“haiti” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “haiti”:

– He was credited with rediscovering the black-capped petrel in Haiti in 1963.

– Another word for voodoo is “vodu”, used in Haiti where the creole language is based on French language.

– He was buried in Haiti in 1964.

– He serves as the List of heads of state of Haiti42nd and current President of Haiti since February 2017.

– In Haiti people believe that Voodoo sorcerers or ‘bokor’ can bring dead people back to life, making a zombie.

– The official language of the islands is English and the population also speaks Turks and Caicos Islands Creole Due to its close proximity to Cuba and Hispaniola, large Haitian Creole and Spanish-speaking communities have developed in the territory due to immigration from Creole-speaking Haiti and from Spanish-speaking Cuba and Dominican Republic.

haiti use in sentences
haiti use in sentences

Example sentences of “haiti”:

– After the War, he served as Ambassador to Haiti and an advocate for equal rights for African-Americans.

– Hurricane Four was a category 2 hurricane that struck Haiti in early September.

– The border crossing to Dajabón is one of the four chief land crossings from Haiti to the Dominican Republic and Haitians living in Ouanaminthe are allowed to cross the border to Dajabón only two days per week.

– It strengthened to winds of 60mph landfall on western Haiti and the north coast of eastern Cuba.

– Jean-Claude Duvalier, nicknamed “Bébé Doc” or “Baby Doc” was the President of Haiti from 1971 until his overthrow by a popular uprising in 1986.

– The Dominican RepublicDominicans had lost the first battles and in this meeting they decided to stop the fight for a moment and they went to Haiti to prepare for the next battles.

– It flows through the Dajabón ProvinceDajabón province and then form part of the limits between Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

– There is also an airport, Antoine Simon Airport, with the name of a president of Haiti that was born in Les Cayes.

– After the Dominican independence from Haiti in 1844, this region was part of the old Santo Domingo Province.

– While Haiti has been in several Olympic games since 1928, no other medals have been won.

– In addition, the storm killed at least 74 people in Haiti and 1 person in the Dominican Republic.

– Davis went to Haiti in 1982 and wrote about how a living person can be turned into a zombie by two special powders being rubbed into a wound.

– The limits of the country are Haiti to the west, the Atlantic Ocean to the north and the Caribbean Sea to the south.

– The independence of Haiti was proclaimed in the “Place d’Armes” of Gonaïves on 1 January 1804 by Jean Jacques Dessalines.

- After the War, he served as Ambassador to Haiti and an advocate for equal rights for African-Americans.

- Hurricane Four was a category 2 hurricane that struck Haiti in early September.
- The border crossing to Dajabón is one of the four chief land crossings from Haiti to the Dominican Republic and Haitians living in Ouanaminthe are allowed to cross the border to Dajabón only two days per week.

More in-sentence examples of “haiti”:

– For a very long time, very few people lived in this region because it was on the border between two countries: first, between the French colony of “Saint-Domingue” and the Spanish colony of “Santo Domingo” and later between the two independent countries of Haiti and Dominican Republic.

– Most of the rice of Haiti is grown in the Artibonite department, along the valley of the River Artibonite.

– Similarly, they justify journalist Anderson Cooper’s attempt to shepherd an injured young boy away from some “toughs” nearby in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake.

– In this way, Haiti became the first black republic in the world, and the first colony to free itself from European rule.

– The group Artists for Haiti released their own version of the song in 2010.

– In 1804, the people of Haiti won the Haitian Revolution, and Haiti became an independent country.

– This road, for several kilometres north of Pedro Santana, marks the border between the Dominican Republic and Haiti and, for that reason, is called “International Road”.

– He finally returned to Haiti in 2011 after seven years in exile.

– The first United States occupation of Haiti began on July 28, 1915 and ended in mid-August 1934.

– The Republic of Haiti is often referred to as the world’s First Black Republic.

– The newly created state of Haiti became officially independent on January 1st,1804 following the capitulation of the French troops at the Battle of Vertieres of November 18,1803.

– Paulo died on 4 February 2021 in Port-de-Paix, Haiti at the age of 76.

