“gaol” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “gaol”:

– When the gaol was closed, the beam and the trapdoor were taken back to the Melbourne Gaol to be part of its historical display.

– In 1832 a guard from the Richmond Gaol was murdered at Richmond bridge.

– In 1929, 32 bodies were moved from the Old Melbourne GaolMelbourne Gaol during the building of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

– When he died from a fever in gaol in March 1863, this was seen to be caused by Pottinger’s cruelty.

– He made some money in gaol by making shoelaces.

– He was kept in the gaol at Kyneton for seven weeks.

gaol how to use?
gaol how to use?

Example sentences of “gaol”:

– The Old Melbourne Gaol is a large, historic prison in Melbourne, Victoria Victoria, Australia.

– After four years he was given a ticket of leave which meant he was able to leave the gaol as long as he reported to the police every three months.

– The Huron Historic Gaol is a National Historic Site.

– His mother, Ellen Kelly was put in gaol for 4 years for trying to murder Fitzpatrick.

– The gaol had 6 cells and 2 dungeons.

– He said he had not killed the animal, but in court he was sent to gaol for ten years.

– As he was being taken back to gaol in Sydney he escaped.

– Frank Gardiner was working in the area after six years gaol for stealing horses.

– As soon as he was let out of gaol in Sydney, he was arrested for the Mount Egerton robbery.

- The Old Melbourne Gaol is a large, historic prison in Melbourne, Victoria Victoria, Australia.

- After four years he was given a ticket of leave which meant he was able to leave the gaol as long as he reported to the police every three months.
- The Huron Historic Gaol is a National Historic Site.

– Judge Redmond Barry sent him to Pentridge Gaol for twelve years, the first two years spent in chains.

– He was put into Hobart gaol while he was being questioned about the gang.

– He was hanged on 25 April 1862, in the Bathurst Gaol before about fifty people.

– More serious criminal cases are heard before a Deemster sitting in the Court of General Gaol Delivery; in a defended case the Deemster sits with a jury of seven.

– In October 1870 he was sent to Beechworth, VictoriaBeechworth gaol for assault and for being rude to a lady.

– Today, Irish people think of Kilmainham Gaol as related to nationalism because many rebels and nationalists were prisoners in that jail.

– He would have been kept in the convict gaol at Port Arthur.

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