“healthy” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “healthy”:

– Specifically, the CD4 subgroup of T lymphocytes Without the key defence that these T cells provide, the body becomes prone to infections that otherwise would not affect healthy people.

– Many cancers, can be prevented by not smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Healthy people do not get these illnesses, because a healthy immune system is strong enough to fight off these diseases.

– One kilometre is the approximate distance a healthy adult human being can walk in ten minutes.

– This will make people associate the product with smooth, healthy skin.

– Many types of fish also contain healthy fat, for example salmon, sardines, herring, and tuna.

– Effects of painful stimulation and acupuncture on attention networks in healthy subjects.

healthy how to use in sentences
healthy how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “healthy”:

– Otherwise if a women is a healthy and before menopause, the infection is said to be uncomplicated.

– The beams intersect at the tumor, providing a much larger absorbed dose there than in the surrounding, healthy tissue.

– Furthermore he thought that Africans were not inferior to the rest of mankind ‘concerning healthy faculties of understanding, excellent natural talents and mental capacities’.

– Studies of diets with a special emphasis on peanuts have shown that this little legume is a big ally for a healthy heart.

– In spring 2014, an otherwise healthy man was bitten by a tick.

– Parotoid glands are normal and healthy parts of the animals that have them.

– She is known for writing books about how masturbation is healthy and encouraged women to do it.

– At that time, it served as the clubhouse and changing rooms for the acres of sports playing fields, several bowling greens, a fishing lake and an outdoor swimming lido, a natural mineral spring forming the source for the lido’s healthy waters.

– Black Elderberry contains a unique compound called Antivirin® that can help protect healthy cells and inactivate infectious viruses.

– It is a healthy food but rather fatty.

- Otherwise if a women is a healthy and before menopause, the infection is said to be uncomplicated.

- The beams intersect at the tumor, providing a much larger absorbed dose there than in the surrounding, healthy tissue.

– It does live in some less healthy coastal rivers, for example the Maribyrnong River in Victoria.

– People do physical exercises as a part of their healthy lifestyle to get stronger and healthier or stay strong and healthy or to improve their body image.

– It certainly isn’t healthy nor beneficial…

– A healthy human prostate is slightly larger than a walnut.

– However, there are types of lung cancers that appear in otherwise healthy patients who have never smoked.

– There are several species, and only “Phoneutria fera” can kill healthy adult humans.

– Metabolically healthy overweight women are no more likely to die or have a heart attack or stroke than metabolically healthy normal weight women.

More in-sentence examples of “healthy”:

- The Hero Group is a SwitzerlandSwiss food company that sells baby food, jam, milks and healthy snacks.

- Unsaturated fat is also very important for a healthy brain.

– The Hero Group is a SwitzerlandSwiss food company that sells baby food, jam, milks and healthy snacks.

– Unsaturated fat is also very important for a healthy brain.

– The elderly have been shown to be more healthy and stronger.

– Exercise, being outdoors, resting, and drinking lots of water are other parts to healthy living usually taught by Adventists.

– Somatic mosaicism in healthy human tissues.

– Some people have healthy bodies, but they are suffering in other ways, and palliative care will not always help them.

– The organization focuses on animal rights, and encourages environmental protection and choosing a healthy lifestyle by promoting veganism and abstaining from using animal products.

– Usually they are healthy without this and it is not necessary.

– It is a quick way of measuring how healthy a newborn baby is.

– Parks and squares and 1,779 ha of forest are located within the city which creates a unique and healthy climate.

– Some cows are sick and old, and others are healthy and young.

– Second Battalion detachment had the most about 120 fighters healthy and able to fight.

– However, healthy eating and regular exercise can help to lower the chances of getting GDM.

– Because there is no butter in the cakes, they are more healthy but have less flavor.

– Critics stated that she did not feed Violet enough, but Rachael proved them wrong, stating, “My number one priority is to ensure that my kids are happy and healthy – so I give them real food, I give them whole pieces of fruit, and I give them vegetables in their lunch box.

– This stops viruses or cancer from spreading to healthy cells.

– He was disgusted by the unhealthy food being served to schoolchildren, and the lack of healthy alternatives on offer.

– The next day, as Bhagat got to know that the English prisoners and thieves were treated with dignity and were given healthy food but there was discrimination with Indian prisoners and revolutionaries and given non-hygenic food as well.

– The Tibetan Spaniel is a generally healthy dog.

– This can be stopped through healthy eating and regular exercise.

– Critics argue that it’s not healthy to have a negative attitude toward the human body.

– He did not grow like a healthy child.

– Pugs that live by themselves can have the problem of overweight, although this can be helped by exercising and eating healthy food.

– Assuming a broad range average of between 3-5 ejaculations per week for a healthy males, this would mean 5-7 ejaculations per week.

– Typically, a healthy person can endure a loss of 10–15% of the total blood volume without serious medical difficulties, and blood donation typically takes 8–10% of the donor’s blood volume.

– This is in the healthy range.

– The kiwifruit is healthy and contains many vitamins and minerals.

– There’s currently no solid evidence to suggest that raw food is more healthy than cooked food.

– An organ transplant is a kind of surgery where the person being operated on will need an organ replaced, and gets a healthy one from someone else, a donor.

– In a healthy person, breath sounds should always sound the same on both sides.

– Trans fat is bad for human health and has been linked to a number of problems including: coronary heart disease, Healthy oils are always liquid at the temperature of blood.

– She played an important role in starting the Healthy Children Ready to Learn Initiative.

– These pieces of protein clump together in the spaces between still healthy and dying neurons, and the tangles.

– In a healthy person, the cardiac center balances out the signals it sends to these sets of nerves, to keep the blood pressure normal.

– Some people make it in a healthy way for people with special dietary needs, such as people who are have Diabetes mellitus.

– Seafood is rich in protein, and is usually thought as healthy food.

– Some people believe they will be more healthy if they do not sleep on a regular schedule.

– Henry started to worry that Anne could not give him a healthy male child.

– Participants reported that they carried out healthy behaviors more often than the average peer, and unhealthy behaviors less often, as would be expected given the effect of illusory superiority.

– The mosquito would bite a person with the disease and would then bite and infect a healthy person.

– Effect of cinnamon on postprandial blood glucose, gastric emptying, and satiety in healthy subjects.

– How it keeps animals healthy is not known in a lot of detail.

– For the disease of lupus, there is no cure that stops the white blood cells from attacking healthy parts of the body forever, but doctors are not giving up on finding a cure.

– Edward had never been a healthy boy and his health failed in 1553.

– The series is educational and teaches children to be healthy and exercise.

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