“halt” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “halt”:

+ Their company was worth over a million dollars but came to an abrupt halt when its financial backing failed in the wake of the Great Depression.

+ Only the forced Japanese internment in WW2 put a halt to the monopoly the Japanese had on fishing in British Columbia.

+ They would often beat the prisoners to drink milk or swallow food to halt the hunger strike but the prisoners were adamant.

+ Nico helps transport the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-blood to halt the attack from the Camp Jupiter.

+ During the Genovian Independence Day parade, Mia and Peter see some boys harassing a little girl, and abruptly halt the parade to comfort the girl.

+ Wildlife conservation aims to halt the loss of species.

+ After the qualifying session for the British Grand Prix Mario Theissen announced that the team had decided to halt further development KERS; of which BMW had been one of the strongest proponents, and focus instead on improving the car’s aerodynamics.

halt in sentences?
halt in sentences?

Example sentences of “halt”:

+ The group says its mission is “to halt and reverse the destruction of our natural environment”.

+ Without mRNA, essential Protein biosynthesisprotein synthesis, and hence cell metabolism, grind to a halt and the cell dies.

+ Although significant attempts have been made to halt this decline and attract new employers, Kilmarnock saw a continuing net loss of jobs in the five years to 2005.

+ It is not quite right that Luddites protested against the machinery itself in an attempt to halt progress.

+ The event brought the Voinovich campaign to a virtual halt and made it difficult for Kucinich to attack his opponent.

+ Furthermore WHO has advised that any manufacturer or seller who is marketing the electronic cigarette as an NRT should halt unproven therapy claims.

+ After landing, Ascaphus skids to a halt before recovering.

+ With the advent of the First World War, Emmeline and Christabel called an immediate halt to militant suffrage activism in support of the British Government’s stand against the “German Peril”.

+ Bradstreet exceeded his authority by conducting a peace treaty rather than a simple truce, and by agreeing to halt Bouquet’s expedition, which had not yet left Fort Pitt.

+ A halt is called to the bloodbath by the posse’s leader, McIvers.

+ The group says its mission is "to halt and reverse the destruction of our natural environment".

+ Without mRNA, essential Protein biosynthesisprotein synthesis, and hence cell metabolism, grind to a halt and the cell dies.
+ Although significant attempts have been made to halt this decline and attract new employers, Kilmarnock saw a continuing net loss of jobs in the five years to 2005.

+ The protostar is ‘born’ when it begins to emit enough energy to balance out its gravity and halt gravitational collapse.

+ It begins with a false start, with Ringo Starr yelling “hold it!” to halt the other band members because he was holding a cigarette and had only one drum stick in his hand.

+ Many people feel like the US Air Force has been spending too much money on the F-35 project, and that the government should halt all development of the project.

+ With a brief halt upon Emperor Temmu’s death, construction resumed under Empress Jitō, who officially moved the capital in 694.

+ Snapper Halt was purchased in 2010 by Exmoor Associates – a private company dedicated to securing trackbed for restoring the railway.

+ Even that tiny amount of space and time is valuable, however, if the system can slow the passenger evenly rather than forcing an abrupt halt to their motion.

+ However, plans changed and the company declared a halt in forming future Super Junior generations.

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