“hellenistic” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “hellenistic”:

– The system came to an end in Hellenistic Athens, when the purchase of citizenship became very frequent.

– The second Hellenistic dynasty, the Ptolemies, ruled Egypt from 305 BC until Egypt became a province of Rome in 30 BC.

– Then Anatolia became home for various kingdoms including the Achaemenid Empire, Hellenistic periodHellenistic kingdoms, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Seljuk Empire, and Mongol Empire.

– The Hellenistic civilizationHellenistic period began in 332 BCE when Alexander the Great conquered Persia.

– Jews had to live with the values of Hellenism and Hellenistic philosophy, which were often directly at odds with their own values and traditions.

– The Hellenistic period and the Roman Republic ended when, after Julius Caesar was assassinated, the Romans fought a long civil war.

– It was in the Hellenistic period that the Greeks, who until then only knew molded glass, discovered the technique of glass blowing, thus permitting new forms.

hellenistic - some sentence examples
hellenistic – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “hellenistic”:

– The only other astronomer of antiquity who is known by name and who is known to have supported Aristarchus’ heliocentric model was Seleucus, a Hellenistic astronomer who lived a century after Aristarchus.

– With conquests of Alexander the Great of Macedon, the area became dominated by Hellenistic rulers – first Alexander himself, later Ptolemaic rulers of Egypt and finally Seleucids.

– The Near East was cosmopolitan, especially during the Hellenistic period.

– By the Hellenistic period, the cult and votives had spread throughout Asia Minor, Greece, and Italy.

– In Hellenistic times the island’s strategic position made Thera an important base for the war campaigns in the Aegean of the successors to Alexander the Great.

– During the late Hellenistic period and Early Roman period, the population reached its peak of over 500,000 inhabitants and it was the third largest city in the world after Rome and Alexandria.

– It was invented in the 3rd century B.C., probably by the Hellenistic scientist Ctesibius of Alexandria.

– Early Christians continued the Jewish practice of respect for the Biblical canonJewish Scriptures, using the Hellenistic Judaism that was in general use among Greek-speakers, or the added to it their own writings.

– The art of the Hellenistic time 400 B.C.

– The Macedonians under Alexander the Great brought in the Hellenistic period with his capture of Persia and Egypt.

– Broadly, Hellenistic culture saw itself as a civilizor, bringing civilized values and ways to peoples they thought of as insular or either backwards or degenerate.

– He was the first king of Egypt during the Hellenistic period.

– Until the Hellenistic period, all tragedies were unique pieces written in honour of Dionysus and played only once, so that today we only have the pieces that were still remembered well enough to have been repeated when repetition of old tragedies became fashion.

– Ancient Rome’s culture took many ideas from other civilizations, especially Ancient Greece and the Greek kingdoms of the Hellenistic period.

- The only other astronomer of antiquity who is known by name and who is known to have supported Aristarchus' heliocentric model was Seleucus, a Hellenistic astronomer who lived a century after Aristarchus.

- With conquests of Alexander the Great of Macedon, the area became dominated by Hellenistic rulers - first Alexander himself, later Ptolemaic rulers of Egypt and finally Seleucids.

More in-sentence examples of “hellenistic”:

– The rift between the priests and the sages grew during the Hellenistic period, when the Jews faced new political and cultural struggles.

– The Hellenistic period ended with the rise of the Roman Republic to a super-regional power in the 2nd century BC and the Roman conquest of Greece in 146 BC.

– Classical Greece was followed by the Hellenistic period of history.

– As a member there, he helped to preserve a type of philosophy called Hellenistic philosophy.

– In the Hellenistic period, Oiniadai allied with the Aetolians until 218 BC when Philip V declared it free.

– Now more people have looked at writing about the Hellenistic time.

– The oldest surviving example of such an artefact is the globe of the Farnese Atlas sculpture, a 2nd-century copy of an older Hellenistic period, ca.

– In the Hellenistic era, she also became the goddess who protected sailors.

– The Hellenistic countries were lucky because they had much empty space where they could make big new cities.

– Previously reserved for religious use, in Hellenistic Greece the Greek terracotta figurine was more frequently used for funerary, and even decorative, purposes.

