“get to” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “get to”:

– Click on this link to get to the article.

– It is the way to get to the Singapore Harbor.

– Just before the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the first battles of the Revolution, the British had two choices for how they could get to Lexington and Concord.

– The player can get to the end of each level by walking, jumping and flying.

– If you’re don’t get to cherry pick which parts are ok and which parts are not.

get to how to use in sentences
get to how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “get to”:

– By interacting, the two people get to the same understanding.

– He could not get to the top.

– This makes it harder for oxygen to get to the lungs.

– This tunnel had the Whomping Willow built over it, so nobody could get to him by mistake.

– This is the first router your computer will connect to in order to get to the internet.

– At first, you had to double-click the home button on the lock screen to get to the camera button, but it was changed in iOS 5.1 so that you could swipe up on the camera button.

– He also believed he should get to decide who in Italy counted as part of the Italian nation and he should get to throw out or arrest anyone he said did not count as a real Italian.

- By interacting, the two people get to the same understanding.

- He could not get to the top.
- This makes it harder for oxygen to get to the lungs.

– And the Yuna River has been filling the Samaná Bay with solid materials and only small boats can get to the port.

– In the summer of 1769 Boone and five companions used the warrior’s trail to get to Kentucky.

– Even when I’m less-than-active on enwiki, I still try to take care of Oversight requests if I get to them in time.

– After they get to Mackinac Island, many visitors buy locally made fudge.

More in-sentence examples of “get to”:

– The player controls the character Jak or the character Daxter in jumping puzzles to get to a goal.

– If you roll doubles, you get to take another turn after this one is over.

– Given that there are red-links, how did this get to VGA? I don’t remember this wiki ever having an article on 1999 French Open – Women’s Doubles.

– This makes it easier for blood and oxygen to get to the brain.

– In the episode Dial N for Nerder, Martin Prince is seemingly killed by Bart Simpson and Lisa Simpson who then cover up what happened and Nelson tries to get to the bottom of it.

– Light leaves the star and takes 100 years to get to us.

– This lets gas and petroleum from source rocks get to reservoir rocks.

– The play even won him a Hopwood Award and people started to get to know him.

– It is possible to get to the Hamlet hamlet of Fouillouse by car; here there is parking lot.

– This was after the team finished third in the league and did not get to the Champions League qualification stage.

– However, in many cases readers should be able to figure out how to pronounce a word simply by looking at the respelled pronunciation if they cannot get to grips with IPA.

– But I’d like to congratulate all beneficial editors who have helped us get to where we are now.

– In March 1941 he and his wife managed to get to New York.

– Newman wanted people to get to know good classical music.

– Later on, Nancy Milford, the writer who also wrote “million-selling Zelda”, published the first biography about Millay’s life in the book, “Savage Beauty: The Life of Edna St Vincent Millay” in 2001, giving the entire world a chance to get to know the life of this famous author.

– In other words, they get stuck on one peak, and can’t get to another because getting there would make them less competitive.

– It takes several hours to get to Snowdon in Wales.

– The bees take the nectar and some pollen back to their hive, and the tomato plants get to reproduce.

– While you are in Jail, you still roll the dice on your turn but you don’t get to move your token.

– Thousand Island Bridge Authority is doing a study to find out when the bridge will get to its working limits and how to make no waiting time on the bridge.

– It is used as a different way to get to Dover, other than the M20.

– Parth and Teni, on seeing this, decide to go to Nainital where they get to know Shorvori might be staying.

– Sliding helps them get to places faster.

– The player must explore to find items and powers that let him or her get to new areas.

– Instead, I get to be an administrator for a period of time and you guys get to completely critize and be very speculative about my abilities as an administrator.

– When more than three networks operate in the same place, signals still get to the user correctly, but interference slows them.

– They managed to get to the coast where a British warship picked them up.

– My mother wanted me to get to know my father, she wanted me to know Brazil and the language, and she realised life in Brazil would be better for a child.” Piquet has two sisters, Kelly and Julia, and four brothers, Geraldo, Laszlo, Pedro and Marco.

– I will get to work right away and hopefully re-propose it soon.

– He helped Lori and Carl get to Atlanta.

– We can get to Hachijō-jima by both an Fixed-wing aircraftairplane or by a ferry.

– Serfs had to give their best animal to their lord when they died, so that their children would get to stay on the land.

– This makes it impossible for blood to get to part of the heart, and causes a heart attack.

– Inverness Airport is an important way to get to the Scottish Highlands.

– Calculating the sum shows that the time required to get to the speed of light is only 97seconds.

– When they get to the house, Anna discovers Gabrielle is still alive.

– Meets 7 of the GA criteria – has the capibillity to get to GA.

– With only a single, vulnerable Mole mole available for embarking on deep-draft ships, the Royal Navy requisitions civilian vessels in Great Britain that can get to the beach.

– This piece shows off each instrument of the orchestra in turn so that young people can get to know the sound of the musical instruments.

– Therefore, total 12 players get to play on a field.

– In the NFC Championship game, The NFC team will get to beat the Green Bay Packers.

– Comets disturbed by the Oort cloud will take about two million years to get to the inner Solar System.

– It is possible to get to Nufărul by tram and bus.

– Before the bridge was built, the only way people could get to Anglesey island was by a ferry from Holyhead.

– The player will usually have to find keys or switches to open all the locked doors before they can get to the exit of a level.

– Using various objects such as floating bubbles and bellows, the candy must also be manipulated around obstacles to get to Om Nom’s mouth.

- The player controls the character Jak or the character Daxter in jumping puzzles to get to a goal.

- If you roll doubles, you get to take another turn after this one is over.

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