“Go down” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “Go down”:

– Bass, once considered a social liberal, has seen her ratings go down with LGBT organizations.

– To see how this works, go to and go down past the middle of the page.

– If profits go down stock holders may sell, further damaging the company.

– The temperature cannot go down any further.

– C,D,E,F,G we can go down a fifth.

Go down - some sentence examples
Go down – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “Go down”:

– Deflation starts when people are waiting for prices to go down even more.

– You can go down a metal ladder and there is an underground stream and crashing waterfall.

– The tears then go down a duct inside the nose.

– Political change attempted the end of the Samurais era, however they did not go down without a fight.

– He tried again and learned how to let helium out of the balloons and go down more carefully.

– These are ways that the fallopian tubes are cut or clipped so that eggs cannot go down them to the uterus.

– When too much zinc is eaten, copper and iron levels go down in the body.

– Game 7 would go down as a classic, with comparisons to 1960, 1991, and 2001 regarding the game’s intensity.

- Deflation starts when people are waiting for prices to go down even more.

- You can go down a metal ladder and there is an underground stream and crashing waterfall.
- The tears then go down a duct inside the nose.

– The Nile began to rise in the summer and go down again in late fall.

– If the female likes what she hears, she will go down into the burrow, and they will mate.

– They drain high or mountainous country, and go down into broad plains where they become lowland rivers.

– This means that instead of going up one step we go down one step, or instead of going up two steps we go down two steps etc.

– These needs eventually go down as time goes by.

– One is called “They that go down to the sea in ships”.

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