love”.Windsor, HRH The Duke of, 1951.

+ Many methods such as massaging the temples near the eye, exercising your eyes and walking can all help relieve the tension of headaches.

+ Other proteins also help this to happen.

+ Many of the COVID patients died as a result of being taken off their ventilators to help them escape the fire.

+ After David escapes he telephones Jennifer to ask her to buy him an airplane ticket so he can go and see Falken and get his help in stopping Joshua.

+ Is it possible to find a list of all templates or shortcuts? Or both? Please help me, I’ve been helping this wiki out a lot but I don’t know much about shorcuts and things like that yet.

+ Member countries of ASEAN work with and help other countries in ASEAN.

+ Females are only fertile during certain phases of the tidal cycle; the ability to perceive the phase of the moon may therefore help prevent wasted mating efforts.

+ This can help us to know and understand more about the music we play or listen to.

+ They have great Sensory systemsenses of smell and hearing to help them find their food.

+ The organization says teens need help with difficult and stressful life situations.” It also says that teachers need to prevent bullying and violence at schools.

+ You are invited to share your feedback in this discussion on MediaWiki.org in any language, to help improve this feature.

+ King Alfonso begged for El Cid’s help in his ongoing battle with the Almoravids.

+ He destroys their fleet with help from the Doctor.

+ He’s often around and also often on IRC where he can help as well.

+ Germany needed the heavy water to understand and help make an atomic bombs.

+ MAPSAS also took initiative in seeking the BBMP Lakes team’s help in initiating an underground drainage system to diverge sewage water from the lake, as a long-term relief.

+ This will help our projects by improving the quality of articles about Indian topics.

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