“gain” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “gain”:

– During the game, each team’s offense was required to gain ten yards in three downs instead of four to earn a new first down.

– It is done to gain trust and also possibly to gather evidence.

– For Pascal, the first of these options is the most important one because it represents the maximum gain and loss.

– In addition, these countries sought to gain more power in Europe and wanted Samoa due to the scarcity of unclaimed territory from 1870 onwards.

– If England did manage to gain independence, estimates say that it’d have the world’s 5th biggest economy and would be the 15th richest country in the world.

– The Confederation of Independent Football Associations is an organization for teams representing unrecognised states, subnational regions, and stateless minorities, as well as teams from recognised states that have not managed to gain entry into FIFA.

– Becoming aware of her illness, she decided to gain weight.

– For instance, if he needs to sneak up on men in the Army, the player might use a ventilation shaft and gain extra points, which can then be used like money to buy better aim with a pistol.

gain example in sentences
gain example in sentences

Example sentences of “gain”:

– Short films are generally used by filmmakers to gain experience.

– The baby owls will gain the ability to fly in about twenty-seven to twenty-eight days.

– In the next reward challenge, where family and loved ones of the players were brought to the islands, Jon had planned weeks before with his best friend to play the story of a “dead grandmother”, hoping to use it to gain sympathy.

– In spite of the loss, Jackson did gain a strategic victory.

– He can gain upgrades by clawing enemies.

– After year 1939 she used to ensure flats and gain secret information.

– A pendulum is a move where a wrestler does a tilting sequence, similar to that of a pendulum, in between the ropes to gain momentum to perform either an attack or counterattack.

– The mirrors on either side bounce the light back and forth, and this hits other parts of the optical gain medium, causing those parts to also release photons, generating more light.

– The alien queen from inside Ripley has also gain a new ability.

– Unions understood they had to minimize any activism among their members in order to gain favorable rulings from the NWLB.

– Vygotsky’s ideas did not gain fame in the United States until around twenty years later.

– Wildlife management has become an integrated science using disciplines such as mathematics, chemistry, biology, ecology, climatology and geography to gain the best results.

- Short films are generally used by filmmakers to gain experience.

- The baby owls will gain the ability to fly in about twenty-seven to twenty-eight days.

More in-sentence examples of “gain”:

– This is because most people gain white or gray hairs as they grow older.

– Chlorine atoms gain the electrons from the sodium atoms to form negatively charged chloride ions.

– This is a simple design; the type of optical gain medium used usually defines the type of laser.

– It does not involve information gain because it does not incline towards a specific result more than the other.

– The corals’ waste-products provide nutrients for the algae so, as with lichen, both partners gain from the association.

– They wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the environment of the island.

– By 1666 Athénaïs was trying to gain the favour of Louise de La Vallière, the mistress of king Louis.

– His theory to gain an edge over the Titans is to make Percy invincible by having him bathe in the River Styx, similar to the myth of Achilles.

– To date, “Make Mine Music” is the only movie in the List of Disney animated moviesDisney animated features canon not to gain a Region 4 and Region 2 DVD release.

– This made the population skyrocket, and also caused Kansas to gain the nickname “Bloody Kansas” because people were constantly fighting over this issue.

– So, LEED is a grid that helps us obtain a maximum gain of money, health conditions and restrictions on earth pollution.

– States gain or lose Representatives based on the count.

– Analytics uses the application of statistics, computer programming, and operations research to gain information from meanings of data.

– After they realized that they found a “New World” but not a new route to Asia, the main task of the Spanish was to gain the new lands.

– Maybe I’ll give it another shot after six months time and I promise to gain your trust within the lengthy period.

– Claimed to gain fame in Middle East after famous program Sera Alhob.

– They are trying to gain sympathy and show a need for more admins so they can pass RfA.

– Using COI allegations to harass an editor or to gain the upper hand in a content dispute is prohibited, and can result in a block or ban.

– Raffarin failed to gain the support of the French people for the European Constitution.

– Usually done by heels in order to gain the advantage in a match.

– At high enough temperatures, electrons in the sample atoms will gain enough energy to move into an excited state.

– To gain insight into this, recall that any two variables determine the third.

– Those who hold on too long to their Kula valuables gain a bad reputation in the system.

– Of the 9,000 males and females studied, findings stated that 48% of the subjects were at higher risk for weight gain and elevated blood sugar.

– He argued effectively to gain from his guardians what was left of his inheritance.

– Because of the different properties of the different metals, the electrons will lose potential energy and gain kinetic energy, just like a ball rolling over a hill to a lower area.

- This is because most people gain white or gray hairs as they grow older.

- Chlorine atoms gain the electrons from the sodium atoms to form negatively charged chloride ions.
- This is a simple design; the type of optical gain medium used usually defines the type of laser.

– As Germany now had a veto on League resolutions, she could gain concessions from other countries on modifications on the Polish border or Anschluss with Austria, as other countries needed her vote.

– The typhoon continued to gain strength, and early on October12, Reconnaissance Aircraft recorded a worldwide record-low Atmospheric pressurepressure of 870mbar.

– Noble families of Westeros fight amongst themselves to gain the Iron Throne.

– This can be used to gain information about the sample composition in terms of chemical groups present and also its purity.

– The fifth Dalai Lama was able to gain control of all of Tibet, and the Dalai Lama became not just the leader of the Gelug school but the leader of Tibet as well.

– Ahead of Nayak’s arrival in Mumbai, Sasya attempts to gain police trust as an informant.

– If the answer to one or more of the above is “yes”, the request will likely be declined with a suggestion to gain consent of the other-project user.

– On the other hand, when clouds gain electrical charges they have even higher voltages and the amperage can be very high.

– After the pagans of Mecca failed to gain control of Medina, the Muslims became stronger.

– It was what Abraham Lincoln and the new Republican Party Republican Party used to gain political power.

– They did this so they could get new spices or gain money and gold by selling their own.

– Some trails are specifically used by other outdoor enthusiasts to gain access to another feature, such as good climbing sites.

– She is known for becoming the first black Canadian concert singer to gain international fame.

– The laws are designed to stop companies using unfair practices to gain an advantage over their competitors.

– Their Voodoo video cards, which were 3D only accelerators, could be hooked up to a second Voodoo video card to gain more performance.

– A year before, the band had moved to America to try and gain success in the country, causing the band to lose popularity in the UK and Europe.

– Another way to gain is by building museums and set up cultural treaties with other players.

– When that news reached Mexico, Iturbide saw it as an opportunity for the criollos to gain control of Mexico.

– It was released in 1976, and it helped the Scorpions gain fans outside Europe.

– The RAF 11 Group rose to meet them in greater numbers than the “Luftwaffe” expected; 12 Group’s Big Wing took 20 min to gain formation and missed its intended target, but it came across another formation of bombers while it was still climbing.

– Stresemann hoped for an escalation of the Polish crisis, which would enable Germany to regain territories ceded to Poland after World War I, and he wanted Germany to gain a larger market for its products there.

– A lot of difficult users act like Internet trolls on meth: they bait and insult to get a reaction, and to see their victims suffer and react with justifiable rage, to gain an advantage over them.

– Then, about 4.68 billion years ago, the solar nebula began to contract, rotate and gain angular momentum.

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