“hazardous” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “hazardous”:

+ The specific site within the city was zoned for light industrial and commercial use, not for hazardous industry.

+ This was inherently a more sophisticated and hazardous process.

+ Fume hoods stop a person coming into contact with hazardous fumes.

+ Alcohol can produce hazardous side effects, reduce heart rate, and drop blood pressure to a dangerous level.

+ The US Army used it as M11 for hazardous material reconnaissance.

+ Early car washes often used hydrofluoric acid, a hazardous chemical.

+ He said this was less hazardous to the environment.

hazardous use in sentences
hazardous use in sentences

Example sentences of “hazardous”:

+ Cooked powder residue is a hazardous waste and will contain solvent, powdered filter material, carbon, non-volatile residues, lint, dyes, grease, soils, and water.

+ The single most hazardous compound is hydrogen cyanide, which is a gas and kills by inhalation.

+ She is best known for her work in creating guidelines for hazardous lab waste disposal.

+ However, with the improvement of the chain-termination method, Maxam-Gilbert sequencing has fallen out of favour due to its technical complexity prohibiting its use in standard molecular biology kits, extensive use of hazardous chemicals, and difficulties with scale-up.

+ The land may be contaminated by low amounts of hazardous waste or pollution.

+ Bleach should also not be mixed with ammonia because a hazardous chemical reaction will occur.

+ On Fri, 13 Feb 2009 at 11:22:40, Kalajan sent me an email stating, “Yah, so I leave forever? No, I’ll return in a few months, and noone will suspect me.” Hazardous Matt thinks that a few months will be next week for Kalajan.

+ There are ways to get rid of hazardous things.

+ Although the lake and its environs have been popular for expeditions of every sort under the tutelage of guides, rangers and experienced persons, they certainly must be considered hazardous for unguided tourists.

+ All hazardous waste must be removed.

+ A dosimeter is a tool that can measure different levels of hazardous environments.

+ Land that is more severely contaminated and has high levels of hazardous waste or pollution, such as a Superfund site, does not fall under the brownfield classification.

+ Many of the solar panels which have expired, however, have been classified as hazardous waste.

+ The mercury inside the tube is Poisontoxic and makes these bulbs hazardous waste.

+ The nearby coast is hazardous to shipping and the corpses of drowned sailors were laid out in the churchyard and then buried.

+ During a hazardous struggle with an anglerfish in the trench, Dory realizes she is able to read the address written on the mask, which leads to Sydney, Australia, and manages to remember it.

+ The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 is a set of rules in the United Kingdom.

+ Cooked powder residue is a hazardous waste and will contain solvent, powdered filter material, carbon, non-volatile residues, lint, dyes, grease, soils, and water.

+ The single most hazardous compound is hydrogen cyanide, which is a gas and kills by inhalation.

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