“gainsharing” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “gainsharing”:

– To avoid unnecessary bureaucracy, most companies ask managers/supervisors to lead departmental teams whose goals mesh with the overall objectives of a company’s Gainsharing plan.

– In terms of the calculation, a Gainsharing plan may have from one to six key performance measures.

– A very important part of a successful Gainsharing plan is the employee involvement element of Gainsharing.

– Today, companies use Gainsharing to both measure performance and reward employees when it improves.

– It is common for Gainsharing plans to have a “team-based” suggestion system in place.

– One of the first Gainsharing plans dates back to the 1930s.

– Because of these two parts, Gainsharing is best seen as an “organizational development” tool.

– There are two important parts of a Gainsharing system.

gainsharing - sentence examples
gainsharing – sentence examples

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