“great seal” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “great seal”:

+ The Great Seal of the State of Delaware is the seal of the U.S.

+ Since 1935, the two faces of Great Seal appear in the note of one dollar.

+ The Great Seal of the State of Missouri is an emblem that represents the U.S.

+ The great seal of the school was designed by Paul Revere.

+ Some of the things seal shows are the Roman goddess Minerva, the word “Eureka the words “The Great Seal of the State of California”, and a California grizzly bear.

great seal - sentence examples
great seal – sentence examples

Example sentences of “great seal”:

+ The seal has the words "The Great Seal of the State of Iowa" around the outside.

+ The Lord Chancellor remains responsible for the Great Seal of the RealmGreat Seal and for the efficient functioning and independence of the courts.
+ The Great Seal of the State of Iowa is an emblem that represents the U.S.

+ The seal has the words “The Great Seal of the State of Iowa” around the outside.

+ The Lord Chancellor remains responsible for the Great Seal of the RealmGreat Seal and for the efficient functioning and independence of the courts.

+ The Great Seal of the State of Iowa is an emblem that represents the U.S.

+ The Great Seal of Oklahoma is a five-pointed star in a circle.

+ The Great Seal of United States is the official coat of arms of United States, and it is placed in official documents from United States Government.

+ The Great Seal of the State of Alabama is the state seal of the U.S.

+ Theremin’s device was embedded in a carved wooden plaque of the Great Seal of the United States.

+ The motto “Aureum Seculum Redivivum” recalled this “Novus Ordo Seclorum” in the Great Seal of the United States, motto also of the Bavarian Illuminati heirs of the 17th century Rosicrucianism.

+ The Great Seal of the State of Utah was adopted on April 3, 1896 at the first regular session of the Legislature.

+ The Great Seal of California was adopted at the California state Constitutional Convention of 1849.

+ He later travelled to the Court of Session to be sworn in by the Lord President and receive the Great Seal of Scotland.

+ The Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin is the state seal of the U.S.

+ The outer ring has the words “The Great Seal of the State of Tennessee” and the date “Feb.

+ The Great Seal of the State of Montana is the official seal of the U.S.

+ The outer circle of this seal carries the words “The Great Seal of the State of Mississippi”.

+ The center of the octagon is the Great Seal of the United States.

+ The Law Lords on the Privy Council decided “”the grant being by letters patent under the Great Seal of England, such right would descend according to the Common Law of England to the heirs general, and not to the heirs male””, and the island was therefore awarded to Ferdinando’s daughters; whereupon William agreed to purchase their several shares and interests.

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