“generalized” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “generalized”:

– In modeling the position vectors of atoms in macromolecules it is often necessary to convert from Cartesian coordinates to generalized coordinates.

– Slater, Lucy Joan, Generalized hypergeometric functions, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

– In Arabic languageArabic the term can be generalized to mean any province of a country that is administered by a member of the ruling class, especially of a member of the royal family, as in Saudi Arabian governorates.

– A three-dimensional structure can be described using the Flory convention by applying a vector conversion from the Cartesian coordinates to the generalized coordinates.

– Bergman suffered from bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety disorder which she hid from her family and friends.

generalized - sentence examples
generalized – sentence examples

Example sentences of “generalized”:

- During the Cenozoic, mammals diverged from a few small, simple, generalized forms into a diverse collection of terrestrial, marine, and flying animals.

- The following table includes all of the above examples along with other operations in a condensed, generalized form.
- The results output by a good computer algebra system are often exact, simple, and generalized to work in all possible cases.

– During the Cenozoic, mammals diverged from a few small, simple, generalized forms into a diverse collection of terrestrial, marine, and flying animals.

– The following table includes all of the above examples along with other operations in a condensed, generalized form.

– The results output by a good computer algebra system are often exact, simple, and generalized to work in all possible cases.

– Mathematicians have different sizes of infinity and three different kinds of infinity.To simply, we will assume several axioms like the Axiom of Choice and the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis.

– Like with depression and generalized anxiety disorder, SSRIs are not a cure; people need to participate in counseling and other treatments too.

– He generalized his ideas to define orthomolecular medicine, which is still regarded as alternative medicineunorthodox by conventional medicine.

– They make medications for bipolar disorder, clinical depression, generalized anxiety and others.

– More existing breed causes of death for the Bearded Collie include: Skin conditions, such as Pemphigus foliaceuspemphigus foliaceous and black skin disease, follicular dysplasia, musculoskeletal conditions such as congenital elbow luxation, ocular conditions, such as corneal dystrophy, cataract and generalized progressive retinal atrophy.

– It is also known as the majority criterion for solid coalitions and the generalized majority criterion.

– Even more general is the generalized cylinder: the cross-section can be any curve.

– Euler’s formula was about the number of edges, vertices, and faces of a convex polyhedron was studied and generalized by Augustin Louis CauchyCauchy and is at the origin of topology.

– The generalized mollusk has two paired nerve cords, or three in bivalves.

– This can be generalized to any number of dimensions.

– Also, it is irrelevant in what way this correspondence is established.”In 1939, the Bourbaki generalized the Dirichlet definition, and gave a set-theoretic version of the definition as a correspondence between inputs and outputs; this was used in schools from about 1960.

– When Einstein generalized classical physics to include the increase of mass due to the velocity of the moving matter, he arrived at an equation that predicted energy to be made of two components.

– The generalized mollusk is bilaterally symmetrical and has a single, “limpet-like” shell on top.

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