“handle” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “handle”:

+ A central government that makes policy and puts it into practice for the people at large is not how the Iroquois handle government.

+ Urban districts are large towns or cities which handle their own local government.

+ Here, a sliding handle is moved backwards to eject the spent shotgun shell, then when moved forward it loads a fresh shotgun shell from a tubular magazine.

+ This template is designed to handle anime, manga, their associated films, OVAs, and other related media, in a single modular infobox.

+ The turning of a handle powers mechanisms inside the model.

+ This template also uses to handle the categorisation parameters, such as “hospital” and “school”.

+ I do not think blocking and banning him is the right way to handle this situation.

handle use in sentences
handle use in sentences

Example sentences of “handle”:

+ They even had sickles, which are used for cutting down grass and are half-moon shaped blades with a handle coming off one end; however theirs were made of wood with sharp stone points glued into them for the cutting.

+ USRC cutters were sent to deal with the pirates but soon the combination of French privateers and pirates were more than the service could handle alone.

+ They even had sickles, which are used for cutting down grass and are half-moon shaped blades with a handle coming off one end; however theirs were made of wood with sharp stone points glued into them for the cutting.

+ USRC cutters were sent to deal with the pirates but soon the combination of French privateers and pirates were more than the service could handle alone.

+ When it expires, I propose we handle this the same we do the other pages, that is: block the offenders, protect page for short periods only.

+ The blade had to have its point up, just as when wearing the sword; the handle had to be turned to the let.

+ Early stations were usually built to handle passengers and goods.

+ Templates do have a problem to handle parameter data that contains pipes ” template.

+ It happened because of the way in which some early computer programs were made to handle only years containing two digits.

+ It features a cross-bolt type fire selector switch located behind the trigger, inside the trigger guard; the safety lever and the charging handle resemble those used in Kalashnikov weapons.

+ Taps usually have a handle that can be turned to start or stop the liquid coming out.

+ A diving double axe handle is a move where a wrestler jumps from the top turnbuckle to either the mat or floor and hits their opponent with two fists that are held together in the fashion of holding an axe.

+ He grips the handle of the sword so tightly that the sinews of his arm stand out.

+ For simplicity in reviewing the basic algorithm, this template uses markup to handle small numbers, to avoid the complexity of a separate Lua script module using the Scribunto interface to pass data as frame arguments.

+ It can handle both IPv4 and IPv6.

More in-sentence examples of “handle”:

+ It was closed because of it was too small to handle the growing number of flights to Croydon so Heathrow and Gatwick took over.

+ A census produces a large database and sometimes new information technology, such as the use of punched cards for data, has been invented to handle it.
+ Hornbills use their big bills to open the tough husks of nuts and to handle large fruit.

+ It was closed because of it was too small to handle the growing number of flights to Croydon so Heathrow and Gatwick took over.

+ A census produces a large database and sometimes new information technology, such as the use of punched cards for data, has been invented to handle it.

+ Hornbills use their big bills to open the tough husks of nuts and to handle large fruit.

+ The exact reordering algorithm may depend upon the controller and the drive itself, but the host computer simply makes requests as needed, leaving the controller to handle the details.

+ The life-style, dentition, and digestive system of grazers is different from browsers, to handle the problems of eating and digesting grass.

+ The handle and frame of the racquet is usually made out of light materials such as graphite.

+ The part that goes inside the handle is almost as long as the blade itself.

+ As mentioned once we see that there are too many Japan articles that they overwhelm all the Asia articles then it gets split out into its own stub, that is generally how we handle stubs.

+ I have every confidence that he can handle the tools.

+ Due to Convert having been designed to handle thousands of options by invoking many tiny templates, the nesting for has reached 28 of the 40 levels of nested logic.

+ HBOT is done in a special tube or room that can handle high pressures.

+ In short, if you think Razorflame capable to successfully handle these tools, then you should support him, if not, then please oppose him.

+ It was previously used to ensure proper font rendering of accented Greek text in browsers that did not handle automatic font substitution well.

+ For this reason, it was not necessary to use experimental tests to introduce chimps to handle matter.

+ Pincers differ from pliers in that the concentration of force is either to a point, or to an edge at a right angle to the handle of the tool.

+ I have admin rights on English, but not here or I’d handle these myself.

+ Its name comes from the shape that looks like the handle of a cooking pan.

+ Some modern voltmeters can do this setting all by themselves, one just has to make the connection and not worry about if the voltmeter can handle the voltage.

+ Shovels have a flat bottom head which is angled slightly from the handle to enable scooping and moving of material.

+ Helper function to handle error messages.

+ In 2000, they setup a subsidiary to handle fingerprint identification.

+ As people from Europe began exploring Africa in the early 1800s, guns were made to handle the very large animals that people saw.

+ The cold war period raised the question of how the American government might handle nuclear weapons in bargaining and negotiationnegotiating with the Soviet Union.Kaplan, Fred 1983.

+ The Roman treasury was indeed in a bad way after Nero’s extravagances, but Galba did not handle the situation well.

+ Generally, higher capacity drives also handle all lower capacity media.

+ Hand in hand with keeping them therefore is devising a plan to handle the stubs, even if only to divide them into subcategories so that we know the basic subject matters.

+ Once the liquid freezes solid, the stick can be used as a handle to hold the ice pop.

+ A knob is a round handle that can be turned or pulled.

+ They increased the number of British soldiers, and allowed only British soldiers to handle artillery.

+ The word “dictator” is from the Roman Republic where a man would be given absolute power for half a year or one year to handle an emergency.

+ Fixcaps is limited by restrictions set in the MediaWiki software, version to handle 700 or more words, or for each 16 lines of text.

+ The biggest change was that S/370 could handle virtual memory.

+ If the switch is set in another way, the voltmeter can handle 100 volts, and so on.

+ This made the gun much safer to handle and load.

+ What made things worse was the fact that the government was not prepared to handle a disaster with such large consequences for the environment.

+ The line will be served by 26 stations and is expected to handle 250,000 passenger daily.

+ This RfA is to ask you if you trust Razorflame to handle these tools in the way they are intended to be handled.

+ During a resulting chaos, Percy drops his shield, whose handle conceals the missing master bolt, which Hades takes.

+ He became the Mayor of Moscow in 1992, when Gavriil Kharitonovich Popov quit the job since he could not handle the problems that came with it.

+ Spatulas are usually made of plastic or metal, with a wooden or plastic handle to keep it away from heat.

+ Different political parties have different ideas about how the government should handle different problems.

+ Aspinall alone was able to handle most of Apple’s ongoing business, which was mostly licensing Beatles-related products, and future issues of Beatles music.

+ Generally, a book publisher is not required to assign an ISBN, nor for a book to display its number, however, most book stores only handle ISBN bearing merchandise.

+ Compaction is needed when its size gets too large to handle well.

+ As part of that research both on En and here on simple I have had to handle CU evidence and logs released to me to help formulate the abuse report, contact isp’s and determine exactly which accounts were the same person.

+ They were bottom-feeders on shellfish, and possessed flat, crushing teeth to handle their prey.

+ Serious players need the additional ball control, weight and strength the professional-grade products feature to handle four adult players.

+ The HBT can handle signals of much higher frequencies, than BJT.

+ On the other end of the screwdriver is a Cylindercylindrical handle to be held by a person’s hand.

+ The Card Bell had a handle that set the reels in motion when it was pushed down and playing card suitmarks that lined up to form poker hands.

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