“glacier” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “glacier”:

+ The harlequin duck, also known as the painted duck, totem pole duck, rock duck, glacier duck, mountain duck, white-eyed diver, squeaker and blue streak, is a duck that lives in the sea.

+ Kalispell is also the gateway to Glacier National Park.

+ During the summer, the town has ferry service to Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve.

+ Kettles are landforms created by melted water from glaciers, a process called “fluvioglacial.” When warming weather conditions cause a glacier to start melting, large blocks of ice can break off in a process called “calving.” Rather than melting on the surface of the ground, the ice block can get partially or totally buried by dirt, rocks, and plant matter – the “sediment” carried in the glacier together with its ice content.

+ A big glacier cuts through the soil and softer rock of the valley and piles up the rocks on either side, or pushes them in front of it.

glacier some ways to use
glacier some ways to use

Example sentences of “glacier”:

+ Indian and Pakistani forces, estimated to number between 10,000 and 20,000 troops combined, have faced off against each other ever since in these treacherous mountains above the Siachen glacier in the Karakoram range since 1984.

+ The melt water from the glacier forms Rupal River.

+ Indian and Pakistani forces, estimated to number between 10,000 and 20,000 troops combined, have faced off against each other ever since in these treacherous mountains above the Siachen glacier in the Karakoram range since 1984.

+ The melt water from the glacier forms Rupal River.

+ At the pass, the Biafo Glacier 63km.

+ The Godwin-Austen Glacier is near K2 in the Northern Areas of Pakistan.

+ On the southwest, the Barpu Glacier and the Chogo Lungma Glacier separate these mountains from the Rakaposhi-Haramosh Mountains.

+ The debris may have been taken off the valley floor as a glacier moved or fallen off the valley walls as a result of weathering.

+ Alaska’s largest glaciers, the Malaspina Glacier and Bering Glacier go out onto the coastal plain along the Gulf of Alaska.

+ A glacier is like a frozen river.

+ The smaller dirt and rocks are carried further by the water the melting glacier makes.

+ Hvítá is a river in Iceland that starts at the Hvítárvatn glacier lake on the Langjökull glacier in the highlands of Iceland at before dropping down into a narrow gorge at the Gullfoss waterfall.

+ A glacier starts in very high mountains where there is snow and ice all the year.

+ During World War II the United States Army built a port and railroad near the glacier and named the port Whittier.

+ For trekkers it is one of the technically easiest 5000m passes in Indian Himalaya, involving no glacier trekking nor steep climbs.

+ When a glacier melts, objects that were captured in it are revealed.

+ The trough of this glacier is very wide.

More in-sentence examples of “glacier”:

+ Rush Lake and Rush Peak can be reached via Nagar and Hopar and via the Hopar Glacier and Miar Glacier, which rises from Miar and Phuparash peaks.

+ The glacier can be approached via the important Balti town of Skardu.

+ It flows through a plain made by a glacier during the last ice age.

+ Today we can still see these caves above the glacier of Vignemale.

+ Vatnajökull is the largest glacier in Iceland.

+ Cut Bank is a city in Glacier County, MontanaGlacier County, Montana, United States.

+ Some Chemical Observations on Post-Glacial Lake Sediments, RSTB Glacial lakes are often surrounded other evidence of the glacier including drumlins, moraines, eskers, glacial striationsstriations and chatter marks.

+ Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek is a system of parks in Canada and the United States.

+ A glacial lake is a lake that is made as a glacier melts.

+ The borders are the southern coast of Alaska, stretching from the Alaska Peninsula and Kodiak Island in the west to the Alexander Archipelago in the east, where Glacier Bay and the Inside Passage are found.

+ Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

+ The Norwegian crime writer and glacier expert Monica Kristensen has written a novel set in Svalbard entitled “Operation Fritham”.

+ The alignment of the Shyok river is very unusual, originating from the Rimo glacier it flows in a SE direction and at joining the Pangong range it takes a NW turn and flows parallel to its previous path.

+ The glacier went down as far as Long Island.

+ The glacier flows at a rate of 20-35 metres per day, resulting in around 20 billion tons of icebergs breaking off and leaving the fjord every year.

+ The thicker the glacier is, the more blue it appears.

+ The glacier gives rise to the Shigar River, which is a tributary of the Indus River.

+ The park has many Grizzly Bears, Glacier Bear, Dall’s Sheep, Mountain Goats, Kenai moose, Grey Wolfgrey wolves, eagles, trumpeter swans, Sea lions, and Humpback whales.

+ After this happens for many years, the glacier will start growing large.

+ When a glacier moves downhill,it pushes pulls rocks with it.

+ The “Mattertal” is a valley that was made by a glacier moving down from the mountain.

+ Lava erupts underneath an overlying glacier or ice sheet.

+ When a big glacier melts, it leaves a valley of a deep U-shape.

+ The strategic importance of the glacier is debatable, military experts say.

+ Moraines may be on the glacier’s surface or deposited as piles or sheets of debris where the glacier has melted.

+ Rush Lake and Rush Peak can be reached via Nagar and Hopar and via the Hopar Glacier and Miar Glacier, which rises from Miar and Phuparash peaks.

+ The glacier can be approached via the important Balti town of Skardu.

+ That was just after an ice age, after a glacier that covered the ground had receded.

+ It is a typical Lake District narrow “ribbon lake” formed after the last ice age when a glacier scooped out the valley floor.

+ A glacier is a large body of ice and snow.

+ The line of control along the eastern most region of Ghanche District cuts through the Siachen Glacier and is not permanent because of the conflict.

+ Glaciers cover approximately 11% of the island and the largest, Vatnajökull, is up to 1km thick and, by far, the largest glacier in Europe.

+ There are UN patrols on the line of control, there is rather heavy fighting about the Siachen Glacier between India and Pakistan.

+ The Siachen Glacier lies part way up the latter valley.

+ The confluence of the main Baltoro Glacier with the Godwin Austen Glacier is known as Concordia; this location and K2 base camp are popular trekking destinations.

+ It gets its water from a powerful glacier fed stream high in the Pamir Knot at the eastern end of Afghanistan’s “Wakhan Corridor”, and does not end at the sea but spreads out into the sands of Turkmenistan’s” Kyzyl Kum” desert instead of the inland Aral Sea as it did in former times.

+ The Siachen Glacier is in the eastern Karakoram range in the Himalaya Mountains along the disputed India-Pakistan interim border at approximately.

+ During the summer, a lot of glacier rock falls into the lake from the Peyto creek.

+ The Siachen Glacier and the bordering Saltoro Range first saw military action in 1984 when the Indian Army occupied the glacier and the Saltoro range to prevent Pakistan from occupying the area.

+ The second longest in the Karakoram Mountains is the Biafo Glacier at 63 km.

+ The river starts from a glacier called Gangotri Glacier, which is in the Garhwal region in Himalayas.

+ The Perito Moreno Glacier is a glacier in the southwest of Santa Cruz Province, ArgentinaSanta Cruz province, Argentina.

+ The Actual Ground Position Line refers to the current position that divides Indian and Pakistani troops in the Siachen Glacier region.

+ It is also near Glacier National Park.

+ Lake McDonald is the largest lake in Glacier National Park.

+ I have read that the Shiazen glacier is occupied by India.

+ They are some of the few mountains which have an existing glacier in Japan.

+ This sediment piles up on the land where the glacier had been, a broad, smooth stretch called an “outwash plain”.

+ Stanley Glacier on the northeast face of the peak can be seen up close by following a hiking trail into a hanging valley between the peak and a southern outlier of Storm Mountain.

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