– The Hellenistic Period saw the canonization of the Tanakh, according to one theory, and the emergence of extra-Biblical sacred traditions.

– Fortunately, during Hellenistic Greece, the raw materials were plentiful following eastern conquests.

– He was a major translator into Arabic of the Hellenistic astronomy done mainly in Alexandria.

– The Romans also worshipped the goddesses Cybele and Isis, whose cults they took from Hellenistic Anatolia and Egypt.

– Now people can see that the art of the Hellenistic time is very good art.

– An early astrolabe was made in the Hellenistic world in 150 BC.

– One of the things that made the Hellenistic time different from other times was the division of Alexander the Great’s country into smaller parts.

– Many Epicurean societies flourished in the late Hellenistic perod and during the Roman era.

– In late Hellenistic Egypt, Cleopatra used saffron in her baths to make her feel good..

– Many Jews, including some of the more aristocratic priests, embraced these institutions, although Jews who did so were often looked down upon due to their circumcision, which Jews saw as the mark of their covenant with God, but which Hellenistic culture viewed as an aesthetic defacement of the body.

– The text is a royal decree from the Hellenistic period about the taxes of temple priests.

– Ancient Greek philosophy started in the 6th century BC and continued during the Hellenistic period and Roman Empire.

– People discovered art from the Hellenistic time at Vergina and other places.

– In Greek mythology the mountain was regarded as the “Home of the Gods”, specifically of the Twelve OlympiansDodekatheon, the twelve principal gods of the ancient Hellenistic world.

– The main Hellenistic theatrical form was not tragedy but ‘New Comedy’, comic episodes about the lives of ordinary citizens.

– The Seleucid Empire was a Hellenistic civilizationHellenistic successor state of Alexander the Great’s empire.

– Alexander’s settlement of Macedonian colonists resulted in a new Hellenistic civilization.

– But much good art is from the Hellenistic time.

– Pyrrhus or Pyrrhos was a Greek peopleGreek king and statesman of the Hellenistic period.

– Feldman was a scholar of Hellenistic civilization, specifically the works of Josephus Flavius.

– Another phenomenon appears in Hellenistic sculpture: privatization, which involves the recapture of older public patterns in decorative sculpture.

– The spread of Christianity followed by the spread of Islam further spread Hellenistic philosophy.

– Although its theatrical traditions seem to have lost their vitality, Greek theatre continued into the Hellenistic period.

– That marked the end of the Classic period, and the start of the Hellenistic period.

– He lived in the Hellenistic period.

– The fact that the Earth is a sphere was established by Hellenistic astronomy in the 3rd century BCE.

– The Hellenistic period began with Alexander, when Ancient Greek languageGreek became the “Persia, Central Asia, India and Egypt.

– The last Hellenistic periodHellenistic Thracian kingdom became part of the Roman Empire in the 1st century AD.

– The Hellenistic period produced some masterpieces like the, now preserved at the Hermitage Museum.

– However, we can study the Hellenistic influences in Roman frescoes, for example those of Pompeii or Herculaneum.

– Pergamon is a very good example of Hellenistic architecture.

– With Hellenistic periodHellenism came the myth that the Gorgo was a sister of Alexander the Great.

– Judaism was common in the ancient Roman world, and there was a Jewish diaspora in many cities, like Rome, from the Hellenistic period.

– The city-state grew to control the Italian Peninsula during the Hellenistic period, and fought the Punic Wars with the Carthaginian Republic.

– The Hellenistic period is from 323 BC to 146 BC.

– Because of the significant role that Greek culture played during that time, it is called the Hellenistic period.

– The Hellenistic period is that of the decline of painting on vases.

– In the early 200s BC, at the instigation of the Seleucid Empire, which was trying to weaken the Armenian kingdom, Tsopk, along with Commagene, split from Greater Armenia, forming the Hellenistic kingdom of Tsopk-Commagene.

- The rift between the priests and the sages grew during the Hellenistic period, when the Jews faced new political and cultural struggles.

- The Hellenistic period ended with the rise of the Roman Republic to a super-regional power in the 2nd century BC and the Roman conquest of Greece in 146 BC.

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