“genome” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “genome”:

+ They believe that having a human genome is enough for a developing organism to be called a living human being.

+ Precise genome modification in the crop species “Zea mays” using zinc-finger nucleases.

+ In May 2000, researchers working on the Human Genome Project announced that the sequence of base pairs which make up this chromosome had been identified.

+ It is one of the organisms whose entire genome is known, and many hundreds of genes have been identified and studied.

+ Those with DNA genomes use an RNA intermediate during genome replication.

+ Sulston played a central role in both the “Caenorhabditis elegans” roundworm and human genome sequencing projects.

+ Pacific Biosciences stated they may not release their second-generation machine capable of a US$1,000 genome until 2013.

+ It is believed that the entire yeast genome underwent duplication about 100 million years ago.

genome how to use in sentences
genome how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “genome”:

+ In eukaryotes the viral genome must cross the cell’s nuclear membrane to access this machinery, while in bacteria it need only enter the cell.

+ From genome to “venome”: molecular origin and evolution of the snake venom proteome inferred from phylogenetic analysis of toxin sequences and related body proteins.

+ The Human Genome Project produced a reference sequence which is used worldwide in biology and medicine.

+ Oetzi the Iceman’s nuclear genome gives new insights.

+ The full genome of the virus is integrated into the genome of the wasp and the virus only replicates in a particular part of the ovary of pupal and adult female wasps.

+ The entire genome of “Dictyostelium discoideum” was published in “Nature” in 2005.25,000 genes on 23 chromosome pairs.

+ The forces of natural selection have continued to operate on human populations, with evidence that certain regions of the genome show selection in the past 15,000 years.

+ In the two books “Darwin’s Radio” and “Darwin’s Children” he writes about the problem of overpopulation with a mutation the human genome making, basically a new series of humans.

+ Meiosis cancels epigenetic changes, and resets the genome to its baseline state, so the process unfolds in each new generation.

+ The tammar wallaby is the marsupial chosen for the genome sequencing project.

+ There was competition between Celera and the publicly funded Human Genome Project, which got much comment.

+ In eukaryotes the viral genome must cross the cell's nuclear membrane to access this machinery, while in bacteria it need only enter the cell.

+ From genome to "venome": molecular origin and evolution of the snake venom proteome inferred from phylogenetic analysis of toxin sequences and related body proteins.
+ The Human Genome Project produced a reference sequence which is used worldwide in biology and medicine.

More in-sentence examples of “genome”:

+ The genome uses the parts of the bacterium to replicate inside it.

+ The human genome is closer to that of other primates than to other vertebrates, and closest to chimpanzee.
+ In his book, he also suggested that vertebrate genome is the result of one or more entire genome duplications.

+ The genome uses the parts of the bacterium to replicate inside it.

+ The human genome is closer to that of other primates than to other vertebrates, and closest to chimpanzee.

+ In his book, he also suggested that vertebrate genome is the result of one or more entire genome duplications.

+ The amphioxus genome and the evolution of the chordate karyotype.

+ Methods for generating precise deletions and insertions in the genome of wild-type Escherichia coli: Application to open reading frame characterization.

+ In February 2009, Complete Genomics announced that it had sequenced its first human genome and gave the results to the National Center for Biotechnology Information database.

+ In 2010, the fruit’s genome was sequence analysissequenced as part of research on disease control and selective breeding in apple production.

+ The genome is a circular chromosome of 159,662 base pairs and has a high coding density with many overlapping genes and reduced gene length.

+ The human genome contains just over 20,000 protein-coding genes, far fewer than had been expected.

+ Then they inject their genome into the bacterium.

+ Its genome is much less densely packed than any other known virus.

+ Before being appointed director of the NIH, Collins led the Human Genome Project and other genomics research initiatives as director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, one of the 27 institutes and centers at NIH.

+ Complete genome analysis has been done on over 800 species and strains.

+ Church started the Personal Genome Project in 2005, Church G.M.

+ They are among a handful of animals where the full genome has been sequenced.

+ The second is a site on the genome where the cassettes are inserted, and a promoter which drives expression of cassette-associated genes.

+ The genome of the virus is composed of multiple segments of double-stranded DNA packed in capsid proteins and a double or single layer envelope.

+ Distinct types of rRNA operons exist in the genome of the actinomycete “Thermomonspora chromogena” and evidence for horizontal gene transfer of an entire rRNA operon.

+ Other regions in the genome can influence when and where these proteins are produced.

+ Walton was an important figure in the development and funding of the Human Genome Project.

+ He is known for his discoveries of disease genes and his leadership of the Human Genome Project.

+ Its entire genome of seven chromosomes has been sequenced.

+ Though “Trichoplax” has a small genome in comparison to other animals, nearly 87% of its 11,514 protein-coding genes are similar to known genes in other animals.

+ In vertebrate animal cells nearly all the 100,000+ DNA transposons in a genome code for inactive polypeptides.

+ So far very few birds have had their total genome analysed.

+ In 2013, the entire HeLa cell line genome sequence was made public without the consent of Lacks’ surviving family.

+ A genome is all the genes in an living thing and the other pieces of DNA and RNA that help them work.

+ The Phaeodactylum genome reveals the evolutionary history of diatom genomes.

+ Officially, genetic engineering is the direct manipulation of the genome with techniques developed in the 1970s.

+ Automated sequencing software in Genome Therapeutics Corp.

+ At present whole genome sequencing is still very expensive, but fortunately, simpler and cheaper methods are available.

+ The DNA copy is then inserted into the genome in a new position.

+ Mimivirus has a large and complex genome compared with most other viruses.

+ The chromosomes of Afrotheria and their bearing on mammalian genome evolution.

+ Human genome sequencing using unchained base reads on self-assembling DNA nanoarrays.

+ The genome sequence of the filamentous fungus “Neurospora crassa”.

+ Each of the eight genome segments may be present in at least one undamaged copy.

+ According to a genome study done by the Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium, humans share either 96% or 95% of their DNA with chimpanzees.

+ Until the discovery of pandoraviruses in 2013 it had the largest capsid diameter of all known viruses, and the largest and most complex genome among all known viruses.

+ As sequencing of the worm genome proceeded, the project to sequence the human genome began.

+ A plastome is the DNA genome of a plastid.

+ Heihachi learned that his own genome did not have the Devil Gene, but he knew someone who had it, Jin Kazama.

+ The Institute is on the Wellcome Genome Campus near the village of Hinxton, outside Cambridge.

+ It was the first plant genome to be sequenced, completed in 2000 by the Arabidopsis Genome Initiative.

+ Heihachi’s goal was to make a new life form by splicing Ogre’s genome with his own.

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