– The International Olympic Committee’s official abbreviation for Haiti is HAI.

– The wave travelled across the Atlantic, and became a tropical depression off the northern coast of Haiti on September 13.

– Dawes also reported on HIV/AIDS in Jamaica and Haiti after the earthquake.

– The island of Haiti also has a well-known creole language, called Haitian Creole.

– It is the only department of Haiti that does not border the sea.

– The storm cause 3,035 deaths, about 3,006 were in Haiti alone.

– Also, in Haiti there are both good priests and “dark” sorcerers.

– Hazel killed as many as 1,000 people in Haiti before striking the United States just south of Wilmington, North CarolinaWilmington, Category 4 hurricane.

– The goal of the group is to stop “antihaitianism”, or discrimination against people from Haiti in the Dominican Republic.

– In 1795, France got the whole island but they could only control the eastern part because Haiti became independent very soon.

– The prime minister of Haiti is the head of government of Haiti.

– There are two countries: the Republic of Haiti is in the western part of the island and the Dominican Republic in the eastern part.

– It made landfall in Haiti on October 29, and then meandered across the western Caribbean near Cuba for the next three days.

– It killed 7,200 people as in Haiti and Cuba.

- For a very long time, very few people lived in this region because it was on the border between two countries: first, between the French colony of "Saint-Domingue" and the Spanish colony of "Santo Domingo" and later between the two independent countries of Haiti and Dominican Republic.

- Most of the rice of Haiti is grown in the Artibonite department, along the valley of the River Artibonite.

– The storm caused 2 deaths in Haiti due to rainfall.

– Miragoâne is an important port; coffee, fruits and wood are sent to other countries and other parts of Haiti from here.

– On January 12, 2010, in the afternoon of a Tuesday, 2010 Haiti EarthquakeHaiti was struck by a magnitude-7.0 earthquake.

– In 1804, Haiti became the first independent black republic in the world.

– Hurricane or tropical storm watches and warnings were issued from Haiti to Dominica.

– After 1844, the region became part of the border between Haiti and Dominican Republic.

– Cuba is to the northwest and Jamaica to the southwest of Haiti; the Winward StraitPassage separates Cuba from Haiti, and the Jamaica Channel separates Haiti from Jamaica.

– The countries that have borders with Colombia on the sea are: Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Haiti and Dominican Republic.

– The city is named after “Francisco Antonio Salcedo” who fought in the northwestern part of the country against the Haitian army during the Dominican-Haitian War after the Dominican independence from Haiti in 1844.

– The 2010 Haiti earthquake was a very strong earthquake that hit Haiti on January 12, 2010.

– One example is the former Governor General of Canada, Michaëlle Jean, who came to Canada as a young child with her family from Haiti in 1968.

– The countries of Dominican Republic, and Haiti are on Hispaniola.

– Because Pedernales is on the border, the trade with Haiti is important.

– The province is only 80km away from Haiti its closest point, across the Windward Passage and close enough to see lights on Haiti on a clear night.

– He was President of Haiti from 1988 to 1990.

– Flooding and mudslides caused at least 22 deaths – one in Puerto Rico, two in Haiti and at least 19 in the Dominican Republic.

– Bolívar left Haiti on 10 April 1816 for Venezuela, but came back in September of that year to this Haitian town when he lost some battles in South America.

– To work in the sugarcane fields and factories, people from Haiti and the British West Indies came to San Pedro de Macorís and other regions of the country.

– In 2006, Haiti ranked 146th of 177 countries in the United Nations Human Development Index.

– The road from the border with Haiti to Santiago de los Caballeros, the second most important city of the country, went across this region and during the Dominican-Haitian War, Haitian armies came across this region and people did not want to live here.

– The language started in Haiti by contact between the colonizers, who spoke French languageFrench, and the enslaved, who spoke African languages.

– In 1821, Spain lost continental territories when it recognized the Mexican War of Independenceindependence of Mexico, as well as Santo Domingo when it was invaded by Haiti that same year.

– He has said several times that natural disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina and the 2010 Haiti earthquake, were punishments from God.

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