“gruesome” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “gruesome”:

+ Planer was the narrator of “Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids”, the title character of “Romuald the Reindeer”, and Dr.

+ Despite this gruesome defeat, Popeye did not weaken or falter and only became more dangerous from the experience, and he quickly recuperated and continued his service as a sailor on the “Josie Lee”, continuing to make his regular nightly rounds, winding the anchor watch, always staying in front of the mast so he could say “Blow me down!” when the wind hit the sails and always keeping his fists tough while walloping his foes with only his left fist, for if he used his right fist, he would be unable to control his strength without obliterating his opponent due to not having his right eye to be in synch with his fist anymore.

+ She was found guilty and put to death in a very gruesome way; she was tied to the back of a wild horse and dragged to her death.

+ On the night of August 8, Manson directed Charles Watson to take Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian, and Patricia Krenwinkel to “that house where Melcher used to live” and “totally destroy everyone in, as gruesome as you can.” He told the women to do as Watson would instruct them.

+ One of the most bizarre events described was that Roman Catholic priests in the Jasenovac concentration camp working every day on the most gruesome ways to kill the camp inmates, while they went to chapel regularly each day to pray to God.

gruesome use in-sentences
gruesome use in-sentences

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