“guerilla” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “guerilla”:

+ George Burt was standing near a fence when a guerilla came to him.

+ Unconventional warfare which is done by guerilla forces also uses such devices.

+ The Vietcong used guerilla warfare, including terrorist bombings, assassinations, and ambushes.

+ There were some large-scale battles during the Vietnam War however most of the fighting was guerilla warfare.

+ Other Tamil guerilla groups were taken over or destroyed by the LTTE.

guerilla some ways to use
guerilla some ways to use

Example sentences of “guerilla”:

+ The Korean War was an escalation of border clashes between two rival Korean regimes, each of which was supported by external powers; each tried to topple the other through political and guerilla tactics.

+ Castro used guerilla warfare methods.
+ Amo Kharal was quite successful in helping the local people and keeping them safe from British troops, keeping up a guerilla warfare against them,Ejaz for some months.

+ The Korean War was an escalation of border clashes between two rival Korean regimes, each of which was supported by external powers; each tried to topple the other through political and guerilla tactics.

+ Castro used guerilla warfare methods.

+ Amo Kharal was quite successful in helping the local people and keeping them safe from British troops, keeping up a guerilla warfare against them,Ejaz for some months.

+ They won because groups of guerilla warfareguerillas led by William Quantrill rode into town and shot every man they saw.

+ When the guerilla took out his revolver to shoot Carpenter, Carpenter ran back into his house.

+ He started guerilla warfare against the Mughal forces in the Punjab and was successful to some extent for 10 or 12 years.

+ The attack made the Guerilla warfareirregular conflict in Kansas Territory worse.

+ There are several guerilla groups in Colombia, the FARC being the most powerful, a guerilla group responsible for kidnappings, murders, attacks, and drug-dealing.

+ After two years of guerilla fighting, Fulgencio Batista fled from Cuba, in 1959.

+ Umkhonto we Sizwe, was a South African guerilla movement created in 1961 by Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu and other people from the African National Congress.

+ It was first used in 1808, when Spain was invaded by Napoleon, resulting in the Peninsular War with Spanish guerilla forces resisting the French army.

+ The guerilla groups tend to be highly professional: upon its creation in 1975, the best-known of them, the Marxist Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia, was trained in the Beirut camps of the Palestine Liberation Organization”.

+ While there were no large scale battles, there was a good deal of guerilla warfare in attempts to undermine the new government.

+ When Burt gave the guerilla his pocket book, the guerilla took it with one hand and shot Burt with the other.

+ The county is named after General Francis Marion of South Carolina, a guerilla fighter and hero of the American Revolutionary War.

+ The Kosovo Liberation Army were Albanian guerilla groups which operated in Kosovo in the late 1990s.

+ A guerilla walked around her to find a place to shoot under her.

+ Each Korean government was trying to topple the other through political and guerilla tactics.

+ While the other IRA have used guerilla tacticts to achieve a united Ireland free from British rule.

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