“fuse” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “fuse”:

– When two light nuclei come into very close contact with each other it is possible for the strong force to fuse the two together.

– Many protozoa have contractile vacuoles, which are vacuoles that can fuse or pinch off from the outer membrane.

– The Fuse Awards are an enclosure to the Fuse Fangoria Chainsaw Awards.

– Several rivers run through Uozu—the Fuse River, the Katakai River, the Kado River, and the Hayatsuki River.

– Vesicles can also fuse with other organelles within the cell.

– If there happens to be an ovum or egg cell in a Fallopian tube, a sperm may fuse with the ovum.

fuse example in sentences
fuse example in sentences

Example sentences of “fuse”:

– The circuit breaker will open, or “break”, the circuit when the current in that circuit becomes too high, or the fuse will “blow”.

– Some believe that the orgasm helps the sperm in the man’s semen to swim up the vagina into the cervix, so that it is more likely that a sperm cell will fuse with an egg cell.

– Iron cannot fuse with other atoms.

– To protect against this, a fuse or a device called a “circuit breaker” can be wired into a circuit.

– In most eukaryotes, the vesicles with proteins inside fuse with piles of flattened vesicles called the Golgi bodies, where the proteins inside are changed again.

– This produces small, mobile gametes that fuse to form a small binucleate cell.

– Nyla and Fuse ODG, “Cold Water” feat.

– The accident causes Otto’s mechanical arms to fuse to his body, and it also destroyed the chip that allows him to control his arms.

– As growth proceeds, the nuclei swell, and then fuse forming a true diploid zygote giant cell.

- The circuit breaker will open, or "break", the circuit when the current in that circuit becomes too high, or the fuse will "blow".

- Some believe that the orgasm helps the sperm in the man's semen to swim up the vagina into the cervix, so that it is more likely that a sperm cell will fuse with an egg cell.

– It provides each circuit with its Power system protectionprotection system by using a fuse or circuit breaker.

– The smallest stars fuse their hydrogen slowly and live for 100 billion years.

– A very large amount of energy is released when light nuclei fuse together because the binding energy per nucleon increases with mass number up until nickel-62.

– To fuse hydrogen into helium it must be very hot and the pressure must be very high.

– Water droplets in clouds fuse around the pollutants.

– However, the metallic cores of the impactor would have sunk through the Earth’s mantle to fuse with the Earth’s core, depleting the Moon of metallic material.

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